26 - Action

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Narrators POV

Terra pushed Melody and Kane along as they approached the hunters camp site.

"Would you stop pushing" Melody grunted. Pulling against the restraints keeping her wrists behind her back.

"Hey! Stop right there!" A guard yelled at the group.

"I mean you no harm. I have an offer but I need to speak to Hunter and Mal. Get them for me" Terra projected loud and confident.

"Why should I do that"

"Because I have an offer they can't refuse" she says as she shoves Melody to the ground in front of them.

"Terra why- don't do this please" Melody pleads looking back up to her. The Hunter seemed intrigued.

"Get up. Follow me." He pulls Melody to her feet abruptly and drags her along. They stop in front of a few jail cells. He throws Melody in one chaining her to the wall and gagging her. Doing the same to Kane in a separate cell. The two watch each other and then focus in on Terra.

"Don't try any funny business while I get the Grimborns" the guard says before walking off. While he was away Terra entered the cells and loosening the chains so that when the time was right they could free themselves easier. She returned to her post before they arrived as if nothing happened.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here" Hunter says as he approaches the cells. Peering in at Melody he smirks, and uncomfortable twinkle in his eye"

"Terra, my friend, what brings you with such gifts" Mal approaches her. Dragging her finger across Terra's cheek and she circles her.

"I want immunity. When you attack the other riders, which I know you will. I want you to leave me, my parents, their dragons and my dragon alone. In return you get these two... and the amulet" Terra says offering out the amulet. Mal went to Snatch it from her but she pulled back. "I want your word first"

"I think we can agree to that brother. Can't we?"

"Yes sister. Yes we can. Fishlegs, Heather, you and all your dragons now have immunity if, or should I say when we attack the edge." Terra hands over the amulet. Hunter holds it close to him. Rubbing his fingers in each engraving. Terra turns on her heals to leave, as the deal was done.

"Not so fast friend... where is the redhead" Mal questions.

Terra hesitates and lowers her head "... dead... there was an accident" she slowly looks over to them. They seemed to by it.

"I'm sorry for your loss. But I hope you appreciate the gain you earned today. Enjoy your new freedom friend" Mal waves her off and like that she was gone.

Melody's POV

"Now. As for you~" Hunter almost purrs as he enters my cell. I can see Kane out of the corner of my eye. He has a strong glare plastered across his face.

"Melody, Melody, Melody. Now that I have the amulet I don't need you~ but it will sure be fun to play with you. I bet your daddy would pay a lot to have you back" Hunter leans in and whispers in my ear, causing me to shudder. Memories of my time as his prisoner flash through my mind.

"You on the other hand. No one will want you. You have no family who will pay for you... or your body" Hunter smirks as he turns to Kane. Mal laughed maniacally. She had already entered his cell and was now gripping his face with her hand. She squished it up while he tried to back away but it was no use.

"Now sister, let us test this gift of mine!" He stands tall gripping the amulet. "For the destruction of Thor the dragons are mine to command" nothing happened. I smirk smeared across my face under the gag.

"What did you do" he demanded immediately ripping my gag off.

"Nothing. The amulet will no longer work with out its rightful wielder. And that's me. Try all you want it will never open for you" I snap back at him. Knowing good and well it was a lie. The real amulet was buried in my shirt. He was holding the fake Liam and Boulder worked to make before we were brought in.

"I will figure it out and make it work. If I don't so help me" Hunter forcefully yanked the cloth back over my mouth.

The siblings leave in frustration. Kane and I alone and separated. I work to free myself from the chains as soon as they were out of sight. It wasn't long before a guard took post outside our cages. I was able to remove myself from the chains, and pull the gag free once more. I look over to Kane who is flicking his eyes between me and the guard.

"For the protection of the dragons the seas are mine to command" I whisper so low I could barely hear it myself. I immediately pull the helmet over my face rendering myself invisible to others. Finding a pebble I toss it over away from the cells to pull the attention of the guard while I sneak into Kane's cell and unchain him. I pull his gag down and he stretches out his jaw. I press a button on my armor and a small medallion appears.

"Here" I hand him the coin and he clips it to his armor. I reach out and double tap it, this now allows him to be invisible also. He and I sneak past the guards undetected. Still being able to see each other, however, I signal him to go left while I go right.

Narrators POV

Both teens work their way down the cages of dragons. Kane used the knife on his hip to pick the locks. He would watch as the dragon slipped out and into the tree line, where either Hero or Evergreen were waiting to lead them to freedoms.

On Melody's side of the camp she ran into a few stubborn cages that the knife she had been using wasn't enough. She thought for a few minutes before coming up with a plan.

"Let's see what you can do" she whispered while twisting a knob on her belt. Plants began to have this golden glow to them. "Hmm" she bummed before visualizing the tall flower stretching into the lock. It was working. She began to imagine it growing and growing until *click* the door swung open. She smiled at her new ability before morning on down the line of cages.

Once both were done they approached the tree line themselves. 

"Liam" Kane whispered as he removed the medallion so he could be seen. "you here?" 

"look up" Liam was above Kane hovering on Boulder. "care for a lift?" He chuckled as they swooped down to pick him up. They flew back to the grove to find Terra had already returned with Melody. 

Melody's POV 

"good work gang" I announced. I turned on my heels to face Evergreen. "we got your dragons back. Im not sure what else we can do for your land. Im sorry Evergreen" 

"My land can be replaced. my colony can not. So I thank you dragon riders" She bows her head to the team. "I must leave though. I need to get them far from here while we have a head start" and like that she was off. we watched as she flew into the horizon with her dragons close by her side. Mission accomplished. 

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