16 - Vision

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I was being chased down a long dark hall way by two people, I don't know who they are yet. "You can run but you can't hide!" Yelled the female. "Come on out pretty!" Yelled the male. I was running as fast as I could but it didn't seem to be fast enough. "Please leave me alone!" I yell while trying to pick up speed. I come to a quick stop when I see my friends and family surrounding me, Kane, Terra, Liam, Mom, Dad, Hero, and the other riders. They all had a torch that lit up their faces. "You are a disgrace" i turn and realize it came from Dad. "How can the daughter of Astrid get kidnapped?" Mom snapped. "How can we be lead by a girl How gets her self captured?" It was Terra. "I how can we even work with you?" Liam says. "You will only drag us down." Said Kane. I was spinning to try and look at them all, I had tears building in my eyes. I try to back away from them. "No, you don't mean that..." I protest while a tear slipped from my eye. I kept backing up until I hit someone, I turn to see Hunter and Mal. Hunter pinned me to the wall again still questioning the location of the Dragon amulet. "I don't know of any dragon amulet!!" I yell then everything went black, then a bright light started to shine in my face. "What?" I mumble and rub my eyes to try and focus on what I was looking at. "What is that?" I ask aloud even though I was alone with this floating circle thing. "Is this Dragon amulet?" I ask and as if responding it started to glow and I could easily see the markings on it. It was a dragon. "It is! It's the dragon amulet!" I yell. Then every thing goes black again.

My eyes shoot open and I sit up. I was out of breath and sweating. "Just a dream. Just a dream Melody. Snap out of it" I spoke to my self. I was in my room, one of them must have carried me in here. I then hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shout. It was Terra. "How are you feeling?" She asks me. "Better than before. I'm sore." I tell her. "And hungry." I admit. "Well come on. Breakfast is ready" she tells me. "Wait breakfast? I slept through the night too?" I question and she nods and smiles. I get up and hug her tightly. "I missed you" "I missed you too girl" she replies. "Don't ever think this was your fault. Ok?" I look her in the eyes. She nods. I smile before we head off to the club house for breakfast. "Pancakes! Yum!" I yell. "Well hello there sleepy head" Kane greets me. All I do is hug him. When I fished hugging him I hugged Liam. "I missed you all so much. You have no idea what it's like to go through that and I hope you never have to" I tell them. They all give me a smile. "Well, I bet you're starving. First batch is yours" Kane says while placing a plate down in front of me. He is our cook. Apparently when it was just him and Liam, Kane took care of all the cooking and Liam did the hunting. "These are good. Thanks Kane" I say while eating them. "Of corse. Anything for you" He says with a smile. I stop eating and look down at my plate. "You ok?" Liam asks me. "uh yeah. I just don't want to drag you down" I say. That dream was getting in my head. It wouldn't leave. "Why would you ever think that?" Kane asks. "Oh. Um. No reason.." I pause. "Excuse me... I need time to think" I say before getting up and leaving. I hear someone walk after me but I soon hear Liam stop them. "Give her space dude." I sigh while walking out towards the beach. I sit down on the sand and fold my arms and lay my head down on my knees. All of a sudden my head shoots up and my vision goes black.

Kane's POV

"I'm going to go check in Melody, she's been out there for a while." I say to the others. "Kane, she just got home after being on a boat as Hunter and Mals prisoner and personal Punching bag... she needs her space and she needs time to get back into routine" Liam stops me. "Liam... I need to talk to her... she isn't ok and I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone after what happened last time we left her alone..." I say while pushing past him. She's been on the beach for about 20 minuets now and I figured I should check on her, make sure she's ok. I walk to the beach to see her sitting by the water, Hero was asleep beside her. Spike was somewhere ruff housing with Boulder I bet. "Hey..." I say but she doesn't answer. She was lookin out to the ocean. "Look.. I know it's going to take time to get used to everything again..." I pause. She didn't even seem I notice me. "Uh. Melody? Are you mad at me?" She continues or ignore me. I kneel down beside her and turn her so she faces me. I tumble back in shock. Her eyes where glowing bright blue and she wasn't moving. "Melody? Melody!" I yell while grabbing her shoulders. "Melody! What's going on?! Say something!" I yell at her but she didn't respond. "Kane? Melody? What's wrong" I hear Terra while she walks towards us. "What's going on?" Liam follows her. "She isn't responding... and her eyes" I reply while looking to them confused. "I don't know what's happening...I've never seen this before" Liam says. All of a sudden her eyes fade back to normal and she falls into me. "K-Kane? Is that you?" She asks. "Yeah. It's me. I'm right here" I say while holding her. She had one hand on my shoulder and the other in the sand. She was leaning in to me to stabilize herself. She was looking towards the ground. "Are you ok?" Terra asks. "Terra? You're here too? Where? I can't see anything" she says while moving her head to look around. Her eyes were off color. "Oh no... I-I'm blind..." she mumbles. "No no no. I just got home..." she leans into me and lays her head on my chest. I hold her tightly. "It's ok. We will fix this..." I promise her.

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