23 - Fall

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"Melody! Melody! Let me in!" I wake up to the sound of someone yelling at my door. I recognized it as Hero. I just pull my pillow over my ears to block her out. "Hero! Leave me
Alone!" I yell out to her. "Melody just let me in before I blast the door open" she threatened and I groan and role up out of bed. I rub my eyes before slowly walking to the door. "What do you want" I groan as I open the door. "You. we need to talk" she says in a stern voice. "If this is about last night I already heard it all. Don't you know I heard you and toothless?" I cross my arms and look at her. "Fine. But it's still time to get up." She storms off. I role my eyes and go back inside  to get ready for the day.

I walk into the club house to find everyone getting ready to head back to the edge. I approach Dad and pick up one of his bags and put it on toothless back. "Hey kiddo." He starts. "Hey. You guys heading back?" I ask him. "Yeah. We will try to be more careful." He tells me. I give him a faint smile. I then felt someone push against my hand and I look down to see toothless. "Hey bud." I bend down and pet his head. "I'll miss you. And thanks for sticking up for me last night" I say while hugging him. "Of corse Melody... you... you are like my own. You know that right? I would protect you with my life." He admits. "I know bud. I always have, And I appreciate that" I see Hero walk in and I stand up. I look over to her but she doesn't make eye contact with me. I sigh and look back around the room. I see terra saying good bye to her parents and Ruff and Tuff are gathered around Liam. Who knows what they are doing to him. I see Snotlout talking to Kane, two Tuff guys hanging out. I chuckle at my out thought. "Melody?" I hear Stormfly and I turn and look at her. "I know you heard those two last night. Don't let it get in your head. You run your team how ever you want. You are still only 15 so don't try to take on things you know you can't handle. And remember to relax a little. Even we take breaks sometimes." She tells me. "Thanks girl" I say before turning back around. I hugged Mom and Dad both goodbye then I left the room.

I wasn't Feeling great emotionally and physically so I went back to my hut. On my way over my vision goes blurry and my head starts to throb. It was like that for at least a minute. But when it stops i look back up I see Hero leaving my hut. I didn't question anything I just walked right past her. When I get to my hut I go to sit down on my bed and I see a blue spot. I lean down to get a closer look at it. It was one of Hero's scales. I pick it up and open the amulet. I put the scale into a slot and close it. "For the protection of the dragons the seas are mine to command." I say the chant and the armor appeared. "Now. Let's see.." I say while looking down at my self. "She said her ability was sight.. so." I say while continuing to look. Then I spot a button on my wrist, so I press it. "Woah" I mumbled when goggles appear over my face. I step out of my hut and look around, I can see so far out. "This is cool" I mumbled before looking out to sea. I spot Dad and the others flying away. "Glad I said my good byes" I mumble before heading back in. I take off the amulet and lay it on my side table. I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I rub my head and roll over so I'm facing the wall. Even though its morning I could feel sleep trying to take over my body. I don't stop it. I close my eyes and let it just happen.

Kane's POV

"Hey guys. Have you seen melody?" I as the others, "i saw her go to her hut." Terra tells me. "She wasn't looking to good. She looked really pale" Liam adds. "Yeah. I never got a good look at her. I saw her walking away." I tell them. "Just let her have some time" i heard hero. "Wait. She has her armor on" Liam realized because we could understand hero. "She's fine. She was testing something" she said before walking away. "Oh.. ok.." i say while looking towards her hut. "Come on man. Lets do some training" Liam says while putting a hand on my back. "And leave me behind?" Terra pauses "ha. I don't think so" she chuckles while taking my hand and pulling me behind her. "Prepare to be defeated" she says with a smirk when we reach the training arena. "Hmm. I have to disagree. Because i think.. you should be the one preparing." I said with a smirk back. "Hmph" she hummed before grabbing her axe. I get into fighting stance after pulling the swords from my belt.

Liams POV

I sat and intensely watched Kane and terra fight waiting for my turn to battle the winner. they went back and forth for at least 20 minutes before Kane went down an terra pinned him to the ground. "You're getting better." He admits. "That or.. your getting worse" she chuckles. "Hey!" Kane yells at the comment. "Just saying.." she says while getting up off of him and reaching out a hand to help him up. He took it and stood. He then came over and sat down beside me. "You're up." He says before I stand. "Hopefully ill do better than you" I laugh before walking over to terra.

Melodys POV

I groan as i roll over. I slowly flutter open my eyes and look around my hut. It was quiet... i stood up feeling a little weak. But i continue to move to wake up some. I walk out of my hut and to the club house but no one was there. "Hm" i hum before heading towards the training arena. i look over the edge to see terra and Liam going at it. Kane was sitting against the wall. "You can do better!" Terra yelled. "Don't hold back because I'm a girl! Remember Mal is a girl! And she will kill us if we hold back!" She continues to yell and i see Liam start to pick up pace. I haven't said anything because I don't want to distract them and as their leader its good for me to see them in action when they think I'm not looking. Then i see terra tackle Liam and his weapon goes flying. "Boy's 0. Terra 2" she says with a confidant smirk. I start to clap and they all look up at me. "Nice." I admit. "Melody? How long have you been there?" Liam asks. "Not long." "Good to see you out of bed" terra smiles. "Uh. Yeah" i smile slightly. I take a deep breath in and slowly exhale when i feel my head start to throb like it did earlier. Then my vision blurred once again. Because we didn't have a railing around the edge of the arena it would really hurt if i fell and at the moment i felt like i might. I couldn't keep my balance and i stumble forwards. "Guys? Help!" I yell when I feel my self start to fall.

Kane's POV

"Guys? Help!" I hear melody yell and i see her start to fall over the edge into the arena. I didn't hesitate, i shot right up and bolted to the other side where she was. Liam was right next to me. We both dive down to the ground to catch her before she hit the hard concrete. Liam and I both skid on the ground and it hurt my arms but it was worth it because we were able to break her fall. "Melody!" Terra yells.

Melodys POV

"Melody!" I hear terra yell and my vision goes back to normal. I look around and see i was caught by the boys. i was breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" Liam asks While he lets go and Kane picks me up. When he was standing with me still in his arms he put me down gently on my feet. "Uh. I-i don't.." i admit.

Melody and the ridersWhere stories live. Discover now