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Choi Seungcheol is there, in flesh and all his shining glory.

Her heart sped up at the sight.

He's wearing a three-piece suit and he stood out among the crowd of men around her. He's wearing a white suit – making him look like a glamorous real-time prince.

He looked a hundred more handsome with her hair brushed up. Her breath hitched when she caught his eyes. He is looking straight at her.

Her heart is erratically beating. What is Choi Seungcheol doing here? Didn't they break up already?

She didn't move until he reached in front of her. His eyes seemed to be hypnotizing her, making her stay still.

Without taking his eyes away from her, he offered his hand. "Dance with me?"

He held her hand instead of waiting for her to answer. She can't do anything but stand up and followed his lead. Besides, she wouldn't do something to catch herself into trouble. She can feel all eyes are on the two of them.

"Put your arms on my shoulder." He said as he snaked his arms on her waist.

"What are you doing, Seungcheol?" She asked gritting her teeth since she was trying to hold herself down because he is touching her in a very intimate way a man can do to her.

"Dancing with my lady." He answered, his eyes twinkling in enjoyment.

She's tall enough but she still looked up at Seungcheol. "I'm asking what you mean by these actions."

"Do you really have to ask that? I'm here to take what's mine." He's smiling but Taerin can see the seriousness in his eyes.

She held herself to scoff. "We broke up, remember?" It seems like he has already forgotten what he did to her. If he thinks that she can forgive him by just showing up tonight, then he thought wrong.

His jaw clenched and the smile on his face faded. "No we didn't." He said. "You were the only one who decided then. It was never a dual agreement, Taerin-ah."

"Then why show up just now, Seungcheol? You didn't bother to text or call. And now you'll tell me you're going to get what's yours? No one was yours in the first place, Choi Seungcheol."

He sighed. She knew he was fighting for control. "You gave me your phone, remember? And I don't have the guts to call you by telephone since your parents might wonder why.

He was right. She returned her phone to him. And she would hate him more if the news will reach her parents.

"And one more thing, I just wanted to give you space. I don't want to talk to you when you're angry. We can't solve anything when the both of us were too fed up." He even explained. He looked so sincere and she was starting to believe him but she can't let her pride down. Everytime she thinks about what she saw when he was with that girl, the plan to forgive him always vanishes. The fire of anger and pain always burns her, eating up her rational mind.

She tried getting herself away from him. She doesn't want to listen to his reasons anymore but it seems like Seungcheol was not planning on letting her go. Instead, he tightened his hold and pulled her closer to him, almost making their bodies touch.

"You're too close, Seungcheol." She shoots him a death glare but he just smiled at her.

"Did you like this dress?" He suddenly asked.

Her eyes widen at his question. "Y-you own this?" she asked, stuttering.

Seungcheol's smile turned into a grin. "Not that I own it. I just bought it for you."

BOOK 1: The Heir Series; Choi SeungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now