15 - Answers

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"How is she?" Liam flies up next to me. "Sleeping" i respond while looking down at her. "She's so peaceful when she sleeps, I doubt she got much sleep while she was there. I know i would be too scared to sleep if i were in her shoes" terra says. "Yeah, its good to see her in good hands" Hiccup says. "She trusts you with her life." He adds. "I want you guys to get her home to the island, me and my gang will head back to the edge" he informs us. "Alright be safe" i reply as we part ways. "You too!" He yells back to us.

I felt melody start to move and i look down to see her crying. She was breathing really heavy. "Hey hey. Wake up" is shack her gently. Her eyes shot open and i could tell she was scared. "It's ok, i was just a dream. See? I'm right here" i try to calm her. "More like a night mare" she mumbled while rubbing her eyes. None of us questioned anything even though we all wanted answers. "I know you want answers.." she said as if reading my mind. she stood up and jumped onto Hero's back. "Hey girl.. i missed you" she leaned down and hugged her. "So.. what happened? Do you know why they took you?" Liam asks. She looked down at her lap. "If it hurts to bad we don't have to know" i tell her. "Yes you do" she protests... we sat for a minute in silence before she continued. She took a deep breath and began. "Well. I was there 5 mornings... I didn't find out why they wanted me until day 4... well.. I should start form the beginning... shouldn't i?" She asks but it goes unanswered. "I was approached by Mal in the woods while on Patrol.. and she told me who she really is... Mal Grimborn, Hunters sister." She paused. "Melody.." terra starts. She turn and faces terra. "Yeah?" She questioned. "I'm sorry, i never should have trusted her, she nearly got you killed." Terra has been beating her self up for this for days. "Terra, this isn't your fault. It's mine for ever letting my guard down. I was starting to trust her too." She responds. "So we're good?" She asks. "We're good" melody smiles. "Anyway... she told me how she was able to get into your head with that fake story because it related you your moms story... then she called you dumb... and i lost it. I attacked her without thinking. She hit me hard and i fell back into a tree hitting my head, the last thing i was able to do was get the distress call out... then every thing went black..." she explains. I haven't said a word. "When i woke up? I was tied to the mast of the ship... in chains. I was confused and in a lot of pain. But that was the least of it... every morning i was given one apple for breakfast, that's all i ever ate. Then every day at noon, i was beaten.. by the crew... in front of Mal and hunter..." she paused and whipped away a tear. I growl under my breath.. they will get what's coming.. i promise myself. "I was too scared to close my eyes so i never slept, leaving me weaker the next day. Eventually I couldn't fight back and i just let it happen... i was scared, i was hungry, i was tired, and i just wanted to go home. I had no idea why they wanted me other than for a punching bag..." she glares down at her lap. "But then i was pulled by my hair into Hunters room. I had no idea what he was going to do to me. He said I wasn't strong, he said i was weak.. i couldn't fight back..." she paused again. "He demanded the location of the Dragon amulet. Me not knowing what it was told him the truth, that I didn't know... he thought i was playing dumb and chocked me. He held me to the wall and still demanded the location.. i told him i had no idea where or even what it was.. he then walked away... after saying that i had such a pretty face and that it shouldn't have come to this.. I wanted to punch him so badly... but I couldn't move... i had no strength." She stopped. "Then we showed up." Liam sates quietly. "Yeah. On day 5 right in the middle of my beating... you guys saved me. I Cant ever thank you enough." She thanks us agin. "We aren't just your team Melody, we are your friends, we are your family. We will do anything to protect the lives of others. Especially yours." I tell her. She had a faint smile. She looked so weak. She needed food, and rest. And she needed it soon. Her eyes were struggling to stay open. "We are almost back to the island." I announce. Melody didn't reply, I look over to here to see she was asleep on hero's back. I smile at her thinking about how i will kill the people that did this to her.

Melody and the ridersWhere stories live. Discover now