36 - Snoggletog Eve

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"Happy Snoggletog Eve" I peck a small kiss on Kane's lips in the shadows of the newly built stage. 

"Happy Snoggletog Eve" He smiles into the kiss. 

"come on you love birds" I hear Terra call out. 

"The chief is expecting us for dinner. Let's go" Liam rounds the corner grabbing Kane's arm. I let out a gentle chuckle before trailing off to the great hall. 

We all enter the hut taking our place at the table while our dragons all nestled together in the stabled outside. I sat between Kane and Mom. Dad on the other side of her. Across from me was Terra with her parents. Liam was squished between the twins being interrogated about Thor knows what. I smile at the sight in front of me before a clanking draws my attention to the head of the table where Grandpa Stoick was standing proudly. 

"Now, I know tomorrow will get busy. I am grateful to have this time with each and every one of you."

"even us chief?" Ruffnut holds her chest as if shocked. 

"y-yes... even you Ruff" Mom and I share a small breathy smile before he continues. "As chief my duties are here in Berk. As dragon riders, new and old." he lets his eyes trail past all of us. "your duties are to the Archipelago as a whole. I see my son and his team every few weeks. But having my granddaughter and her team here means the world. So thank you for blessing me with family at the holidays." I notice a glimmer of tears in his eyes. "So, uh... let us eat!" 

We all eat the delicious food prepared for us. The lamp chops were cooked to perfection. It didnt take long for the room to get rowdy, it was full of conversation and laughter. With a family as large as our how could it not. When the night began to die down everyone parted ways heading off to their huts. Kane and Liam were sharing one of the empty guest buildings, Terra with her parents, and I was with mine. due to space the dragons did all have to stay in the stables for the time being. 

.    .    .

I feel myself tossing and turning in the bed. I flutter my eyes open letting the little light there was in. I creep up and over to a window noticing the moon high in the sky. Unable to sleep I step outside heading for the stables. This is not uncommon for me, when it happens I generally find myself out for a fly with Hero. I finish making my way up the bridge to find the stable doors ajar. 

"hmm thats strange" I slowly enter the building taking a quick glance around. "Hero" I whisper getting closer to her stall. When she didn't rise I study her body, noticing a blowdart right above her wing I gasp. But, before I can open the door everything went black. 

Hiccups POV

I begin to stir, rising slowly I look around to see if it was something specific that woke me. I didn't see anything and began to lay back down. Thats when I noticed Melody's empty cot. I give Astrid a nudge and watch as her eyes twitch. 

"Astrid, You need to get up. Melody is gone" 

"what?" She groans and sits up rubbing her eyes. 

"Melody isn't here" Her eyes shoot over at me worry filled.  

"where could she have gone at this hour?" Astrid scrambles from the bed putting her shoes on. 

"I don't know. We need to check the stables first." I make steady eye contact with her. 

"ok, you find Hero. I'll get the rest of the kids" we give each other quick nods before heading off in separate directions. 

I find the stable doors ajar. I push in, frantically searching for my daughter "Melody?!" a familiar grumble draws my attention to Hero's pen. I get closer seeing her lift her head before it thumps back onto the wooden floor. 

"Hero.." I whisper and let my eyes scan her body running my hand along her back. Stopping to lift her wing, I find a dragon root arrow in her side. "oh my Thor" I rub her head trying to comfort her. "Im sorry girl, this is going to sting" I pull the arrow from her and she lets out a painful whimper. I rub her snout again trying to calm her. 

"Hiccup?" I hear Kane approach us. I turn to face him, arrow in hand. His eyes, along with the rest of his teams, widen, "Hunter" his brow furrows and his voices gets low and horse" 

I hear Astrid gasp when she comes into view. "W-we need to get her back" 

"We will. I'll get the tracker from Hero's saddle bag." I turn to rummage through the brown bag. "nothing, its not here" 

"they must have known about it. How will we find her this time?" Liam questions, I turn to find him comforting Terra. 

"I don't know, we need to get out there though." Astrid chimes in. 

"Hero is in no condition to fly. she needs some time before we take off." I place my hand on her wing while watching her breath. 

Melody's POV

My head throbs as my eyes flutter open. I twitch and feel my wrists pull at rope restraints behind my back. As I regain my vision I glance around taking in my surroundings, the belly of a boat. The wooden planks splintering, barrels and creates stacked in the corner, two windows to my left peering out into the open water, It didn't feel like we were moving. with the slight rock of the boat I hear foot steps above. One is particular getting louder as it nears the hatch connecting the deck to the belly. I watch as a large set of black boots step down the steps, letting my eyes travel up the figure. he has a large stature, dressed in scrappy cloth cinched at the waist where a long axe was sheathed. My eyes continued to his face covered in a dark hood. 

"its you... From the cove..."

 He didn't reply, only rose his hand to brush his hood back. light flooded into his face, a scruffy beard covered his chin, bushy eye brows sat above his blue eyes that examined me. His stare made something inside me cringe, but I refused to let it show. 

"You wont get away with this you know" I held my voice steady. "you took me from my home, my family will know Im missing, they will find me"

"How do you suspect they do that?" His voice was deep and raspy.

"Now if I told you that it would ruin the surprise wouldn't it" I retort with a smirk.

"You mean, with this... don't you." He rummages through his pocket, and when he pulls a golden medallion my face drops. "Hunter is paying a hefty price for you alive. So sit tight, we have quite a trip ahead of us." He throws the tracker at the ground and it rolls over to my feet. He lets out a creepy laugh as he turns on his heels heading up to the deck. 

Hey all, so i have no clue if anyone is actually reading this. But I had some inspo strike again sooo expect maybe another chapter or two before it fades? who knows. I hope everyone is doing well. 

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