Fifty Nine

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IT FELT INCREDIBLY difficult to control her urges, cocaine was so addictive and she quickly felt withdrawal effects that made her want to relapse. But, every time she wanted to, she stared at hers and Zedina's past pictures when they were so happy and she remembered that she was doing it to get better for herself and Zedina. Mostly for Zedina—she wouldn't admit that though.

Samantha didn't return to school for a month, she only signed the nominal roll, registered her units for the semester, and even downloaded her exam card. She was still detoxing and going to group therapy to get better. She was really trying, and Zedina acknowledged her commitment to getting bad. She felt so proud of the girl. Seeking a new beginning Samantha took it upon herself to apologise to Zedina's friends for hurting the girl before. She even apologised to Jane—shocking even Jane herself—but she appreciated how she backed off from them.

She was able to make a new friend at the rehab facility—a Maryanne, very troubled soul with an addiction to self-harming behaviours. The first time she caught the girl banging her head against the wall just because she couldn't get the last slice of cake they had for snacks during a break in one of their sessions.

Peculiarly, Maryanne helped Samantha with her troubles and she helped her with her addiction. It was only unfortunate that Maryanne was a Master's student in abroad and was only forced to come home when her parents couldn't take her 'cursed sinful ways', their exact words. The girl was only coping the only way she knew, discipline herself because she made a mistake, and in her defense, they taught her that. Very toxic parents those.

Alicia was still skeptical about the new Samantha, she looked so happy it bothered her. Not because she didn't want to see her happy, but because it was weird seeing a jolly Samantha who wasn't dating Zedina. She still treated her with caution, like a bomb ready to go off.

"I'm sorry but I'm not buying it." She had said to Zedina when she saw a glowing Samantha waving at them as she was leaving the lecture hall. Zedina rolled her eyes, "There's nothing to buy, she's really changed." She had replied.

Despite being in a happy relationship with Jane, Zedina felt like something was amiss. She loved being with Jane, a lot. But, that didn't stop the feeling. And staring at Samantha she knew what it was but she would never admit it out loud.

Zedina was in Alicia's flat, taking cute pics of Alicia as she tried on different sets of clothes Ian had bought her.

"Do you think you'll ever go home?" Asked Zedina curiously while snapping a photo.

Alicia sighed, her mother had left her several voicemails asking her to go home but she wasn't ready to speak to her father. He too was not ready to see her, or her baby bump. He still wanted her to abort, clearly emphasized by his shouts as her mother's voice was drowned in all the voicemails.

"I don't know, he's very adamant about me aborting, what kind of parent wants that? What if something goes wrong and I happen to die and my baby? Then what? He cries regretting his pushing. Nah, I'd rather stay here until I give birth to my angel. I mean with where I am, that is NOT even an option." She sighed and pointed to her huge bump.

"It's his loss babe, you look absolutely amazing and he'll miss out on it all." Zedina gave her a charming smile.

"Thanks babes," Alicia said, she grabbed the hem of her top dress and removed it, her bump was showing now. She had gained a few pounds but she didn't worry at all or feel ugly, not when Ian constantly assured her that she was the most beautiful woman—a queen—and would be a gorgeous mom. Ian praised her girlfriend, he couldn't believe just how far they had both come with the baby, seven months down the line, she was in her last trimester. She was grateful to only have mild abdominal cramps, the simple exercises she did every morning with Ian really came in handy.

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