4 - The Skuldren

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"There you go girl. How does it feel?" I ask Hero after placing the saddle on her. She responded in the same way that toothless does to Dad. I smile at her. "You know I bet she's hungry. I wouldn't be surprised is Vigo was starving them." I realize. "Yeah you could be right. Here I'll get some fish" Dad said before walking off. I walk over to Toothless and rub his head. "Hey bud, how do you feel?" I ask him. "Thanks for protecting me." I hug him and he leans into me. I smile and stand up. Its getting dark, this is kind of my dad and I's thing. But normally I'm on Toothless with Dad. This will be my first time on my own dragon I'm excited. "Here you go" Dad hands be a bucket of fish. "I'll let you do it because she is still getting used to it all. She trusts you" he tells me. I smile and head over to feed her. I toss her a few fish then toss some to Toothless.

"All right bud, let's show them what we can do" Dad says before taking off with toothless. "Haha here we come! Come on girl you got this" I say and she runs then takes off. "This is awesome!" I yell to Dad. "Sure is!" He responds. "Hey girl what's wrong?" I ask hero when she stops. "You ok Melody?" Dad calls down to me. "I am but I don't know why Hero stopped." I reply. Then all of a sudden hero takes off and shoots at something. "Woah girl! What's out there!" I yell. Dad is now following me on Toothless trying to keep up. "She sees something! Does toothless?!" I call to him. "What's out there bud?" I can hear Dad ask him. He uses his location move to try and find anything near by. "Skuldren!" He yells. "That's explains it! She can see in the water! She's a tidalfurry!" I yell before I get pulled under the water by Hero. I try to pull up on her saddle, but she isn't listening. She is trying to attack the other dragon. I was running out of air, I couldn't hold my breath much longer. I pull up as hard as I can but she doesn't surface. I start to close my eyes and fall. I wasn't able to stay on her back.

Narrator's POV

Melody has fallen off of Hero's back and doesn't have enough strength to swim to the surface. Hiccup and toothless are flying overhead searching for her. He's keeping toothless from firing because he doesn't want to his Hero or Melody. Then all of a sudden they surface, Melody in being held by her arms form Hero. "Melody!" Hiccup yelled. "Hero come!" He yelled before flying back to the Edge. They landed and he rushed over to his unconscious daughter. "No come on Melody. Wake up." He tried to wake her. Then her eyes shot open and she coughed up a lot of water. "Melody!" He hugged her tightly. "Hiccup? Melody?" Kane came out to find them sitting on the ground. "What happened? Is she ok?" Kane was concerned. "I-I'm ok" She was able to say before falling back into her father. "She needs rest. Can you get Hero please" Hiccup instructs. "Yeah Of corse. Come here girl, it's ok. I won't hurt you." Kane tries to get her to follow while hiccup takes Melody back to her hut.

Kane's POV

"It's ok girl. I won't hurt you. Come on let's go see Melody." I tried to get her to follow me. All she did was growl. "Hey now, take it easy. I don't want to hurt you." I try to reason with her. She continued to growl before getting ready to lunge at me. I block my self but then hear a thud. "Huh?" I look up to see Toothless was blocking me from her. He doesn't even know me. He gives a small growl at her, then a bigger one at me... oh dear. I was afraid I was about to be attacked but he and Hero left and walked off to the hut.

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