5 - Round 2

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Hiccups POV

"Stay here with Melody Hero, while she rests. Toothless come with me boy. We need to tell the others." I instruct and toothless follows me out of Melody's hut and to the club house where everyone is. "Hey guys" I say as I sit down. "Uncle Hiccup? What's wrong? Where Melody" Terra asks me. "Resting. She nearly drowned during the fly" I start. Astrid was obviously worried. "She's ok though" I reassure them. "How? What happened?" Heather asks. "There was a skuldren, and Hero tried to chase it out, underwater, with Melody on her back... so. Yeah... it's still out there though. We will deal with it first thing in the morning. Let's get some sleep" I say and we all disperse to go to our huts. "Umm. Hiccup? Sir? Where should we stay?" I turn around to see Kane and Liam. "Oh yeah... right... I'll set up some tents. Then if you are going to permanently stay we will build you a small hut to share" I tell them. They nod while I head to storage for blankets and pillows for them to use. As I leave the club house after getting them set up I turn back around to look at their dragons. Kane had a deadly nadder like Astrid, and Liam has a gronckle like Fish-legs. Their dragons curled up next to their riders. I have a good feeling about these two. I thought before heading off to my hut.

I woke up to the sound of something breaking. I rush out of the hut to see Melody riding Hero shooting targets. "She's getting good. That dragon trusts her. And she trusts it" I felt Astrid place her hands on my shoulders. "Yeah. She gets it from her mother" I smile at her. "And her father" she replies. All I do is smile. "Hiccup!! The skuldren!" I hear Snotlout yell. "Oh Thor. Come on bud. Let's get out their" I call for toothless. "I'll get stormfly. Go help Melody!" Astrid yells before running off. I hop on Toothless and fly over to Melody. "Dad-" "yeah the skuldren is back. I see it" I finish her sentence. "Woah girl! Not again!" Melody shouts. She is trying to calm Hero. She goes to fire but Melody places her hand on Heros head. "Girl, we don't shoot other dragons. Just scare it. Ok?" Hero looked back at Melody then to the skuldren. She goes to shoot. "Steady girl. And now!" She shot the water right next to the dragon to spook it. "Alright bud do the same" I lean down on Toothless. He shoots in the same spot. "It's working!" Astrid yells when she flies up next to us. "It's not enough though! Everyone concentrate on that one spot! Don't hit the dragon! Ready... set.... shoot!!" I yell and every one shoots at that spot. The skuldren turned and fled. "It worked! We did it! Good job Hero" Melody rubs the head of her dragon. "Melody. Can I talk to you?" "Sure Dad. What's up?" "Follow me." I take off for one of the near rock stacks around the island. We land and hop off. "What's going on Dad?" She sits down next to me. "Well. It's just. You are growing up so fast. You are 14 and will be 15 in a month." I pause. She just looks at me with wondering eyes. "And... you seem to have made a few new friends, who are great riders. And, I think it's time you.." I pause again. "I what?" She asks. "You start a team, the 4 Of you. Kane, Liam, Terra, and you. You would be a great leader. You could search for your own island. To call your own. You can be the next dragon riders." I look at her. She was shocked. "Are you being serious?" She asks me. "When am I not serious." "True" she smiled then almost tackled me in a hug. "I have to tell the others." She got up and raced to Hero. She jumped on and took off for the Edge. I smile and toothless does his dragon smile too.

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