20 - leverage

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"Morning Guys." I say as I walk into the club house while wringing my hair out. "Morning Melody" Terra was the first to speak. "I know I said we were going to the edge today but we can't fly in this weather" I inform them. "Yeah. It's not safe. For us or the dragons" Liam adds. "Yeah I could hardly see more than a few feet i front of me while on patrol this morning" Kane says. "So we will go when the storm passes." I tell them.

Hunters POV

"Brother, I have a plan." Mal starts. "Good to hear, because we need to do something. It's been three nights since we lost her. We need someone, one of them, all of them, we need as many as we can get." I reply. I place my hands down on my desk, putting my weight on them. "I know exactly what we can do." She pauses. "I'm listening" "Well, what if we capture the older riders, the ones father fought" she suggests. "And how do you suppose we do that? They are smart, and fast, and good" I reply. "Simple little brother, we trick them. We send a terrier mail to them saying we have their children. We agree to make a trade, the map to the floating island for the kids." She explains further. "Ok, but who says they even have that. And what if the kids are with them" I protest. "I have a good feeling about this brother. Trust me" he pleads. "Fine. As soon as they hand over the information we grab them. We can then drug their dragons and they will do as we say." I add on to her plan. "Sounds good brother. Let's do this" Mal agrees.

One week later.
Hiccups POV

"This storm is awful. It hasn't let up once all week." Heather says as she walks up to me. "Yeah. I hope the kids made it back safely. And are doing good" I say. "I'm sure they are fine Hiccup. The girls are our children, and the you've seen how the boys protect them." She tells me. "Yeah your right" I agree. "I know I am" we both chuckle. "We should gather up in the club house. It seems like the rain is starting to get heavier and the sea levels are rising" I tell her. She agrees and we walk together to the clubhouse where everyone els was taking shelter. "Alright Hiccup, everything is done, the rock wall is up and working. So far it's doing a pretty good job keeping the rising water out." Astrid informs me. "Ok good. Ruff, Tuff, did you get the food supplies like I told you?" I ask them. " I Sure did H" Tuff replies. "No! I did! You sat the whole time!" Ruff yelled. They started to bicker and fight but we just ignored it. "Then, we should be set. I have no idea how long we will be cooped up in here. So get cozy" I tell them before sitting down next Astrid. She lays her head down on my shoulder, we were curled up on the floor leaning on the wall. Toothless was next to me and Stormfly was next to Astrid.

"Hey guys look." Fishlegs says and points out the window. I get up and look out to see a terrible terrier flying towards the clubhouse. "Stay here I'll meet it outside" I say and go out to get the paper from it's leg. I grab it and send it off before heading back inside. "What does it say?" Snotlout asks. "It says... let's make a trade. The kids for the location of the floating island" I said before slamming my fist down on the table. "I don't even know of a floating island. How are we supposed to make the trade is we don't have what they want?!" I yell in frustration. I feel toothless nudge my leg. "Not now toothless." I push his off me. But he came back. "Toothless I said not now." I push him off again. Then he let out a noise and then the other dragons around the room seemed to reply to him. "Stormfly? What's wrong?" I hear Astrid and look over to see her nudging at Astrid's arm. I look around and the other dragons were all doing the same thing to their rider. "What's gotten into you guys?" Fishlegs asks. Then I felt toothless bite the back of my shirt, the next thing I know I'm on his back. "Bud what are you doing?" I look down at him. He rolled his yes then headed for the door. "Do you know where the island is?" I ask him. He looks back at me as if saying yes. "Well bud why did you just say so?" I ask him and he rolled his eyes. "Come on gang! We have some kids to save." I say before taking off into the storm. The others were close behind me. It was so hard to see, I couldn't see more than 5 or so feet in front of me. "So where are we going? The island? Or to the kids?" Fishlegs asks. "I don't know... Toothless is in charge right now." I respond. I look down at him before looking out in front of me. I could see light not too far from here, must be the end of the storm. "Keep your eyes out gang, we don't know what we are looking for." I call back to them.

"Stop!" I order and everyone does. "Hunter ships" I heard Snotlout. "Look. I see a cage that's covered with a cloth. It must be the kids. Go in easy" I say before toothless brings me in slowly. We land while the others circle the ship. "Oh goodie. You made it" Hunter says while approaching me. "Let them go Hunter" I demand. "Dad? Dad!" I could hear Melody yell. It came from the cage. "Hold on Melody!" I yelled. "Where's the map." Hunter questioned. "I don't have a map. But toothless knows where it is. We can take you. But let the kids go" I tell him. "Hmm. Not what I asked for... but it will have to do.. for now" is all he said. "What do you mean for now, hunter?" I glare at him. "Well.. it's just kinda funny you see." He starts and I see his men start to approach me. Toothless gets ready to attack while I tighten my grip on his saddle and strengthen my glare. "You see Uncle Hiccup. Can I call you that?" He pauses but I don't answer. "Anyway. I can be a very good liar." He tells me. Then the cloth on the cage was removed and it was empty, other than one little device... "a recording..." I was shocked. "Hiccup!!" I could hear Astrid yell. I look up but as soon as I do I was pulled off toothless and he was muzzled and tied up. "Let me go!!" I yell and struggle. "No Heather!!" I hear Fishlegs yell and look up to see her being pulled down to another ship. One by one we were brought down. We were all thrown in the cage on deck and all the dragons where thrown in cages below deck. Other than toothless.... "What are you going to do to him?! He won't let you ride him!" I yell through the cage while I gripped the bars tightly. "Oh, but dear uncle... I think he will." I was shocked by his Responce. Then I see toothless topple over. I then notice an arrow in his neck. "TOOTHLESS!!!!" I scream. He tried to lift his head to me but it had no strength. "NO!" I yell while hitting my fist on the cage. "What did you do to him?!" Astrid yelled. "Don't worry miss Astrid. He will be ok... well. Alive anyway." He laughed. "No. Toothless. Hang in there bud" I try to comfort him. His eyes flutter open then close and then he was still for a minute. I felt a tear slip from my eye, then I felt a set of arms wrap around my waist. I look down to see it was astrid, she laid her head on my back. "He'll wake up... right?" She asks me. I didn't answer. All I did was watch him lay there peacefully.

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