34 - My Security

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Melody's POV 

Hero and I are finishing up our nightly patrol when I spot the club house lights still on. Thats odd, everyone should be in bed. "lets go see who it is, shall we?" Hero glides in and lands with a soft thud on the club house bridge. I walk over and pop my head in to see Kane sitting at the table. 

"hey" I make myself known. He shoots out of the chair like he was ready to fight, gripping the handle of his axe. "Woah, easy dude" I throw my hands up in surrender. 

"oh, hi. Sorry I didn't know you were back yet"  He calmly lowers is blade before returning to his seat. 

"Its ok, couldn't sleep?" I approach him, taking the open chair beside him.

"nightmares." He lays his forehead on the table in defeat. "they wont go away" 

"yeah, I get it. Ive been there" 

"but I don't understand. Its not like she beat me. I don't understand why I'm still so afraid" Kane glances up at me, clearly he's been crying. 

"Kane don't say that. Trauma is trauma. She didn't have to lay a finger on you, she mentally and pshycoligically hurt you. It was still a scary experience." I place a hand on his shoulder trying to console him. 

"it brought up so much of my past... she isn't nearly as bad as my dad was... but the resemblance is there... locking me in my room, scaring me straight, threatening my life..." he pauses and look up at me. "Im going to have a scar from Chances strike." He pulls at the bandage from his neck to show me the marking it left. "its not an easy thing to hide..." 

"you don't need to hide it. no one will judge you" I reassure him. 

"I know they wont... it's just another reminder of my past" I see him glide his fingers across his shirt.

"another?" I question. all he does is lift his shirt enough for me to see the messy scar on his chest. It was at least 6 inches across and clearly didn't heal properly. 


"She didn't do that one... My mother did... I was 7 when she struck me with her axe." He pulled his shirt back down covering up his past.

"I-I had no idea"

"That was the point. Liam and I didn't want it to be public knowledge, at least not yet. He left his family for me... I felt horrible Melody." 

"what if we go back and get them?" He shoots his head up at me. 

"I can go back there. If they see me they wont hesitate to end my life, and Liam's" I notice his shaking hand and take it in my own. 

"ok, then we wont go." I smile softly and wipe away a tear that had rolled down his cheek. We sit in silence for a while. The soft sounds of the waves outside and the snoring dragons behind us filled the room.

"they will fade ya know" I finally broke the silence, turning back to him. "they wont disappear. But they will become less frequent. I promise." 

"You still get them?"

"yes, It's always the same scene. Im back on hunters boat. For what feels like hours i'm surrounded by his men... until i'm not. He will be dangling me over the water, in pain and scared, and with out fail I wake up whenI hit the water... every time. When Im awake Im sweating and shaking, but Hero is always there. Curled up at the foot of my bed. She is my sense security, Kane... You will find yours" I share at Kane, speaking in a soft whisper. 

"I have" Was all he mumbled before her leaned in and kissed me. Shocked at first but, I didn't pull away. I cup his face with my hands, kissing back. After a moment He pulls away. "you are my security" he smiles softly. I feel my cheeks heat up. At a loss of words I stare at him, mouth ajar, not sure if im breathing or not. 

"oh my Thor, Im sorry... I shouldn't have done that" Kane pushes himself out of the chair backing for the door. "please forget I said , o-or did anything"

"NO" I quickly walk to him. Taking his hands in mine I quickly kiss him again. Pulling away I see him gazing into my eyes. I yank him into a tight hug. "I love you" I whisper into his chest. 

There was a hesitance, but when it came I knew he meant it, "I love you too" 

HEYYYY short one but hopefully a good one. Welcome to the world of love. HAHA they need a ship name... Mane? Kalody? lol idk. bye all. Thanks for reading this far. :D

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