31 - Sand Wraith

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Kai's POV

Of course... "Chance, Go". My deathgripper sprinted off after Kane, me close on his tail. I watched as he ducked and weaved around trees and bushes. "Chance, scare!" my dragon shot beside Kane a few times never actually hitting him. 

"Leave me alone!" Kane yells, clearly out of breath. "just let me go home, Kai!" 

"Chance, surround" I watched as he leaped in front of Kane readying his tail for a strike. 

"one hit from his tail is instant paralysis, second is death. Don't test him, Kane," He came to a quick stop, spinning and watching me approach. 

"Let me go, Kai, please. I want to see my friends, my family" he begged me, just like he would beg mom and dad when we were kids. 

"Kane they are gone. Chance struck them down. They couldn't move, they drowned, Kane. Accept that" His eyes fell to the ground. 

"where did you think you were going to go, you don't have a ride off the island." I began to circle him, playing with his hair as I did. He stayed silent, I kicked in the back of his knees making him fall to the ground. 

"You're just like dad... you know that?" His words came out in a hiss. I grabbed a hold of his hair making him look back at me. 

"I'm nothing like him" I hissed back before pulling him by the arm all the way back to the hut. 

.    .    . 

"Don't look at me like that. The ropes are necessary, you have proven yourself untrustworthy." I begin to make up a bed for him. 

"You may have killed my team... but I still have family, Kai. You killed Hiccup and Astrid Haddock's daughter, they are like my family too. They will find me, and when they do? You are in for a world of hurt." 

"I am the only family you need. You will come around one day and see that. and believe me, you are so far from your home they will never find us here." 

Melody's POV

"dad, we have been searching all night. As much as I want to continue I don't think Hero and fly much farther" 

"I cant..." She whispers

"neither can I" Stormfly chimes in.

"the dragons need to rest, Hiccup" Fishlegs announced.

"Hun, we can pick back up in the morning" Mom offered.

"I know, you're right. let's land here for the night. we will do a sweep to make sure they aren't here and then set up camp" The only way we know how to do this is to island hop. It could take us weeks to search every island but trust me Kane... we will find you. 

.     .     . 

Kanes POV

"Can I go outside?" I ask while standing from my place at the table. 

"yes, you don't have to ask anymore. This is your home, you have a right to come and go during the day." Kai smiles in a way that still makes me sick to the stomach. It's been two weeks, I miss everyone so badly. I only attempted to escape two more times, it took a hit from Chance's tail to put me in my place. I sit down on the beach watching out over the water. Hiccup, where are you... you're looking... right? 



"do you want to meet someone?" I turn to look at her and see a lead in her hand, I follow it with my eyes until it lands on sand wraith. 

"Who is this?" I get up and let her sniff my hand. 

"she doesn't have a name yet, she's yours if you want her. I know you have been missing Spike. I am sorry about that one... I don't know what I would do if someone killed Chance" I flash a glare at her... Spike...I turn my attention back to the beautifully colored wraith in front of me. 

"how about... Clementine, for your coloring" I smile while rubbing her snout. 

"we can go for a fly if you want... but, if you try anything we wont hesitate." She really is just like dad. Her words send me back to my childhood, seeing dads finger in my face and he tries to share the bravery out of me. I snap back to reality when Clementine nudges me. 

"come on girl" I slide into her saddle. It felt weird not being on Spike... but I guess I have to move on at some point... we shoot off into the sky, Kai and Chance close behind watching our every move. She has given me a way out... but, now is not the time. 

"wooohoooo!" I yell as she flips us through the air, the feeling of being in the sky again is almost therapeutic. Briefly I forget where I am, the fact that Im trapped all over again. "Come on girl, let's get some food" we circle back to the island. I head for a barrel of fish and toss her a couple. 

"I finished your hut earlier" I hear Kai approach us. 

"yeah?" finally maybe some freedom. I head down the path towards the once empty space finding a built up hut. Next to it was a small stable for Clementine. 

"its all yours" she smiles and leads me up to it. As we approach I notice a large lock on the exterior of the door. 

"whats with the lock..." I question. 

"well, You have freedom during the day, well, limited freedom, I guess. I can see you and watch you during the day. If you wont be in my hut anymore at night I needed to now you weren't going anywhere." I sigh as we move inside. I notice there is not a single window, at least none big enough for me to fit through. I look at the wooden bed with a green blanket thrown over it. 

"thanks, I guess" I turn to head back outside to watch the sunset. 

"nah, ah, ah. You stay inside" Kai pushes me back against the wall. Stunned, I remain still. I hear Clementine growl as she puts herself between us. A dragons loyalty is earned quick and never broken... 

"easy girl" I calm her as Kai leaves. I hear the lock outside click shut. We were trapped. 

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