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Taerin took a deep breath as she checked herself in front of the vanity mirror for one last time. Satisfied with the simple red buttoned-up dress that she accented with a thin leather mocha belt, she stood up and dragged her bag with the portfolio she was going to give to Vanessa.

She's on her way to Dominique Couture to meet up with an old friend, Vanessa Ire Dean, the Head Designer of Dominique Couture. She should have done this a long time, right after she came back from Europe. But due to some necessities and circumstances, she needs to push it back to help her Mom.

But now that her Mom was no longer in danger, she will do what she ought to do – to be a known designer for the Dominique Collection.

An additional three days were added to her Mom's stay in the hospital after Jinwoon and Daehan Shin visited her. That's for the assurance of her specialist to really know if she's really okay before she was discharged. But she was advised to take a vacation for her to rest and chase away stress.

Her Mom was stubborn at first because she was worried about the company. But thankfully, Seungcheol was there to assure her and pacify her worries.

Her Mom left yesterday with Jisoo and Seungkwan accompanying her along with her Aunt and Seungcheol's parents. They wanted to come with her Mom so she could have fun. Seungcheol and she would be at peace knowing that her Mom's going to be fine.

Seungcheol's parents.

Until now, she's still hesitant on calling them Mom and Dad, especially when Mr. Choi is on her ears. She's still not used to it even though she had stayed in the mansion for almost a week now.

She was on that thought when Vernon and Dino saw her.

"Nique noona, you're going out?" Dino asked. He was seated on a single couch and Vernon was on the carpeted floor all sprawled out. They were both half-naked with only a sweat-pant on. They seemed to be coming from a morning jog.

"Yes." She gestured with her portfolio in hand. "I have an appointment with a friend."

"Ooooh." Vernon grinned mischievously. "Friend? Girl friend or boy friend?"

"Now you're starting to sound like your brother," Taerin said chuckling. She's not offended. She knows that the two are just teasing her.

They've been at it for almost a week, and every time they see her with their brother. They're having fun teasing Seungcheol about him being all possessive and jealous.

Irene often tells her that Seungcheol doesn't show too much emotion, except when they were still kids. He's been hard since their Mom almost died. Starting when their Dad made Seungcheol study abroad to learn about the Empire, Seungcheol has never been the same, until now.

Now, he smiles and laughs along with them. She was catching a glimpse of his lost brother. So that's why they teased Seungcheol that way. Taerin realized it was their way to express their happiness.

"Thank you," Irene told her one night. "I know my brother's back because he has you again. He thinks he lost everything after taking over the Empire. He thought that he lost himself when he took over being the King of the Empire. But he's wrong. And you're the reason behind it."

"Eeey. It's a boy friend? You're smiling!"

She rolled her eyes jokingly at Dino. "Yes. And you can tell Seungcheol if you want to eat another meal of burnt food." She said laughing.

Vernon and Dino laughed along with her. Maybe they also remembered the burnt meal Seungcheol cooked for them the other night. He presented to the cook to show off so he lets the cook rest early.

BOOK 1: The Heir Series; Choi SeungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now