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'HOLD still, would you baby.' Samantha chuckled twisting Zedina's braids. She had just finished braiding her hair and was locking the ends. Zedina chuckled and threw her arms up.

'There, you look so beautiful my love.' Samantha handed her a mirror. Zedina twisted and turned her head, a warm smile across her lips. Samantha pressed a kiss on her temple and wrapped her arms around her neck. Zedina quickly grabbed her phone and took pictures of them.

'Now where is mama? I need to fix her hair.' Samantha asked standing up; not before kissing her girlfriend's cheeks.

'She's in her room.' Samantha nodded and grabbed her combs.

Zedina sat there, staring after her girlfriend. Thinking to herself just how much she was lucky to have someone that loved and cared for her.

It was just after six o'clock in the evening, and the entire gang had gathered in Alicia's room. A short plump brunette sat on Raquel's knee, twisting her hair on her finger, chatting to Raquel, who appeared absorbed in whatever she was saying. Jerida was on her phone, while Alicia and Jessica were watching a Netflix film (The Kissing Booth). Zedina was checking her articles on her phone and reading some of the comments people had made.

"Okay, I can't just ignore this. She doesn't get to do this Zee." Alicia got up from the bed and shoved her phone in front of Zedina so she had lean back. She furrowed her eyebrows, "What?" She asked.

"Don't act like you can't see what's going on here Zee." Alicia scoffed rolling her eyes. She passed the phone to the rest of the girls whose eyes bulged as they gasped. Zedina felt a heavy weight had been placed on her heart, weighing her down as it pressed against her. She hardly swallowed as she found it difficult.

"We're not dating." She said heavily, looking away.

"Still doesn't give her the right to use you." Alicia responded.

"Sh-she's not. I'm using her too." Zedina mumbled, her voice low and shaky. It had been an IG post of Samantha with a guy having his arm wrapped around her waist. It wasn't the fact that she had posted it, or the guy from the picture that haunted her. It was the smile Samantha wore that tore her heart.

"Yeah. We can all see that." Alicia's sarcastic tone added salt to the wound.

"Really. It's not like I can do anything about it. We're just fucking." Zedina sighed heavily and stood up.

"Come get me when you are all ready to go." She said and walked out even with them calling after her.

"You shouldn't have." Jerida said.

"What? She's hurting, can't you all see that?" Alicia scoffed.

"It's okay, you two, trying to argue won't do any good. Let Zee do what she thinks is okay. The best thing we can do is support her decision." Jessica said, they all sighed and nodded.

'Hey, come over 2nite- Sam.'

That simple text message left Zedina gasping for breath. She reread the message, convinced that her eyes had deceived her. She paced around her room, twisting her fingers and biting her lip. She could spend her Friday with her friends, or she could go to her ex-room lover's and have sex with her. She re-read the message thinking her eyes fooled her. She paced in her room, corner to corner twisting her fingers and biting her lip. She could go out with her friends and enjoy her Friday, or she could go to her ex-lovers' room and have sex with her.

'Hey guys, I can't make it tonight. I've got a lot of assignments and work to catch up on.' She sent the text to their WhatsApp group and rushed to the bathroom to groom herself.

Author's Note

I don't really know what to say about this. :(
What would you have done? Also, please vote and leave a comment. Stay safe.

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