35 - Snoggletog Preparations

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"So, are you going to tell your dad about us?" Kane bumps me in the shoulder with his arm. I rub my side not making eye contact.

"no, I cant, Kane... I'm sorry"

"Come on, it's been three months. The longer we wait the harder he will take it" I look up meeting his eyes. Has he always been this tall? I feel a blush paint my face the longer he looks at me.

"He's been so stressed helping Grandpa Stoick with the Snoggletog preparations. I cant spring this on him now."

I watch as he throws his hands up in the air as if surrendering. "fine, my death will be on your hands" I hear the smirk in his voice as he walks away. I chuckle softly before returning to work.

Hero and I continue gathering wood. The maple trees here compare to nothing back at Berk, so our group was put in charge of building the stage for the festival this year.

"you take those to the others, I'll finish up this batch and we should be set" I direct Hero, she grabs a few logs with her legs before flying off to the group near the beach. I turn to chop the remaining logs when I hear a rustle behind me. "ha ha, very funny. Come on out, which one of you is it?" I sarcastically chuckle. To my surprise out jumps a hooded man.

"What?!" I stumble back. Before I could even ask who he was, He started swinging. Unlucky for him I swing back. we fought rough for only minutes before my axe was knocked too far out of reach. Amulet, where is the amulet? I pat down my pockets backing away. UGH its in the saddle bag.

"you have got to be kidding me" I mumble turning to run. I duck and weave through the trees turning sharp trying to lose my tail. *whoosh* an arrow shoots past my head. I glance back and see a second man with a bow chasing me too.

"Hero!" I call out. "Hero!!" I spot an opening in the trees and turn to it. "oh skrill" I mumble when I see the opening is merely a cliff side. I stumble over a rock and skid dangerously close to the edge. The men near me chuckling with these sinister smiles. I duck and shield my face, unaware of what to do next.

"Spike! Spine shot!" I hear Kane call out. I glance up to see a row of spines dividing me from the men. They back away watching Spike hover above me protectively.

"oh no" my words fell short as I watched the ledge begin to crumble. It wasn't long before I was falling. "HERO!!" I screech flailing my arms about.

Narrator's POV

Melody plummeted from the cliff. The men snickered and smirked thinking she had met her demise. Stunned they watched as the tidal fury flapped up into view with one Melody Haddock gripping its legs.

"nice catch, thanks girl" Hero places Melody softly on the ground before hopping in font of her, scaring off the men.

"you good down there?" Kane shouts.

"yeah." She replies as Spike lands next to them. Kane reaches out a hand, helping Melody to her feet.

"Who were those guys?" He questions.

"I have no clue, they didn't seem like hunters." She says brushing the dirt from her shirt and corset.

"and they defiantly weren't with Kai." He adds.

"I don't know, but let's get back to the group." She rubs her head before mounting Hero. 

.     .     . 

Melody's POV

"Melody you have to tell your parents about the attack." Liam shouts over the wind as we close in on Berk with the load of wood. 

"And tell then what? Oh hey Dad, hey Mom, yeah I was attacked this morning. No I don't know who they were. No I don't know why. Sorry. Happy Snoggletog. Absolutely not." I hear him sigh, they all know Im stubborn and believe me, I know who I get it from. Being the child of two of the most stubborn people in Berk has its disadvantages. 

"Fine. But, If they rear their ugly heads you have no choice. Fair?" Terra locks eyes with me. I can see the anxiety in face. She always attempts to hide it but I think when it comes to me she struggles. I know how to read her like a book. 

"Fair" I return my sights to Berk. 

We fall into line as we unload the wood at the open lot. We pass through town headed towards the Chiefs hut, where we land swiftly. 

"Melody! My dear!" I hear him bellow out as he scoops me up in a bone breaking hug. 

I give a slight chuckle "Hi Grandpa Stoick" He puts me down and rubs at my head with a smile. 

"ah, it's been too long" Grandma appears from behind him and pecks a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Hi Gram. Are Mom and Dad here?" I ask looking around. 

"Yes they are with Gobber near the stables." I give a gentle nod before turning to my team. 

"alright, we need to build up the stage, but we have some time, so if you want to go do some visiting feel free. Meet at the lot in two hours?" I suggest a simple plan. A unanimous agreement spread through us. Hero and I watch as Liam and Terra head off in the direction of the town center. Kane turns back to me with a smile extending his hand. 

Narrators POV 

"wanna go see your parents?" he asks. Melody gives a gentle nod, taking hold of his hand. Both wandering off towards the stables, their dragons following close behind. 

Valka leans into Stoick with a knowing grin. "young love" She whispers. 

"You think?" He turns to meet her eyes. 

"I know it, Stoick" She poked his nose before returning to the hut. 

Kane and Melody separated their hands when they were in view of Hiccup and Astrid. Spike pranced off to Stormfly playfully as Hero paced over to Toothless. She rubbed his head gently with hers before turning back to the group. 

"Aye! theres my girl" Astrid walks over and hugs Melody. 

"Hi Mom" She smiles, hugging back. 

"Kane, Hows it been? You doing better?" Hiccup approaches the teen. 

"Yeah. Much better. Thank you for asking" He replies sincerely. 

"we haven't seen you guys in a while, How are things holding up at The Cove?"  Astrid glances to Kane. The teens share a knowing look, hesitant to reply. 

"never been better" Melody smiles hiding the truth behind her teeth. 

HI all, You may think this chapter seems familiar. If you watched the Race To The Edge series then you will get it. If you haven't seen it no worries you don't need to. I just needed some inspiration soo I chose to mirror one of the episodes. NO it will not be exactly the same. It will all make sense later. As always thanks for reading :D

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