12 - Foe

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"It doesn't seem like anyone els was with her, or followed her." I say while looking around while on Hero's back. "I know girl. I don't trust her either. But right now we have no choice, we cant just throw her back out to sea. Because if she really is telling the truth we don't want to do that to her." I reply to my dragon, and no she doesn't speak like a human but i understand her sounds and looks. We have a connection. Every rider has that kind of connection with their dragon.
"Alright girl lets head back down." I pat her head and we dive back down to the landing zone. When we land i hope off and walk over to the club house. There was no one here. I sit down and my mind starts to wonder, eventually it lead back to Hunter. "Ugh.. what does that Grimborn want.. the dragon eyes were destroyed... what els would he want." I question aloud. "I could be of service" i heard Mal. I jump in shock. "Oh. It's just you.." i say. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scar you. I was just exploring and I couldn't help but over hear you." She says. "So you're an ease dropper too." I hear Kane walk in and make a snarky remark. "I-I'm sorry." She mumbled. "Don't be... just know.. you may have gotten into Terra's head.." Kane pauses. "But you wont get into ours." Liam say and walks in behind Kane. "We don't trust you, and how could we, you wear the hunter's emblem." Kane crosses his arms. "And I swear on a my father's name, you hurt a single hair on Terra's head, i will end you myself" i give her a strong glare. "I- i sorry, what can i do to gain your trust?" She asks in guilt. But before any of us could answer Terra walks in. "what's going on here?" She asks obliviously. "Nothing. Just leaving" i say and push past Mal. I could feel their eyes watching me as i stormed out.  Hero was close behind me. I cross my arms tightly and walk to the beach. I sit down and lay my head down on my knees. the sun was going down and the tide was coming in. I sat where the waves would just hit my feet. i look up while moving a stray hair from my face and see Hero playing and splashing in the water. I glance over at the head band that Mal had thrown down earlier. I reach over and pick it up. I rub my thumb over the emblem. "Hey. Are you alright?" I hear terra. I quickly hide the head band. "Oh. Um. Yeah. I'm fine" i stumble for words. "Melody. I'm your best friend, we've known each other since birth. I know you're not ok.." she pauses. I lay my head back down on my knees and i feel her place her hand on my back. "What happened back there?" She continues to question. "Terra. I'm really sorry. But... i don't want to talk about it" i say and it came out muffled because of my face being between my knees. "Ok.. well.. you can talk to me anytime you need. Ok? You can trust me" she tells me before getting up and walking away with out another word. "It's not you i have trust issues with" i mumble. I then felt hero curl up around me. With her next to me i was able able to fall asleep pretty quick.

One week later
Terras POV

"I'm going on patrol!" Melody yelled before taking off. "hey Kane can i speak with you?" I ask him. "Sure." He says and i pull him aside. "Melody hasn't been acting the same ever since Mal showed up" I whisper. "Yeah. I know. She's just adjusting" he tells me. " but I'm not so sure that all it is. She's been training around the clock, she's been on patrol every chance she gets. She doesn't eat with the group. She's hardly sleeping. Kane I'm worried about her." I go on. "Terra listen to me. There are explanations for all of those... she's Astrid's daughter, she's gunna train hard, she's being cautious and she likes patrol, maybe she isn't hungry when we are, and as for sleep, that i don't really have an explanation for but... Terra.. she's melody, she's our leader, she's worried about Hunter. That's all" he pats me on the shoulders before walking away. I sigh and mumble "i hope that's all it is..."

"Hey guys... shouldn't melody be back by now?" Lima walks in. Kane and i have just been hanging, Mal has been having some me time, and melody left for patrol about an hour and a half ago. It normally only take about 30 minutes. "Yeah your right.. and where's Mal?" Kane adds. "Probably in my hut, there's where she was earlier." I tell them. The boys share a look but I didn't get it. "Well, we should find melody." Liam says before leaving the club house and getting on boulders back, Kane and i were close behind him.

Melodys POV

"You know. I was starting to trust you.. I really was" i say while facing Mal, we were in the woods. I had my axe in my hands and Hero was ready to shoot at anytime beside me. "I knew you were on to me. That's why i told a story that i knew Terra would fall for" she laughed. All i did was glare. "You know she really isn't that's smart" she states and that's when i lost it. "I will kill you!!" I yell and run to her and she swings her sword at me. I swing my axe to block her. "You cant beat me. I know all your tricks. all of my 'me' time i spend watching you" she smirks at me. "So your a spy, an ease dropper, and a stalker. What am i dealing with?"  I look her dead in the eyes.

Kanes POV

"Ugh, where is she?!" I yell in frustration "don't worry Kane, she's here somewhere." Liam reassures me, but i could tell he was unsure. "This is crazy, she wouldn't just disappear like this" terra says. I have a huge feeling Mal was involved in this.

Melody's POV

"You cant beat me! I am the daughter of Vigo Grimborn!" She yells. "So your hunters sister.. now that I didn't see coming" i admit. All she did was laugh then lunged at me. I go to block but she knocked my axe right out of my hands. She kicked and punched me and i went tumbling. "Hero!" I call for her. "Shoot!" I yell again. She shoots exactly where i wanted her to. "Ha. Lousy shot. She missed." Mal smirks at me but all i do is smirk back. "Actually she didn't. That was her distress call" i inform her. Mal's smirk turned to a glare. She quickly punched me and my head hit the tree behind me.. my vision went fuzzy and then everything went black.

Kane's POV

"Look!!" Liam yelled. "heros distress call!!" He continued. "Go! Go go go! Get to her!" I yell and Spike picks up spread. "I'm coming Melody, hold on" i mumble.

When we got to the spot where the call came from we land but no one was here. "No! Where are they!" I yell in frustration. Then i hear a rustle in the bushes. I ready my blades and approach it cautiously. Then Hero jumps out from behind it and tackles me in excitement. "Hero! Where's  melody??" I question. She gave me a sad look then glanced out to sea. "No.. they got her..."i say and look back to terra and Liam. "Who could have done this?" Terra seemed scared. "Was it mal?" I look back at hero and she glares. "I knew it! She couldn't be trusted!" I yell in frustration. "No.. no no no. How. I trusted her, and she betrayed me.. and took my best friend" I turn to see terra on her knees. Liam has his hand on her back trying to comfort her. I look out to sea. "I will find you melody, hang in there" I mumble hoping she is safe.

Melody and the ridersWhere stories live. Discover now