6 - The Team

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One month later

"Aw Dad you gotta stop crying. I'm not leaving for good. You know this! We will visit! I promise." Terra tried to comfort her father. "We will terroir mail you guys when we find a spot. Then we will come back here for materials because we don't want to drag the dragons down" Melody informs Hiccup. He smiles then hugs her. "Be safe. And Remember, no Dragon left behind. Stay together and stay safe. We love you" Astrid hugs her daughter again before they leave. They four teens ride off while waving and smiling.

"Alright gang, now, first order of business. Who's the leader?" Melody asked. "Wait meaning you don't know??" Liam says like it was obvious. "Well I mean I don't want to assume." She replies. "Well, Melody. You! You're our leader. Daughter of Hiccup, you are a great leader. We've all seen it in training. That's why we chose you" Terra explains. "Oh, wow. That's guys" she smiles as Hero shoots into the air in excitement. Hero has become so comfortable with the other riders. And won't let anyone ride her unless she is comfortable with them, and can trust them.

"Hey guys wanna see something we've been working on?" Melody asks the group. "Sure! What is it?" Kane was the first to question it. "Well lets show 'em girl... ready... Go Camo" melody Instructs her dragon. Hero flips upside down so her belly is up. "Woah! We almost can't see you! That's so cool! That will come in handy in battle" Liam exclaims. They flip back over and Melody fixes her hair. She has brown hair like her father and wears it in a braid like her mother. "Well, she is Tidalfurry after all" Melody responds. She smiles while tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

Melody's POV

"Look! An island!" Liam yells to the group. "Alright then gang. Let's check it out. Be cautious and stay together. If we split try to find a partner." I instruct the team. They all nod and fly in. "Ahh what's that sound?!" Kane yells as Spike, his dragon started to freak out. "Fall back! It's hurting the dragons!" I yell and they listen. "If it's what I think it is.. then it's a screaming death." Terra informs us. "Well let's check that one off the list..." I say and look at Terra. She pulls out the map and marks it with a red x. She is great with maps, just like her dad. "Well, let's move on. Maybe the next one."

Two days later

"Well, there is still one last island, if it doesn't work looks like its back to the edge we go." Terra looks at me with pity filled eyes. "It's gotta work. I can feel it. Thor is with us for this" I tell them. Kane looks back at me with a smile. "Look! Land! There it is!" Liam yelled. "Alright same as before" I tell them before we land. "So far so good. Keep a close eye out though." Kane warns us. I walk slowly around the island. It was pretty big. "Alright girl. Let's see. Can you do the same location trick Toothless can?" I ask her. And sure enough she can. Except instead of purple it was blue. "Nothing. We are good here! Yay!" I yell to the group. Terra ran up to me and hugged me tight. "I knew we could do it." Terra said excitedly. "I'll send a terrier mail with the location so they can find us and bring materials." I tell them. I write it out and send it. "Well they should be here hopefully by dusk tomorrow. Until then? Let's build base camp. And we can work on designs." I smile at the group of friends in front of me. Then at Hero.

After we ate and talked for a bit we decided to rest up. It was getting dark so we put out the fire and headed to bed. "Night gang" I say before laying my head down on Hero. She curls up around me. We are all sleeping curled up next to our dragons. I was hard for me to get to sleep. I kept tossing  and turning.

I fluttered my eyes open to see it was still dark outside. I sit up and I can feel Hero lift her head to look at me. "I'm ok girl. Just can't sleep too well" I reassure her. She goes to lay her head back down but then notice Kane isn't with us, and spike is gone too. "Wait girl get up, Kane's gone" she got right up and I hopped on her back. "Come on girl. We have to find him" I lean down and reach out in front of her to let her sniff his blanket. when she got his sent we wondered off into the forest. "We should be quiet girl. We don't want to spook anything living here" I place my hand of her head to calm her. "You know. You shouldn't be sneaking around alone at night Haddock." I heard a familiar voice. "Vigo.. you stay away from me and my dragon." I demand. "Actually if you can recall that is my dragon, you tamed him for me" He corrected me. "Her... its a her... she is not your dragon, and even if I wanted to hand her over she wouldn't allow it. She wouldn't let you ride her. Who trains her rides her. And guess this? I trained her!" I yell at him. I drew a circle on Hero's head to signal  her to fly. Up we went. I could hear him laugh as we flew up. "Oh no, the others. come on girl let's go." I pat Hero's head and we take off towards base camp. "No... they're gone... all of them.." I whisper. All of a sudden Hero let's out a cry of pain and starts to fall. "No Hero!" I look around to see what happened. It was a ball and rope around her wing. "Hang on girl I'll free you!" I call before taking out my knife and reaching over to cut it. "Oh no you don't" I could hear Vigo before I was hit with a ball and rope also. My hands were tied together. I couldn't move. "I'm sorry girl. I tried." I say before we hit the ground with a loud hard thud. I hit my head pretty hard. Hero tried to protect me, but they muzzled her mouth shut. "No! Hero!!" I yell as they pull her away from me. "No! Girl!" I yell again before I felt my eyes go heavy. "What?.." I mumble and look down. Vigo has punched me... "no..." I mumble as I fall into him and my eyes close for good.

Melody and the ridersWhere stories live. Discover now