32 - I love you

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Narrator's POV

"AAARRRUUUGGHHHHH" Melody screams out. Throwing her fists into the air and falling back onto Hero's back. She really is like her father. The rest of the riders stayed quiet. 

"Three weeks! THREE WEEKS!" she yelled again. 

"we will find him" Terra flies up next to her. 

"you say that Terra. But don't you think we would have found him by now. How far could one dragon fly in a night?" 

"He was a titan, Melody. He is beyond faster than any of our dragons. I don't know if Toothless could beat him." Liam announces. 

Melodys POV

I knew deep down he was right. But it still doesn't seem possible. I felt like we were going to fly off the edge of the earth if we kept flying like this. I stare down at Hero's saddle. 

"for the protection of the dragons the seas are mine to command" I announce, gripping the amulet firmly. 

"what are you doing?" I hear Spike. I shoot a look over to him, He hasn't spoken much since we started looking. 

"using what I have" I press a button allowing my goggles to appear, I scan the horizon spotting a land mass. 

"there... theres an island" I announce beginning to lead the way. 

Kane's POV

I flutter my eyes open. I peak out the window and see the sun is still too low is the sky. Kai wont be awake for another two hours. I glance over at Clementine, she was curled up in the corner of the hut sleeping still. I get up and head to my kitchen. I slice some bread letting is toast up on the stove. When it was dark enough for my liking I spread some yak butter on it before sitting to eat. After I ate I dressed my puncture wound from where Chance struck me a few weeks back. It left a pretty swollen mass for a while and has finally gone away but its still red. Ive been applying this ointment Kai gave me to make the rash fade. I took off my shirt and studied my old scare, running my fingers over it, then over my fresh bruises. Kai says she's family.. she sure teats me like a prisoner though. I want to leave, I really do. But I just don't know how. 

Im sitting doodling in a book when I hear a thump outside. Sounded almost like a dragon landing. What did she do go for a fly? I peer out my little window, the sight before me made me stumble. 

"Clementine, wake up" I shook her awake. I needed her help. When she was ready I had her blast the door but nothing. Twice, Nothing. "HERE! IM HERE!" I yelled as loud as I could banging on the door. 

Melodys POV

We come in for a landing near a few huts. "This has to be it. Be ready everyone" I ready my axe, Hero close behind me. 

I scan the area seeing nothing truly out of place. A blast draws my attention to one of the huts. "come on girl, lets get a closer look" Then I heard it...

"HERE! IM HERE!" followed by many knocks. It was him. 

"KANE!" I yelled before sprinting to the door finding a large lock. 


"Kane, Im here. Stand back. Hero, aqua blast." Hero shoot the lock causes it to pop open. I bust through the door so fast, finding Kane being guarded by a golden Sand Wraith. I freeze in my place. 

Kanes POV

"Woah, Easy girl" I pull Clementine back. "she wont hurt me." When she was calm I ran to Melody. "it you, it's really you." I fell into her holding her tight. 

"its me, Im here" she buried her head into my neck. 

"kai, we have to go. Now before she wakes up" I push her off me gently. 

"Clementine come on, let's go girl" I guide them out of the hut and down the path. My heart almost stops when I see Spike. Immediately I ran to him. "you're alive, you're alive" I hug him tightly. 

"so are you" I hear him reply. I smile, grateful for Melody's amulet. I turn back to Clementine. 

"I-is he yours?" I hear her ask. 

"yes, b-but so are you. Come with us. I cant leave you here. Join our pack" I walk over to her kneeling down in front of her. Before she can answer she spins around growling. 

"kai..." my body freeze, my breath begins to quicken. 

"So... they aren't dead. A pity, really." She snickers as she paces in front of us. Melody had placed herself on my left, Spike on my right, Clementine still in front of me. I knew the rest of the group was behind us. 

"It takes a lot more than a tail prick to kill us" Liam announces.

"this, this must be Liam" She smirks.

"don't touch him" I demand as if she would listen to me. 

"you forget who's in charge here..." she turns back to Liam who has a strong glare plastered on his face. "I have to thank you, you saved my brother"

"Brother?!" Melody yelled. "she's your sister?" She turns to look at me. 

"Ill explain everything later" 

"You stole him. You are no better than your parents" Liam approaches her. 

"I am much better than our parents. He was fed here! He had a bed to sleep in!"

"Yet he is bruised and bandaged!" He retorts. I have never seen him this worked up. 

"Kane, come back to me brother. Family sticks together" Kai shows that creepy smile of hers. 

"you're right, family does stick together. We aren't leaving without him" I hear Hiccup announce.

"fine... you leave me no choice. Chance, strike" I immediately grab Melody and duck. When nothing happened I look back up to see Toothless flying above us. He was glowing... blue... 

"The alpha..." Kai whispers. 

"protects them all" Hiccup places a hand on my shoulder. I see Chance back down, bowing his head to toothless. I step out to Kai, trying not to show my shaking hands. 

"let me leave Kai. This is a fight you wont win" I make myself stand tall. Trying to show no fear. 

"Brother... What you still have not understood is that I don't need a dragon" She smirks while striking me across the face. 

"Kane!" Melody yells. I hear Spike and Clementine both ready their blasts. 

"I-I am not your brother" I back away. I feel someone stomp past me. Before I knew what happened Kai was on the ground, and Terra was hovering over her.

"That is for kidnapping our boy, you asshole" Terra turns to look at me "they teach you boys not to hit a girl... good thing Im not a boy" she leans in and hugs me. "Don't ever, scare us like that again" sometimes she amazes me, she doesn't seem like the type of person to have that kind of punch in her. 

"this isn't the last you'll see of me Kane" Kai hobbles over to Chance and flies off. She's gone, sh-she's really gone...I felt my knees give out and I hit the ground. I feel the long awaited sob break free. 

"th-th-thank you" I manage to get out between sobs. 

"Kane, look at me" I feel Melody lift my face to hers. "I am so, so sorry it took us so long. Thank you for holding on" She leans in and hugs me tight. I cry into her shoulder holding her like she might disappear. 

"I-I cant believe you guys are alive... she said she killed you" I whisper to her. 

"She lied... like liam said, it takes more than a tail strike to kill us. ok?" She wipes away my tears. I flick my eyes between hers. I love you.  

Melody and the ridersWhere stories live. Discover now