Forty Nine

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THE SEMESTER was coming to a close, with only two weeks to the semester exam, everyone was on edge. Anxiously moving about in campus halls, especially those who didn't usually attend the lectures. They moved up and down inquiring about copies of notes from their friends, those who never went to the library carried large books as they bee-lined to the library. They moved in silence, you could smell the tense air clouding over them.

Jane was sprawled out on the floor with multiple research books surrounding her—in Zedina's room. Zedina sat at her study table studying for units she had difficulties with. Let it be known that she had a difficult semester and while she wasn't the smartest coin in the room, she prided herself on good grades. So, as they sat in silence—with occasional page flipping and sipping of their beverages, Zedina was determined to study months-worth of the semester in only two weeks.

She would devout every second so it would all count and by the time she would be sitting for her Corporate Relations paper, she would be more than ready. Lilian sat on the floor—on the foot of her bed—going through a borrowed research book. It was during this intense time that she usually regretted majoring in Actuarial Science.

Alicia, with the pregnancy affecting her drastically, kept away from her books for a while. After all, she had been attending lectures, taking notes, and would occasionally peruse through extra materials sent by their professors for revision. It should also be noted that she was a smart cookie, she—unlike those who devoted time writing in tint fonts Mwakenyas (cheat scripts)—would rely on her above-average IQ. And she also loved PR, so she would be having a smooth time with the papers no matter how challenging they appear. She slept soundly in their bed while Ian sat on his study table reviewing his work, completing last hand-in projects, and going through his Continuous Assessment Tests and a few past papers since his professors had the habit of repeating the same content after every two years.

Jerida's head bopped to the music that blasted in her headphones, it was her mojo. Studying while listening to music. She felt that everything she learnt while listening to music stuck in her long-term memory than reading in silence—then her mind would wander and imagine the most impossible scenarios. The only con was that when she found a question that was difficult in the exam room, her mind would drift to the tunes stuck in her LTM, and then she would start humming them. She was caught more than five times by supervisors and almost got into trouble one time.

Her girlfriend—Elizabeth—was by the study table, since it was her final year she was being extra cautious with her last papers. She wanted to graduate with a First Class Honour, it was a requirement for the job application she had sent months ago. They only needed her to complete her degree and pass so she could be hired.

Raquel and their girlfriend were out in Arboretum taking a well-deserved nature walk in the vast lovely forest. Raquel held Lexi's hand in theirs as they walked behind their tour guide, Lexi knew how much Raquel enjoyed long quiet walks, add exotic plants, and occasional monkeys and you have a sample of the heavens, so she went online and booked them tickets. They both needed the quietness before they would be riled up by exam papers.

Despite feeling like gum on shoes that trekked on pebbles, Samantha pushed herself to review her notes. She was an average student, she mostly got A's and B's and if she failed then it would be a C and it wouldn't sit well with her until the next semester. She couldn't let herself get lost again, she would prioritize her studies. It should be mentioned that Samantha had made herself a promise. She was not going to give up on Zedina.

Was Zedina happy in her new relationship?

Ah, yes, she and Jane made things official in their second week of dating. It had been an exhilarating moment for them, for Samantha it was the most devastating and depressing news she heard. Nonetheless, that didn't deter her determination to prove to Zedina that they were meant to be together. How she would do that was the puzzle.

She wasn't going to give up on her promise to Mama T, and herself. She knew—felt that Zedina was still in love with her, and if a single thread still connected them, there was no way she would just cut it off. Even so, she wasn't going to flunk the semester.

Nate and his boyfriend David took the week off to spend time alone in Kwale, expenses paid for by both of them as they had been saving.

'Not that I don't love our friends but baby we need time. For us.' David had whined, tripping Nate into his demands and needs. Nate gave in almost instantly, coerced by the gloomy look David mustered. So, off they were away from school and their friends for a week, in their little paradise in the Coastal region.

Rosetta who we never mentioned her major—which is Creative Arts and Film—was wrapped under Tim's sheets making art. She was only anxious about her practical. The theory part was an easy pass for her, for she had mastered art like the back of her hand.

Tim majored in Hospitality Management—which his parents shunned him for as they couldn't see the value in wasting money on chef-ing. But, he loved it, he had always loved getting creative with food. Rosetta was his favourite guinea pig when he made something new.

As for Jessica, she had other plans that didn't exactly involve studying for two weeks like her friends and colleagues. She and Veronica had plans that were far from education-related. Veronica had booked them a two-week vacation to Kisumu, at Beach View Hotel. Oh, it wasn't the fanciest hotel in Kisumu but it had everything they needed, she had even booked the Deluxe Room which had a king-sized bed which meant they would—

It also had private entrances and offered room service. Plus, the hotel was close to the Museum and parks so they would have something to do other than spend the day in their rooms. They both needed the escape from the cameras, the hiding, and the eyes.

"No, why'd you book a flight?" Jessica groaned throwing her head back.

"What do you mean why baby?"

"I wanted us to take a long drive to Kisumu, taking a flight will get us there in forty-two minutes! I want us to spend as much together as we can get."

"We're going to be together for two weeks my love," Veronica reasoned.

"I know, I know." Jessica sighed and then pouted.

"I just—I wanted a road trip with you. Sing in the car and be silly." She smiled gently. Veronica couldn't help smiling back as she felt a flutter in her heart. "But, I understand. It's okay, we'll take the flight." She sighed dejectedly.

"No baby, if you want a road trip, then am down for it." Veronica chimed. Jessica's face lit up instantly and her grin widened.

"But what about the tickets?"

"Don't worry about that baby, I'll just cancel the reservations. It's not too late." Jessica grinned, at least her money wouldn't go to waste.

She brought Veronica in a tight embrace, "Thank you, professor." Jessica whispered, she knew what that did to Veronica and she purposely did it.

Veronica'sbreathing became erratic, it surprised her just how little the woman could do to turn her on. And she was very turned on, it didn't help that Jessica snaked her hands down on her backside and squeezed her arse. 

Author's Note

Look at us catching up on everyone. I hope y'all are okay. @NFusion360 where u at?

 And we both need a little cuteness now and then :)

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