29 - A Name

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"Would you please put me down?! That was my team! My dragon!" Kane yelled, the dragons grip was strong. "Please! You can't let them drown!" The rider remained silent as the giant soured through the air. 

They flew for probably another hour before landing at an island. The dragon dropped Kane, causing him to crash into the ground. The rider circled in for a landing hopping off the saddle and approaching Kane. The boy tried to back away but was unsuccessful. The rider gabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. Dragging him behind her they neared a small piecemeal hut. 

"is this where you live?" Kane questioned. The rider turned back to him staring long into his eyes. Snapping back to reality she shoved him into the hut and onto a chair. She fixed him some water, handing it over to him. Hesitant, Kane drank it. 

"its really you" She announces while watching him closely. She grabs his chin and lifts his face taking a deeper look. "You need to shave" Kane pulled his face from her, written with confusion he's at a loss of words. 

The rider slowly removed her helmet allowing her long blond hair to frame her face. Her emerald eyes glistened in the candle light of the hut. 

"no way..." Kane nearly fell from his chair. "it cant be...Kai?"

"Hi little brother" she smiled softly, placing her helmet on the table and itching a spot on her neck. 

"No.. No you don't get to call me that. You left me. You ABANDONED me." Kane stands from his seat and pushes past her. He exits the house needing fresh air. Beginning to pace, feeling his chest tighten. 


"no, don't talk to me." He pauses whipping his head around meeting her eyes. "You left me.. you left me with them, alone. I believed you were the one person I could trust. That you wouldn't let anything happen to me. But no, no, I was wrong. When I woke up that morning and you were gone I convinced myself you went for help and that you would be back for me." He pauses to catch his breath. Kai had let her head hang in shame. "But when day after day began pass, I told myself the only way would you have not returned, was if you were dead. I thought there was no way you would willing abandon me." Kane was now crying and shaking. 

"Kane Im sorry. I knew I wasn't strong enough to help you, I was 13! I knew if I returned they would kill us both"

"Then why not take me with you"

"b-because I-" 

"I would've slowed you down wouldn't I" 

"NO- uh, yeah" She sighed. 

"I lived with them for another three years before I had an opportunity to escape. You see this?!" Kane lifted his shirt revealing a large scar. "this is what they did to me, because they thought I helped you get out. I begged, Kai. I prayed every night to Thor that maybe, maybe I was wrong, that you were alive just waiting for the right time. But you never came back." Kane turns from her watching the shore line in front of them. 

"Kane, I-Im sorry, But Im here now. You're safe" She reaches out for his shoulder but he jerk away. 

"NO!  I was safe, I had finally found a family! one who wouldn't shame me if I was wrong, who wouldn't hit me if spoke out of turn, who wouldn't let me go to bed hungry even if we were annoyed with each other. and you may have just killed them. 

"Kane I am your only family. We're blood" 

"blood means nothing, Kai. Mom and Dad were blood, look what they did us." he paused. "You need to take me back now" 

"I cant do that" 

"you have to, I have been with out you for ten years. I don't need you now!" He spoke harshly to her. 

"Kane, I don't think you have grasped the fact that I am in charge here... So, Im sorry for this" She let her voice get low, before he could turn to face her she struck him over the head. His body fell limp, lifting a cloud of dirt into the air when his tear stained face his the ground.

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