2 - Hero

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Melody's POV

I groan and flutter my eyes open. "Ugh, what happened?" I mumbled then everything floods back in. "Ugh! Vigo! They will kill you for this!" I yell. I look down and my hands and feet, they were chained together. "Ugh. Stupid chains." They were the dragon proof chains. Now even if they did get here they can't just break these.

"Oh good you're awake. The master wants to see you. Get up" I was told through the bars of the cell. But I did not move. I stayed put. "Fine, then we will move you ourselves." They come in a force me to my feet, and push me along. They lead me to the cabin of the boat. "Come in!" We could here Vigo yell. I snarl my face as they push me into the room. "Oh good, you're up. Let's get down to business" he started. "I will do nothing for you. My mother and father will be here for me soon. And they will kill you for this, you crossed the boundary this time" I snarl at him. He just chuckles. "If They value your life, they won't come near this ship" he looks me dead in the eyes. It was intimidating but I wasn't going to show it. I am strong, and brave like my parents. He can't make me do anything. "Now, I have something for you to do" "I will not do anything for you!" I yell. "I would watch your tone young lady.." he glances at the weapons hanging on the wall. I don't respond. "Now follow me." He says and stands up. I stand up and follow him. He leads me below deck to where all of the dragons were being held. He had so many. But one really caught my eye. "You like that one?" Vigo stops and asks me. She was beautiful, she looked just like Toothless but blue. "A tidalfurry one of a kind" He starts. A tidalfurry. How come Dad has never heard of this? "I have been having a hard time to get it to be quiet. That's where you come in" he pauses. I pull my attention from the dragon to Vigo. "How? What do you want me to do with it? I will not hurt it" I warn him. "Yes yes I know. You won't hurt it, you will tame it. For me to ride" I was shocked. He wants to ride it?! No way am I letting him do that. "Why?" I question but it goes unanswered. "Tame it or I kill it and you. You have two hours." "Two hours to tame a dragon?!" I yell. "Don't yell at me young lady!" He snaps and slaps my across the face. When he did the tidalfurry whined. "It's ok girl" I call her. "Now... I will unchain you but you will not leave this area. And if you try and free the other dragons so help me I will kill you" he warns before leaving. He opened the cage for the tidalfurry so I can tame it. "It's ok girl. I won't hurt you. I'm not like Vigo, I will get you out of here. Ok? You just have to work with me" I spoke calmly and softly to try and not spook her. I placed my hand out for it to smell. Surprisingly it was ok with me. She pressed her head into my hand. "Ok good job girl. I think I need to name you. Let's see... a tidal class dragon, blue skin, how about..." I was cut off. "DRAGON RIDERS!!!" I could hear men yell from above deck. "Dad.." I whispered. I quickly pulled off the ropes  and muzzle around the dragon. "Get the girl!" I could hear Vigo yell. Hunters stormed down the stairs and I was prepared to fight but I didn't have to. A blast of water shot past me, it was the dragon. "You did it! Keep going girl! I won't leave you" I yell to the dragon and she shoots again and again until all the hunters are down. She looks back at me then look to her back. "You want me to ride you..." I was surprised. I hopped on her back. "Wait we can't leave the other dragons, shoot the cages" I instruct. And she does. The cages pop open and the dragons flee. "Alright girl lets go. To the air!" I yell and she does. She busts through the trap door and we take to the sky. "Mom! Dad?" I was shocked when I didn't see them. Instead i saw two boys maybe my age or a year older than me riding dragons. "Are you ok?!" One yelled to me. "Yeah I'm ok. Who are you?" I question. "Questions later, flee now!" The Other  yells to me. I nod then rub the dragons head. "Hero, because you saved me. That's what I'll call you." I said and she shot water into the air in excitement. I smile before taking off after the two riders.

Note: that art of Hero above is my own original design.

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