Thirty Four

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SITTING in her lecture hall, Jessica couldn't keep her eyes off Professor Lewis, not when she had on black tight pencil trousers hugging her curves and accentuating them for everyone to see, a cream chiffon blouse tucked into the trousers, a few buttons on the top were left open showing off her cleavage. Her short ebony hair was tied in a neat bun, not a single strand was out of place. A pair of hoop earrings dangled over her shoulder. Her long legs were complimented by her black high heels. She only wore minimum make-up to compliment her beauty. Jessica kept her gaze trained on her, barely paying attention to what she was teaching. At least she could hear her voice, but only because it sounded so sweet and soft in her ears. A girl next to her jabbed her with her elbow causing her to yelp.

All heads turned to her with questioning looks, she swallowed as she looked down at her notes, she could feel her professor's attention on her, but she didn't want to look into those eyes, not when they would leave her shaking.

Despite the interruption, her professor went on with the lecture until her timer went off. Jessica felt like four hours barely passed when her focus was on the sexy professor. She felt her arse stiffened and the four hours did catch up on her, "Where was your head, Jess?" The girl next to her asked. She had noticed Jessica blankly staring ahead of her on the raised pedestal.

"Just the finals." She smiled in response, lying to her with a straight face, the girl nodded and packed her bags, and walked out of the door. Jessica stared as students piled out of the lecture hall, on the pedestal she watched as Professor Lewis grabbed her electronics and pack them in her bag, she grabbed her black handbag and started walking towards the door, very well aware of the girl she was leaving behind.

She heard her steps getting closer as she reached the wide wooden door, a tiny grin settled across her lips. "Hey," She mumbled.

"Professor." Jessica wiggled her eyebrows, a playful smirk on her lips. Professor Lewis chuckled and walked out of the door, Jessica in tow. The two walked in silence until they reached the Arts department, Professor Lewis walked down the hall to her office very wary of the CCTV camera watching them, she kept a straight face as she opened her door, the same for Jessica.

They both knew what they were doing and how risky it was if they were ever caught. Jessica locked the door behind them and sighed heavily leaning against the door, Professor Lewis made her way across the room after placing her handbag and the other bag on the top. Jessica grinned widely watching her, she stood inches away from her and grabbed her hands.

Jessica sighed softly at the contact, "Vera." She mumbled softly causing her professor to smirk and then press her lips against hers. She pulled back shortly, "I missed you." Veronica—Professor Lewis—said sighing softly. Jessica grinned.

"I missed you too." She said.

Veronica tagged her forward leading her to her desk, she pulled the seat opposite hers for Jessica, "Thank you, baby." Jessica blushed. Veronica took her seat pulling her bags apart to glimpse at her girlfriend.

"How was your day?" Veronica asked leaning back against her seat and folding her arms across her chest, the action pushed her cleavage up causing Jessica to swallow harshly seeing that. Veronica smirked teasingly and uncrossed her hands to throw a pencil at Jessica.

Jessica released a hardy laugh throwing her head back, and shook her head. "My day was good, now it's even better." She said smiling softly when her laughter subsided. Veronica felt heat rise in her cheeks and ears, she bit her bottom lip.

"I'm glad baby, I missed you during the weekend." She pouted staring at the girl, Jessica swallowed nervously thinking back to her little dare to make out with someone else. She couldn't decline the dare, everyone knew she was single, they only thought that she fancied her professor and nothing more. Besides, if anyone found out it would be the end for both of them.

"Why do I feel like something happened?" Veronica narrowed her eyes, raising one of her perfectly drawn eyebrows. Jessica gulped, "I may have kissed someone during a dare."

"Jess!" Veronica scowled glaring at her.

"I'm sorry Vera I had to. They put me in a spotlight and I can't exactly shout my love for you without jeopardizing everything." She threw her arms in the air scowling back at her. Veronica's gaze softened, she leaned over and grabbed her hand.

"I know baby, I'm sorry. I want nothing more than to be holding your hand in public and kiss you whenever I want to. I know the circumstances will change soon, we just have to be strong." She rubbed circles on the back of her hand with her thumb.

"You know I love only you right?" Jessica gave her a warm smile, Veronica nodded shyly, "And I love you too."

"Now, on to work, have you already found placement for your attachment?" Jessica shook her head in response, she didn't see the need to hurry things up when she was still in the first semester. She wouldn't be going for attachment until after her second semester.

"Why not? I thought I asked you to start looking? Places are going to be packed by the time you send your application letter. Do you want me to help you with it?"

"No." Jessica quickly shook her head, she never once asked for any favours from her lover just because they were dating, not anything school-related anyways. Her grades, tips for the examinations, or even early access to her results. She wouldn't start taking advantage of her.

"You know I don't mind baby, right? Plus, the departments allow professors to help their students with getting placements."

"We talked about this Vera." Jessica sighed.

"This is different my love; I really want to help you. Do you still want to branch out to Journalism? I have a few contacts in the Media Industry I could send your applications to." Veronica offered hopefully, she just wanted to do something for her girlfriend.

"Okay yes, I still want to branch out to Journalism, but what would I even do in a Media House?" Jessica sighed.

"Lots of tasks, attending functions, writing articles, updating social media, editing articles. It all depends on the section they assign you, but you'll really learn a lot. Although, if you change your mind, I also have contacts in publishing companies." Veronica smiled.

Jessica groaned, she didn't want to depend on Veronica so much, but it would be easier to get placed if she is personally recommended by her lecturer. Sighing, she grinned at her girlfriend and nodded accepting her help. Veronica widely grinned, "Good, I'll start making the calls today. Do you have your applications ready? I could edit them for you."

"I'll email them to you. Thank you." Jessica gratefully said.

"Pleasure my love."

"Wait, am I getting special treatment because we're dating?" Jessica suddenly asked feeling slightly offended.

"Of course not baby, you're very brilliant. Being my baby just adds to the perks." Veronica winked making Jessica flustered.

"Will you spend the weekend with me? I asked Maggie (her helper) to clean the house."

"I'd love to." Jessica smiled feeling the flutter in her chest spread warmth in her body.

Author's Note 

Can't load you with all the heavy stuff, also although Zedina, Samantha, Alicia, and Jane are the main characters. I want you to also know about their supporting characters and how they influence the story. I hope you loved the chapter, if you did please leave a vote or a comment :) it really helps all of us get more readership. Thank you Luvs, I'll say goodnight now, or good day. I have to be in the office early enough. Bye Luvs.

PS: I'm listening to Fifth Harmony- I'm in love with a monster ;)

PSS: Remember in chapter one I mentioned that Jessica fancied her Culture professor.

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