37 - Winter Flowers

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Narrators POV

"We have to move faster. When Hunter gets his hands on her and that amulet there is no telling what he will do." liam announces patting his dragons head encouraging new speed. Hiccup and Astrid meet each others gaze before turning back to the teens. 

"What do you mean 'when' is it not assumed he has her already?" Astrid questions allowing her eyes to land sternly on Terra, knowing she would spill first. 

Terra glances up and quickly looks away again, unable to hold eye contact. Hiccup pulls Toothless to a stop allowing him to fall inline with the razorwhip. "Terra" his commanding tone was enough for her to crack. 

"it wasn't Hunter after her... well it is I guess. But they were random bounty hunters maybe?" She looks up at him then over to Liam for support. 

"She was attacked at the Cove before we came to Berk..." Liam added. 

"why wouldn't she tell you?" Heather sits confused in her saddle. 

"you've been offaly quiet for someone who normally takes charge when Melody is not in the picture" Snotlout directs aggressively to Kane. This pulls Hiccups attention to the white deadly nadder. 

"I-its my fault... don't be mad at Melody. She wanted to tell you but I didn't want it to freak anyone out and it didn't seem too serious yet..." Kane took blame for the situation. 

"No. I know my daughter... she's like me. so good try, Ive done this before... Remember that year I hid a bounty form my father?" Hiccup turns to Astrid. 

"How could I forget that." 

"What? you had a bounty on you Uncle Hiccup?" Terra shoots her head up. 

"He sure did... he was taken all over the Archipelago before we got him back. He's stubborn and Refused to tell Stoick and got himself kidnapped" Fishlegs tells the vague story. 

"like father like daughter" Astrid announces. "but Liam is right, if there is a chance Hunter doesn't have her yet we need to get to her" To this Hero let out a powerful roar while souring faster.

For audio reference she would sound like this: 

Melodys POV

A shiver ran down my spine as I worked to untie my wrists, but it was to no avail. I could feel the rock of the boat as the waves got stronger. I could hear orders being barked above, and I watched as the sun rose from the window of the boat to my left. Clearly it's been hours, I was taken when the moon was still at its peek.  How are they supposed to find me with out the tracker?  Theres no way they left without the amulet too... which makes this so much worse... I bring my knees to my chest before tucking my head onto them.

Kanes POV

We had landed on our third Island, I'm beginning to feel how they must have felt looking for me months ago. The likely hood of her still being on a boat however, is high. Hunter wouldn't risk being so close to Berk. But, you cant just skip an island because knowing our luck she would be on the one we skip. To make the process move quicker we split up. Spike and I had found ourselves traveling down a well beaten path when it began to snow. I shivered at the cold and cringed at the thought of Melody being alone and freezing. 

Melodys POV

I let my eyes drift to the windows again and saw white flakes begin to fall form the sky. I could feel the chill of the wind seeping through the rickety boards as the fat snow flakes fell hard. Seeing the snow made me think of my favorite song to sing in the blue holiday season. beginning to hum the tune I let my mind wonder. 

Narrators POV 

Felling the snow on his face made Kane think of a song Mal had taught him many years ago, before she abandoned him. 

Begin song. The song should line up with the read, at least at my speed it does. Enjoy.

The two, miles and miles apart, unknowing of the other sang together in perfect harmony. Kane continued searching but stoped when he spotted a patch of wild black tulips. He approached them and plucked one form the ground. Melody's Favorite He thought, he could hear her voice clearly: while they appear black to many, when the light hits them just right a soft purple appears. Her smile was an image burned into his head. 

Melody watched as the snow began to build on the window sill, frost taking over the top corners. When she let her eyes fall shut she imagined herself in a field of black tulips growing tall through the snow. They were strong and resilient, like she needed to be now. She imagined Kane and Hero beside her, their warmth sent a calm sensation about her body. 

Tucking the flower in his bag for later Kane peered around tree after tree singing softly, holding onto the thought of melody beside him to give him strength. 

the two seemed connected at the soul. 

Melody's eyes shot open to see she was standing alone in a forest. truly surrounded by black tulips she spun on her heels looking to the sky where the snow fell beautifully. 

"Take a look at these winter showers" She smiles brightly "saying hi to her flowers... and to you" She spun with her arms outstretched as if gesturing to the field before softly letting her eyes land on Kane. He wondered on through the forest unable to hear or see her as she called his name.  She followed him closely singing strong hoping he would feel her presence , knowing it was all an illusion. 

When she caught up to him she reached out and attempted to grab his shoulder, but her hand fell through. 

He felt an almost ghostly sensation that caused him to shutter. He spun on his heels but found nothing. 

"Where the winter flowers bloom" Melody sung soft as she watched his face. She wanted to reach out a touch him, to tell him she wasn't on an island, but there was no use in trying.

Stepping back she clutched her arm. turning ever so slightly to face Spike. She approached and admired his white scales closely. He truly glowed in the snow. 

"Where the winter flowers bloom" Kane turned to Spike who was farther up the trail. His nose to the ground to track anything he could.

"Where the winter flowers bloom" Melody began to back form the two. 

"where the winter flowers do what seems impossible" She sucked in a calm breath and turned back to the field of black tulips. 

"We are winter flowers too" The two sang together as Melody sat back in the snow closing her eyes. Not wanting to let the vision go she knew she had to, when she opened her eyes again she was back on the cold boat, hands bound. 

Kane turned back to that field for one last glance before continuing on. 

 I hope that lined up for you as much as it did for me. I tried my best. Here is a visual of the scene. 


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