40 - Happy Snoggletog Kane

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Narrators POV

11:30 am - In The Sky

"I don't remember the flight there being this long" Tuffnut complains. 

"thats because you were unconscious for most of it last time, Tuff" Astrid retorts.

"oohhh yeeeaaah." Tuff slouches back into his saddle laying his forehead between Belches horns. 

"We shouldn't be much longer, maybe another hour or so" Hero calls out. 

"Hero said about another hour" Liam said so nonchalantly. 

"Thanks Hero. Wait-" Hiccup shoots his head to look back at the redhead. 

"What?" Liam asked, startled. 

"you understood her" Astrid chimes in from the opposite side of the pack. 

To this Kane shot his head up. "This cant be good. If she is wearing the amulet she might be in danger. Come on boy" rubbing Spikes head for encouragement he feel the nadder speed up. 

11:30 am - somewhere else in the sky 

Melody was taking a break from flying solo and was now riding on the fury's back. 

"Avel" she looked down at the dragon

"Yes?" he glanced back at her. 

"you pushed me off a cliff" 

"I did" He returned his eyes ahead of him.

"What if the wings didn't work" 

"But they did, didn't they?"

"yeah.. but how did you know they would work? Im the first human protector."

"I didn't really. it was more of a hunch. You see, when we had dragon protectors there was no need to grant flight, for well, obvious reasons. So I granted the gift of speed. With my scale any dragon could enhance their flight speed. For you, who has no flight there is no speed to enhance."

"That makes sense." Melody ran her fingers over the fury figure that sat in the amulet. 

"wanna go again?" Avel turned back to her. 

"sure, take us up?" She had this spark in her eyes that could light the night sky. 

Avel took the two up above the clouds climbing and climbing until the clouds were so far below they looked like the ground. Melody stood carefully readying herself as she twisted the amulet feeling the wings connect. She shook her head in preparation as her helmet appeared. She bounced on her toes ever so slightly before running forward and jumping over the dragons head. Her arms tucked closely at her side she dove smoothly through the air. Avel was close behind wings pulled in as he barrel rolled past the rider, just before breaking the surface of the clouds he spread his wings and let the wind carry him forward with no need for flapping. Melody watched in awe before pushing herself forward, holding her arms closer to her side and pushing her shoulders she spun too. Focused on the surface of the clouds she let her self near closer and closer until they were almost in reach, she spread her arms and let the wind carry her just as it did Avel. 

The girl let out a gentle laugh as she dragged her hand through the wet clouds, feeling the crisp cold they produced.  Ahead was a large cloud they had no choice but the fly through. Even while hesitant about not being able to see she pursued not letting it stop her. Avel began to flap which in turn lead to the parting of the clouds, pushing them upward creating a large ring for them to follow through. 

Just beyond the ring were a pack of dragons, dragon riders to be exact. Avel swerved to the side revealing melody to the group.

"Melody?" Kane questioned as she flew right for him and Spike. 

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