19 - Furies

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"So your the dragon protector?" Kane asks. "Yes, apparently." I reply. "And you can understand dragons too?" Terra adds. "Yep.  Isn't that right girl" i look down at hero. She responds with "you bet" "what'd she say?" Liam asks. "She said you bet" i smile back at them. The armor has disappeared but the amulet is still hanging around my neck. Even without the armor on i can understand them, maybe because i still have the amulet or maybe its now a permanent thing.

A few hours later

"Alright. Melody. I'm going to get the other dragons, you go on to the training arena" hero tells me. "Ok, are the others able to come?" I ask her. "Sure. I don't see why not" she replies. "Hey guys! Come on! My first lesson. Wanna watch?" I ask them. They all seemed excited to watch. We head over to the training arena and wait. Hero walks in with Spike, Windwhip, and Boulder behind her. "Lesson one, controlling the armor." Hero starts, i stand and listen. The others were standing off to the side. "Hold the amulet in your hand and repeat after me" she goes on. I take the amulet off from my neck and hold it in my right hand. "For the protection of the Dragons, the seas are mine to command... now you try" she says a chant. "For the protection of the dragons, the seas are mine to command" i repeat her and all of the armor appeared again. "Woah" i look down at myself. "Now.. lesson two. Fighting" when she says that a sword appears in my hand. "Ok. A sword. I can handle that" i tell my self. "You will be faced with dragons and hunters to fight, you will need to train on both" Spike says. He approaches me slowly. Then he shoots spikes from his tail. I quickly dodge them. "Woah! Spike!" I can hear kane yell. "Kane! Stay over there! He's not going to hurt me!" I yell. "That is if you block or dodge the attacks. You can get really hurt if you aren't careful. Even with us" Windwhip tells me. "Oh.. fun.." I reply in a snarky manor. "I have a question..." i start. "I might have an answer" hero tells me. "Ok.. well. You saw Kanes reaction, he didn't know what was going on. Is there anyway for me or you to give the rest of them the ability to understand you as well?" I ask. They were quiet for a minute. "Bring them over." Hero orders. "Guys! come on over here!" I call to them. They all walk over to me. "Now. You will always be able to understand dragons, even if the amulet is not on. How ever, the others will only be able to understand us when you have the armor on." Boulder explains. "Ok. Ill take it." I say to them. "What's going on?" Lima asks me. "Just waist a minute" i reply. "Now. All you have to do form a circle and hold hands. Then  say this phrase. 'I give thy, the ability to understand those who fly" hero tells me. "Alright. Then. Will you three form a circle and hold hands." i say and they look at me confused. "Just do it" i say and they do. I take Kanes and Terra's free hand. "I give thy, the ability to understand those who fly" i repeat the phrase Hero had told me. All of a sudden a bright light starts to glow then it stopped after a few seconds. "Did it work?" spike asks. "Woah, did you just speak?" Kane looks to his dragon. "Seems as though it did" Windwhip answers. "Oh my Thor." Terra was shocked. "We can understand dragons..." Liam adds. "Yes. I can understand them all the time. Even if the amulet is off. But you three can only understand them, when my armor is on." I explain. "Good enough for me" kane smiles. I smile at him then turn back to Hero. "Alright. What's next?" I ask. "I would like for you to follow me. Alone." She says. I look at the other then back at her. "You heard her. Go on. We'll be fine. We don't have to know everything thing you do." Terra says with a smile. I smile back before following Hero.

"Alright. We are alone. What's up?" I ask her. We are standing on the beach. We are both facing out to sea. "Well. Not all of this is a coincidence." She starts. "What? I'm confused..." I admit. "You know... us meeting, you becoming my rider, I've been on a journey for years. Along with other fury dragons." She goes on. "Wait. You worked with Toothless?" I was shocked. "Yes. I did. He was my eyes on you. The Fury dragons are some of the highest dragons in the archipelago. Meaning if we are in a group of other dragons we are in charge. Toothless was found by your father, now we never intended to have riders, but when hiccup rode toothless for the first time, he knew we needed riders. He thought that hiccup would be the next holder of the amulet." She pauses. I sit down in the sand. "Wait So was there a protector before me?" I ask her. "Yes. But we do not speak of him, as a sign of respect. But anyway, he was a dragon. You are the first human protector. Toothless really thought your father was the one, that maybe the amulet was ready for a human and not a dragon. But it turned out he wasn't. We watched him for years. But the amulet would not accept him. We eventually gave up on that idea of having a protector once again. It became survival of the fittest. The fury dragons, including myself, not toothless though because he was busy with Hiccup, helped gather as many other dragons as we could an took them to the floating island for protection. We stayed hidden there for years. Until toothless came to us one night alone informing us about a new baby who had been born, and how he was sure she was the one. We were hesitant to believe him, but we also had no real reason to not agree to look into it. So I ventured out, trying to find my way back to the edge Toothless calls home. I stayed hidden, I was never seen, Toothless knew I was there but none of the others did. And as soon as I laid my eyes on that baby, I knew she was the one. I could feel it" she stopped. "Was that baby me?" I asked her. "Yes it was. And I knew that I needed to be there to guild you. So I tried to come to the island but toothless kept telling me you weren't ready. That your father wouldn't have agreed to it. Then one day I was caught off guard and brought down onto a hunter ship, and not too long after you walked down those steps with Vigo. I was so worried you were with them, but then when you spoke to me I knew you have no evil bone in your body." She stopped. "So that's why you were so quick to let me ride you" I think back to that day. "Correct." "This is all so crazy, almost unreal." I admit. "Oh and you kept saying fury dragons. Are there more of you?" I ask her. "Yes. There is only one of each kind though, toothless the nightfury, solè the lightfury, evergreen the earthfury, ash the firefury, Avel the windfury, and me, the tidal fury." She explains. "It sounds like you and toothless should have had a name before the ones we gave you." I tell her. "Yes, we did. He was eclipse, and I was Wave. But we preferred the names we were given so that is what we shall go by." She tells me. "Wow. This is amazing. Do other dragons have names like this?" I ask her. "No, now that most dragons have riders, most dragons will wait until they have a rider to get a name." She explains. "That's so cool. They have adapted just like we have in so many more ways than we ever knew" I am still shocked. "Now, I don't mind if you tell the others, and I'll let you be the one to tell Toothless you know about our secret. Ok?" She adds. "Alright. Thanks. I think we should head over to the edge tomorrow to fill them in." I say. "Sounds good to me" She smiles at me before curling up next to me. We sit together in the sand watching the sunset.

Melody and the ridersWhere stories live. Discover now