27 - Home Away From Home

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The fly back is quiet. The occasional bird would fly through our pack, but other than that it was open air. I pull the amulet out of my bag, Spike glancing over at me. 

"Are you alright Melody?" he asks flapping forward so he and Kane where in line with Hero. Kane flicks his eyes between us.

"yeah, just curious. Does the amulet only work with Fury scales?" I glance down at Hero as we sour through the sky. "like would anything happen if I were to add a Nadder scale, or a Gronkle or anything really..." I rub my finger over the engravings. 

"Melody, we have never known it to work outside the Furies, but having said that we never knew we would end up with a human protector. Nothing is truly set in stone" sometimes the sound of Hero's voice surprises me still. It's so elegant, and commanding. Even when it's just a normal conversation. 

"thats fair, maybe we have some testing to do" I return the amulet my leather belt bag. 

"I hate to ruin the mood... but, How long do you think we have until Hunter realizes he has a fake?" Liam chimes in. 

"honestly? I don't know. Im hoping my lie will hold" I pull my untamed hair from my face. 

"but... even if he thinks only you can wield it, that wont stop him." Kane furthers the conversation. 

"he'll be after you next Melody." Terra proclaims. 

"well, he's not after me yet. SOOOOO, LAST TO THE COVE IS A ROTTEN DRAGON EGG" I yell out leaving my friends in the dust. I clutch my stomach from laughing so hard until Terra and WindWhip shoot past me. 

"That all you got Hero?!" I hear the Razorwhip snicker. 

"Challenging the Fury I see, come on girl. let's show the what you got. BARREL ROLL" I lead Hero through the clouds. The feel of open air on my face, the churn in stomach as we spin, and the sound of the flapping wings around me will never get old.

.   .   .

"Come on girl" I grip Hero's saddle as we scout the island. It's our night for patrol. "Hero, Do you think Hunter will come after us? He knows where The Cove is"

"What I know is that it's been a month. If he were desperate to get you he would have landed at our beaches by now. Do I think the threat is there? Yes. Do I think it's time you relax a little? Also yes."  

"Yeah, You're right... The rest of the team has been working so hard to build up our defenses... I think I know how we can destress" I steer Hero in for a landing at the club house. 

"alright gang, Grab what you need for a few night trip. We are going to The Edge" 

"Really?!" Terra exclaims, practically jumping from her seat. 

"Really" I smile back at her. "Be ready in 30" the group splits gathering belonging from their huts. As I pack the amulet into my satchel I think about how long it's been since I last saw my parents. Man would it be nice to go for a fly with them. 

Astrids POV

"Ruff! Tuff! Would you please leave the Night Terrors alone! You aren't kids anymore! Act like it!" I chuckle watching Hiccup scold the twins like we were when we were teens. I feel Stormfly nudge me. "hey girl, whats up?" I turn, smile and rub her nose. 

"Things never change do they" Hiccup rubs his temple as he approaches me. 

"Seems not" I smile with faint chuckle. I peck a kiss on his cheek before pressing the button on his belt releasing is wings. 

"When will you ever stop" He laughs

"When it gets old" I lean in close to his ear "and that will never happen" I smile, kiss him, and walk past him towards the club house. 

"INCOMING!" I hear Ruffnut Screech. 

"WHAT?! they haven't attacked the Edge in ages!" I yell bolting to Stormfly. 

"come on bud" I hear Hiccup mount Toothless. We take to the air ready to defend our home. 

"What?!" Fishlegs comes to a stop. 

"Are you absolutely stupid??!!" Snotlout turns and yells at the twins. 

I settle Stormfly as I see Melody and the riders approach. "its ok girl, Its just the kids" 

Melody's POV

"hey look they came to welcome us!" Liam shouts. The pack speeds up to reach my parents. 

"Hey Ma! Hey Dad!" I pull Hero to a quick stop, face to face with toothless. 

"hey Kiddo" dad replies, he seems relieved... odd. "wait- whats wrong, is everything at The Cove alright?!" He immediately questions. 

"Yeah, we just needed a break from the repetition is all" I smile as we all turn to land at The Edge. 

.   .   .

Im sitting on the bridge watching as Terra gets settled into her parents hut, and the boys rough around with Snotlout and the twins. I wont be shocked if they blow something up. I feel a familiar weight on my shoulder. Turning I see Mom glancing down at me, she flicks her eyes out to sea and I knew instantly what she was saying. 

"race ya" I smirk while mounting Hero. "come on girl show what you got" We take to the skies Stormfly and Toothless close on my tail. Hero glances below her making eye contact with Toothless. She lets out one of her familiar dragon noises. Even with the amulet, it's not all words. dragons will be dragons. 

"lets see, can a tidal beat a night?" I hear dad challenge us. 

"only one way to find out" I smirk in response, gripping the saddle knowing it's about to get real. 

Astrids POV

I watch as Melody shoots off with Hiccup. They twist and turn around rock stacks both low on their dragons. My eyes follow Hero as she flips over Toothless, Melody's hair falling into Hiccups line of sight. He pulls Toothless to a slow while Melody continues on. We watch as she drives low to the water, just before the break Hero spreads her wings and effortlessly sours over the open sea. 

"she takes after you, you know" I shout over to him, "your leadership, your soul of a dragon..." I pause for affect "Your hair" we chuckle.

"But thats nothing with out her kindness, and her bravery. Its no doubt she is your daughter Astrid" 

"Our daughter" I correct with a smile, turning back to watch as she and Hero dance through the clouds. 

Melody and the ridersWhere stories live. Discover now