Twenty Eight

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SILENCE can be so loud and unnerving, that sometimes it gives unintended responses. Alicia felt her heart pulse through her insides as if her heart had plummeted into her stomach, leaving it churning and blistering.

She had convinced herself and Zedina that she would take any reaction she received, but silence? It killed her on the inside, and all she wanted to do was dig a hole and hide her face until they both forgot what she said. But, she knew better than anyone it would never happen.

She swallowed heavily as she felt saliva filling her mouth, her eyes stung and she could feel herself on the verge of crying. She didn't know what it meant, was she rejecting her with the silence, was she confused, or was she just too stunned to speak?

Zedina was indeed very stunned, thoughts run wildly in her mind. Zedina was truly astonished, her mind racing with ideas. She didn't know how to reply to Alicia's confession; she had waited days to talk to her best friend just to remain silent when the moment arose. 

Alicia sighed dejectedly, "I'll uh- just give you time to . . . process. Not that there's anything to process. I just- I'll give you space now." She painfully chuckled softly and shut her eyes for a moment. She stood up and sniffled, "Take care, Zee." She took a deep breath and exhaled, she patted Zedina's arm on her way out.

Alicia leaned against the kitchen door as she closed it behind her, she clenched her jaw tightly trying her best to keep her tears in. Her heart ached for Alicia.

"How did it go? I saw you two going in and waited." Jessica said with a curious look on her face, it suddenly dropped when she saw Alicia holding back her pain.

"Oh, baby. Come here." Jessica motioned pulling her for a comforting hug, like a burst dam her tears flew freely down her cheeks. She felt like her heart had been ripped apart, sobbing she clutched tightly onto Jessica.

"Shh, I've got you." Jessica rocked them back and forth while rubbing her back, seeing that Alicia wasn't stopping any time soon she pulled back and kissed her forehead.

"Why don't we go upstairs? I'm certain Leonard won't mind one bit."

Alicia sniffled and nodded, Jessica smiled and wiped her tear-streaked face. She held her hand and guided them upstairs, they found one of the rooms open and unoccupied.

Jessica pushed the door open and patted the wall on their right side to find a switch, when she didn't find it she tried the right side and eventually found it. She switched it on lighting the room up, she led Alicia to the bed and sat her down.

Alicia whimpered, "She- uh, she didn't say anything. I told her and she just stared at me."

"I mean I said I would accept any reaction but God it hurt so much. I felt this pain in my chest like my heart was bleeding to my stomach."  She clutched her chest with her left hand and rubbed it. A lone tear rolled down her right cheek. She wiped it sniffling, Jessica gently rubbed the back of her hand with her thumb.

"You want to know the worst part? For a moment I actually believed that she would get over the shock and I don't know . . . hug or kiss me? It's fucking insane but yeah, she must hate me now." She chuckled bitterly.

"It's not insane boo, and she doesn't hate. She could never. You made yourself vulnerable in front of her of course you'd get scared of her reaction. You can take her silence as a positive thing, she was probably too stunned to say anything because it was unexpected, or because she was thinking about what that meant to her. I say give her time to process." Jessica kissed the side of her head and wiped her face.

"You think so?"

"I really do." Jessica smiled softly and palmed her cheeks.

"Why don't you go to the bathroom and wash your face, and then we'll go get you a few drinks." Alicia rolled her eyes but nodded. She sighed heavily, stood up, and walked to the bathroom. Jessica sighed softly.

Downstairs the party was getting heated, while others raided the makeshift bar and the dance floor, others (Raquel and a few friends) sat in a circle playing party games. Jane noted how quiet Zedina became, she entwined their hands and gently squeezed them. Zedina knew Jane was comforting her, she softly smiled at her and leaned over to kiss the side of her head.

"Okay, let's get things really cranking," Leonard said rubbing his hands together, he smirked grabbing his finished beer bottle. "Spin the bottle, seven minutes of heaven in the closet." A few people groaned and some stood up and left the circle.

"What are you? Ten?" Jessica said as she sat down beside Raquel, she pulled Alicia down with her. Zedina's eyes were drawn to the girl instantly.

Author's Note

How are you doing Luvs? Rejection sucks fr. Have you ever been rejected by your crush? I have :( 😅 sucked my soul right out of my body. Nonetheless, time heals all wounds.

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