28 - The Stranger

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Kanes POV

"Come on bud. you ready for patrol?" I mount spike as he gives me a soft grumble. "I know... it's not your favorite... but it's necessary. We are sleeping here at The Edge, the least we can do is help out." I pull up on his saddle, leading him through the crisp evening air. The pink and umber hues painted the sky. 

"Almost cold ain't it bud" I rub my arms for warmth as we sour, scanning the perimeter if the island. I feel him alert "yeah I see it, let's get a closer look". I get low on spikes back as we dive in for a soft landing. I ready my axe as we approach the smoke. I notice a figure hovering its hands over the flame. It's hard to make out at night but they seem to be covered head to toe in armor, "odd" I whisper. I let my eyes trail across the camp site to a large dragon curled up. What type of dragon is that? its so dark in its coloring... red, black...*snap* oh no. The sound of the broken twig made both figures perk up. The rider turned in our direction. I gripped my blade and stood tall. 

"Who are you? What are you doing on our island?" I questioned sternly. The dragon rose, it was massive. Ive never seen anything like it. Spike spread his wings defensively behind me, making him self as big as he could. The rider drew a canister from their belt. 

"Answer me" I stepped closer. Before I could even react I was doused in a glowing mist rendering me unable to move. Flightmare gas. Spike started to freak out, screeching and flaring trying to protect me. The human gathered their things, killed the fire and mounted the dragon. With out speaking a word they were gone, and I was stuck. This is not good. I stood frozen in place, the cold chilling my skin. Spike paced circled around me. He needed to go get help but I knew he wouldn't leave me alone. 

Melody's POV

"Alright Mom, Dad, I think Im off to bed" I lean in to kiss my parents good night. 

"Good night hun, sleep well" 

"good night kiddo, love ya" 

"night Terra" I hugged my friend before turning for the door. while I reached for the handle Liam came busting in out of breath. 

"We need to go, now" He made steady eye contact with me while bent over trying to catch his breath. I heard the chairs against the floor as my parents shot from their seats. 

"What happened Liam? you need to take a breath" I held his shoulder. 

"Spike.. h-his distress call" That was all Liam needed to say before I was on Hero's back. 

"come on girl" 

"Melody! Wait up!" I heard Terra shout out. It wasn't long before liam was leading us towards the distress sighting. The starts were lighting the sky when another blast shot into the air. Hero and I picked up speed knowing it couldn't be good if another call went out. "THERE!" I yell spotting Kane stood in the tree line, Spike circling him. Hero takes us in for a landing. "Kane!" I yell running to him. He wasn't moving. "Kane speak to me" I cup his face with my hands, his eyes met mine and his breathing seemed to slow to a steady pace. 

"Flightmare gas" Dad announces as he picks up a canister from the ground. 

"Who would do this" Mom questions trying to settle Spike. As we were talking I felt Kane twitch, it was wearing off. 

"a rider... they had this huge dragon..." Kane announces as soon as he could.

"you aren't hurt are you?" I ask scanning his body. 

"thankfully they had no intentions of harming us" I hug Kane immediately. Soon I felt him hug me back, leaning into me for support. 

"lets get back to The Edge, you need to get some rest, we can try to identify this dragon in the morning ok?" Dad declares, we all nod in agreement, mounting our dragons. 

.    .    .

Im sitting watching Kane and Uncle Fishlegs flip through the book of dragons. The pages were running low, if it isn't in there we have no way of knowing who attacked him. "this one" I hear him announce as he taps the page. 

"Deathgripper... Hiccup, you don't think" Fishlegs turn to Dad with this look of pure fear. 

"If it were Grimmel he would have killed Kane.  Its not him"

"But you know how well he loves the hunt Hiccup" 

"Dad What are you talking about? Who's Grimmel" I approach my parents confused and concerned. 

"Grimmel was, is a monster. Many years ago, before you were born, a man named Grimmel attacked Berk. He wanted Toothless, I didn't let that happen." He pauses to rub Toothless's head. "he enslaved and controlled dragons, specifically Deathgrippers." 

"How do you know it wasn't this Grimmel dude who attacked me" 

"You wouldn't be alive" Dad turns back to the book of dragons. "we need to figure out who this rider is, and if they are friend or foe, because at the end of the day they just stunned you, left you uninjured." 

"You're right" It really doesn't make much sense. But I have this feeling we need to get back to The Cove. "gang, we need to go home, theres a possible new threat in our waters and Hunter is still on the loose, our home is unguarded right now" My friends seem to agree. Mom and Dad share a look before hugging me good bye. 

.     .     .

"So you have no clue who that person was"

"no Liam, I told you. I don't even know if they were a boy or girl, child or adult." Kane snaps back quickly. 

"sorry dude, Im just worried for you is all" 

"don't be Liam, Im fine. Uninjured, just confused"

"we are closing in on The Cove gang" I announced feeling the flap of Hero's wings under me. 

Narrators POV

The unknown rider form the prior night tailed the young group. She watched Tidalfury lead the pack. 

"Woah boy, not yet" She felt her dragon get antsy. She waited until the moment was right, the team distracted in conversation. "now" she whispered. The dragon sped forward at unimaginable speed, swopping low gripping ahold of Kane's shoulders lifting him from Spike's back.

"HEY! What the hell?! let me go!" Kane flailed around under the dragons grip.

"KANE!" Melody yelled speeding off after the Deathgripper, Spike close on her tail.

"circle" the rider commanded and the beautiful red beast circled back striking each dragon in the pack with its paralyzing tail.  

"NO! SPIKE!" Kane yelled as he watched his dragon plummet to the ocean surface. Hero, Boulder, and Windwhip all following close behind. The team held firmly to their dragons saddle as they crashed into the water, But the mysterious kidnapper didn't wait and watch. They flew off into the horizon until The Cove was only a speck in the distance. 

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