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ALICIA stood speechless for a moment while Zedina grabbed her jacket, she grabbed her make-up bag and settled it on her dressing table. She sat on the seat and called out to Alicia who quickly snapped out of her trance and walked to her. She cleared her throat and unzipped the bag.

"You really need to learn how to do your make-up." She said softly, grabbing a moisturizer bottle.

"But I have you for that." Zedina pouted. Alicia chuckled in response and started pampering her face. She would tuck her lower lip between her teeth while spreading the foundation on her skin.

She would clench her jaw when she drew her eyeliner, and swallow harshly when she reached her lips. She chose simple cherry lip gloss for her.

Zedina kept her gaze on her intently, she could almost hear Alicia's heavy breathing as she got closer to her. "There, all done," Alicia whispered.

Zedina cleared her throat and looked away. "Right- uh, thank you." Alicia moved away from the framed mirror so Zedina could look at herself.

"Can I help you with your hair?"

"Yeah sure. Thanks." Alicia got to work with her long hair, she split it in the middle and brushed both sides separately. She then loosely twisted each side from the front to the back and neatly joined them forming a lower bun.

"She's going to lose her mind when she sees you." Alicia cooed and squeezed her shoulders.

"Thank you Alicia, I couldn't have done it without you." Zedina stared at her reflection smiling.

"You're welcome." Alicia smiled back and kissed her temple.

The simple gesture made Zedina feel warm inside, she grabbed Alicia's arm around her shoulder and squeezed it. Unspoken, but she was thanking her for everything. Alicia nodded in response.

Just then they heard a rap on their door, Zedina inhaled sharply and stared back at herself in the mirror one more time.

"She's going to love you. Go now, I'll put everything back in its place." Alicia gave her a lopsided smile. Zedina thanked her one more time and with a deep sigh, she walked to the door.

A warm smile spread on her lips when she saw Jane all dressed up in a black sheer top that allowed her to see her purple bralette which she paired off with a purple leather skirt and black chunky-heeled shoes.

She had minimum make-up but still looked ravishing, especially with how stunned Zedina was. Jane stood with her arms behind her.

The same could be said for Jane, she felt as though wind had been knocked out of her chest. She swallowed harshly and cleared her throat before speaking. "You look radiant Zee." You could almost detect the shakiness in her voice.

"Th- thank you. So do you. Y- you look really gorgeous." Zedina sighed softly.

"Thank you. Uh, I brought you these." She pulled her arms to the front revealing a bouquet of bright yellow tulips.

Zedina felt a flutter in her heart, like a butterfly flapping its wings delicately. She swallowed a hard lump that seemingly felt stuck in her throat.

"Thank you, Jane, they're really beautiful. I'll just put them in water." She smiled softly grabbing them.

"I've got it; you kids go have fun," Alicia said reaching for them.

"Okay, shall we?" Jane said holding out her hand for her to hold.

This caused Zedina to chuckle softly while shaking her head.

"Have her back by eleven Jane," Alicia said after them.

"Sure." Jane laughed softly. She guided Zedina out of their hostel and down towards the exit gate.

"Are you going to tell me where we're heading to? Or is this one of those surprise dates that will leave me completely remorseful?" Zedina asked playfully nudging Jane who laughed heartily.

"No, I'll tell you. We're taking an Uber to Union Towers, there's an amazing restaurant called Artcaffé. Have you been there?"

"No, I haven't. But it sounds fancy." Zedina wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"It is, and then we'll go for dessert at Creamy Inn if you're still down for it; catch a movie if it's not too late, and then take a walk before I take you back."

"Oh, hell yes!" Zedina exclaimed excitedly. Jane laughed softly and grabbed her phone, she went online and booked a Bolt taxi and within two minutes it arrived to pick them up. Jane opened the door for her before she got in herself.

Author's Note

I see what's going on here. Do you? Also, do you have an Alicia in your life?

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