18 - The Islands

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Meldoy's POV

"alright sleepy heads! time to rise and shine! we have a long day ahead of us! get ready and meet in the training arena with you dragons in 10!" i yell into the big horn we use for wake up or announcements if we aren't all together. when there wasn't any movement i went around to everyone's hut and opened the doors and windows to let the light in. "ugh! Melody! leave me alone!" kane yelled. "oh shut up" i smile at him before pulling him by the legs out of bed. "spike! help me!" he yelled and all spike did was laugh. "Spiiike!" he groaned. i laughed before dropping him on the floor and moving on to the next one. i went into Liam's and he was getting up out of his bed. i smile before going to Terra's. i went to open the door but she opened it first. i smile at her and she smiles at me. "ready already?" i ask. "you know it." she smiled.

10 minutes later

"Alright gang!" I start. Everyone was gathered in the Training arena. "Does everyone have everything they will or might need?" I ask. They all respond with yes. "Does your dragon have everything he or she will need? Food? Armor?" I ask again it was yes. "Does everyone have their weapons? Just Incase we come across hunters" I say. They all nod. "Alright then, we should get going." I say while getting on Hero.   "To the amulet!" I hear Kane yell in excitement. "To the amulet!!" The rest of us yell back. We take off.

Hero seemed to know where she was going. Every once in awhile she would look back to the other dragons. They would communicate then continue on. "We should stop soon. I need to stretch my legs and the dragons need a rest" Terra suggests. "Sounds good. Lets stop at this rock stack" i say while hero dives down to land. The others followed. When we all landed i got off hero. I dug through my bag for an apple to give her. After i give her it i turn to the others. "We've been flying for hours, i wander if we are getting close." Liam says. Hero responded. It seemed like a yes and the other dragons agreed. "Good to know" Kane says. "Yeah" i reply. "Just a few more minutes then we should get going" i say and the others nod. They all fed their dragons before we took off again.

We've been flying for about 40 minutes since our break. All of a sudden Hero comes to a quick stop. "Woah girl. What's wrong?" I ask her. "Melody..." i hear Terra start. "Yeah?" I look back to her. "Look up" kane adds. I look up confused at what would be up there. "Oh.. my.. Thor..." i was shocked. "Ive never seen anything like that.." Liam says. "Same dude" kane agrees. "It's beautiful" Terra adds. It was a floating island, it seemed so alive, there were many dragons flying around it.

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"So that's where the amulet is?" I ask hero. She gives a small nod. "Alright gang, we don't want to disturb anything that lives here, we go in quietly find the amulet and get out. And keep your guard up, we have no idea how these dragons will react to humans." I instruct. "Sounds good." Kane agrees. we fly in quietly and land in an open area. The island isn't huge but it still petty big. There is a huge tree on it, like way bigger than any tree I've ever seen. "Partner up. Liam and terra you two are a pair, kane you're with me." "We'll take the west side" terra announces. "Alright, then we've got east" kane says. We were still on our dragons backs when we parted ways. Hero and i were leading. "So where exactly would we find this amulet?" Kane asks me. "No clue. I don't think the dragons know the answer either." I reply. I'm keeping a close eye on our surroundings. So far none of the dragons have bothered us. "Maybe the dragons here are friendly." I say while spotting one flying above us. It seemed to be a deadly nadder. "Yeah maybe" Kane agreed. All of a sudden we were shot at. "Maybe we spoke to soon. Take to the air!" I yell. Hero flies up and Spike was close behind. "We cant hurt it. We have to prove we aren't a threat!" I yell again. "and how exactly do you suggest we do that?!" Kane yelled. I didn't respond at first, i spotted something glowing near the tree, it was that same blue light from my dream. "Kane! They're just protecting the amulet! I see it!" I yell back to him. "Great!" He replied. "Melody.. child" i heard a female voice I've never heard before. I look around to see if anyone els was here. But there wasn't anyone here except for kane and I. "Melody. Child." I heard it again. It was the amulet. "Kane! Cover me!" I yell. "What? Where are you going?!" "Just do it!" I yell again. "Dive girl dive. We need that amulet." I tell her. We dive down to where the amulet is. But we were stopped by two more dragons. "We've got them! Go!" I heard Lima yell. I give a small nod before swerving around them and continuing. Eventually we land and I get off of Hero's back. I slowly walk over to it. I had my arm extended to try and reach it. When im finally in reach i grab it. "Melody.. child" there it was again. i look down at the amulet in my hands. All of a sudden it starts to glow a really bright light. I was lifted into the air and armor started to appear out of no where around me.

Melody and the ridersWhere stories live. Discover now