22 - Scales and Skills

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Melody's POV

As we flew back to the island I explained everything about the amulet and Hunter and the Fury dragons. We were getting close to the island and I couldn't see the others so I had Hero shoot into the air to get their attention.

Kane's POV

"Kane you need to calm down. And stop worrying." Liam tells me. "Liam it's almost sunset and they aren't back." I tell him. "I'm sure they are fine... it's Melody after all. And Hero... she will bring them home safely... right?" Terra looked up at us from where she was sitting on the floor hugging her legs. "Yes. We have no need to worry." Liam says while walking over and sitting down next to her. Then I heard a sound I knew. "What was that?" Terra asked. "It was Hero!" I yell before scrambling to the door and racing out side. The others were close behind me. "Melody!" I yell to her. She smiled and waved down to us. "Mom! Dad!" Terra yelled and raced to the landing to wait for them. We followed her and as soon as they landed she ran to them and hugged them tightly. Melody got off Hero's back and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly. "Glad your back ok" I say to her. "Yeah. Luckily we are all here. I was worried about toothless for a little bit there" she says and turns to look back at him.

Melody's POV

"Yeah. Luckily we are all here. I was worried about toothless for a little bit there" i say and turn to look back at him. "Yeah. I lost my head back there. I wasn't in control... I was there but not there." He pauses. "Yeah. I'm glad I got there when I did." I say back to him. At the moment only I could understand him because I didn't have the armor on. "So. What happened. Why did he take you guys in the first place?" Liam asks them. "They wanted leverage to get to the amulet." Fishlegs answers. "Well?" Kane turns to me. I hold out the amulet to show them I had won. "Good. Glad you made it back with everyone and the amulet." Kane's says. "Yeah. I have only had it for a week or so. But with out it I would have never been able to defeat the spell toothless was under." I say. I look back at him, I could tell he felt guilty. "Speaking Of Toothless..." i say and walk over to him. "Wanna go for a fly? For old times sake?" I ask him. He looked up at me. "Come on just you and me." I don't let up. He gives a faint smile then agrees. "We'll be back before dinner!" I yell before getting into his saddle. "Where to?" He asks me. "Doesn't matter. Let's just wonder." I tell him. He nods before jumping up and taking off.

"Thanks for saving me Melody" he thanks me out of no where breaking the silence. "Of corse toothless. If you were still able to hear me while under that spell, I know you heard me say that I think of you as a brother. You are the older brother I never had." I pause. "And it was also time I did the saving for once." I chuckle thinking back to when I was little and he would protect me as his own from the other dragons and he would keep me away from cliffs and edges, and how he would be at my side when ever I needed him. He was my first best friend. Well other than Terra of corse. He was how I realized I needed to wait until I found a dragon that would do that for me. That's how I knew that every other dragon I tried wasn't the one. But with hero, I get that same secure feeling inside that I get from toothless. "So. You know everything?" He asks. "Yes I do. At least I know everything Hero has told me" I answer. "Well. I do think that you should work with as many of the Fury dragons as you can to train. Everyone of us has a certain skill we can teach you. Mine being stealth." He informs me. "Good to know." I say. "Wanna start training? We can try sneaking up on the others" he tells me. I grin before we land in a clearing in the woods. "Alright. We can't take too long, I told them we need to be back before dinner." I informed him. "We'll be quick" he replied.

"Alright. Hold out your amulet." He instructs me and I do. "Now, by adding a one of my scales it will unlock a new skill relating to stealth." He tells me. "Ok. Let's see.." I say before he kicks over one of his scales. "Alrighty then. Let's see what it will give me." I say before opening the amulet and putting in the scale. There were 6 slots, one for every dragons scale I guess. I close it back up. "Now let's see what it will do." He says while I say the chant and the armor appears. "Hmm... maybe try attacking me" I tell him. He hesitated. "Come on. Just go easy" I tell him. "Fine." He gives in before firing at me. All of a sudden a full face helmet appears around my face. "Melody?!" Toothless yelled. "I'm right here." I tell him. "Wait. What? Where? I can't see you.." he spins around looking for me. "That's so cool. It makes me invisible. That will definitely come in handy" I tell him. "Alright show yourself" He says before I remove the helmet making myself visible again. "So with the helmet on I'm invisible. But with it off I'm not." I explain. "I think I have a funny way to show the others your new ability." Toothless say with a smirk.

Kane's POV

"Alright Guys. Dinner is served" I say while placing plates done in front of everyone. "Where's Melody?" Hiccup asks. "I don't think we need to worry she said she would be back and she is with toothless." I reply. "Yeah. She will be fine" I hear hero. "Wait a minute." I look over at her. "I understood you" I say. "What?" Hiccup was confused. "That means she has her armor on... we can only under stand dragons when she has the armor on but she can understand them all the time..." I said while looking out the open door of the club house. "Kane I'm sure she's fine. She's Probably doing some training with toothless. They might have just lost track of time" Liam says. "I'm sure that's all it is." Hero says. "Hey guys we're back" I hear Melody but I don't see her. "Uh.." I was speechless. We were all looking around for her. "Um,  Are you guys ok? I'm relight here" she informs us. "Well. Melody... where's here?" Hiccup asks. "Is she a ghost?!" Tuff yells. "What happened dear child! What has turned you into a poor old ghost!" Ruff yelled. "Haha. Nothing. I'm right here. I'm right in front of you" she responds. "We don't see you Melody. Seriously" Astrid says. "We see toothless but not you" Hiccup adds.

Melody's POV

"Well I'm right next to him." I reply. This is hilarious. I'm trying to contain my laughter. I see Hero give a look in my general direction and I knew she figured it out. "Melody.. you and I will have a chat about this.." Hero says while walking over to me even though she can't see me. She bites down on my horns of my helmet and pulls it off and I become visible. "How did you see me?" I ask her. "My skill is sight..." he says in an annoyed voice. "Fine.." I mumbled and de-activate the amulet. "Sorry. I was just trying to have some fun." I go on. "Don't get mad at her Hero. It was my idea.l toothless admits. "Then I will be talking with you too" she says before giving us both a look. "That's pretty cool. How did you do that?" Terra asks. "It's one of the skills of the amulet, well once I put one of Of toothless scales into it. There's a slot for all 6 fury dragons. I hope to eventually collect them all." I say while sitting down in front of my plate. "I thought that was kinda funny, well after I knew you were joking" Kane says while sitting down next to me. "Yeah" Dad agrees while sitting on the other side of me. "Thanks. It will come in really handy on missions." I say and they all agree. Hero was still giving me the stink eye. "Yes. On missions it will be really handy. When you're just playing games it's not ok" she says annoyed. "Hero Leave her alone!" Toothless shouts. "Eclipse Stay out of it" She replies harshly. "That's not my name anymore and you know that!" He yells back. "Well it got your attention didn't it?" Hero continues to argue. Everyone had there eyes on them, even though they couldn't tell what they were saying they knew it was getting bad. I on the other hadn't heard it all. "Fine. If you're going to call me eclipse I will call you wave." All she does is blow steam out of her nose. "I was having fun with Melody. I haven't had the chance to do that for bout 2 months. Ever since you came back into my life" he admits. "Are you saying I stole her from you?!" Hero yelled. "No...Yes... Ugh! Wave. No I don't care that she is the protector. I don't care that you are her dragon. But I do care if you don't let her be a kid! She's only 15!" He yelled. I couldn't take it anymore. "I'll see you guys in the morning" I mumble before getting up and walking to my hut. I lock the door behind me because frankly I didn't want to have anything to do with either of them. I curl up in my bed and try not to think about what just happened.

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