Fifty Six

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IT HAD BEEN weeks since Samantha had any decent food and sleep, she spent the better part of her day at parties, making out with strangers, doing hard drugs so she could stay high for long, taking different girls to her house every night and doing it all over again the next day. At night when it all came crashing down when her high was going away, she would cry in agony on her bathroom floor.

Now, laying in her bed and touching herself to Zedina's nude pictures, Samantha felt grossed out by herself. Still, that didn't stop her from moaning the girl's name when she could feel herself reaching her peak. She imagined the girl's loving and aroused stare as she fucked her, it made her throw her head back and shudder as her fingers reached deep spots. It wasn't enough, she swiped across her phone to a video Zedina had shared with her as she masturbated.

The sweet sounds Zedina made in the video echoed in her ears, it made her tremble as she pictured her right on top of her grinding against her. She licked her dry lips and harshly bit on them. She could feel it, the wave crashing against the shores in her lower abdomen until it forced itself out and she released it on her fingers.

She took deep breaths, her chest rose and fell heavily, and she gulped harshly as her throat felt dry. Her arms fell limply on her sides, the video kept playing but now it didn't make her feel aroused. She felt disgusted by herself, she sat up while sighing and stopped the video. Her phone rang and she immediately knew who it was, she grabbed it and answered right away.

A soft grin painted across her lips, 'Cool, I'll be there.' She answered shortly and got off the bed to freshen up. The cuts on her thighs burnt, she clenched her jaw as the cold water pierced her skin and deep cuts. She kept her eyes wide open under the water, whenever she closed them flashes of Zedina came into her vision which brought along a lot of aching in her heart. She didn't want that.

She sighed heavily and rubbed her eyes as she turned the faucet off, she grabbed a towel from the floor and wiped her body. Once she was done dressing in simple black ripped jeans with a baby pink tank top, she grabbed her phone and house keys and made her way to Rosetta's house.

Samantha took a motorbike to Rosetta's house, it was faster that way, and she needed something strong in her system fast. She was greeted with heavy redeem blasting through the girl's speakers. "You look like shit Sam." David grimaced when she saw Samantha, she did look like shit—very miserable.

"Thanks!" She rolled her eyes and walked away. Nate followed her and grabbed her arm, he dragged her into one of the empty rooms and locked it behind him. He sighed heavily and stared at the ceiling.

"What's this about?" She asked incredulously. Nate glared at her, he had watched his best friend become someone he barely recognised in just weeks.

"Babe you need to quit; this—this isn't healthy at all. You're not coping well." Nate sighed, he had tried talking Samantha into finding professional help but the girl was adamant about doing it her own way—with drugs.

"Nah, I'm good."

"She wouldn't want to see you this way babe."

Samantha's jaw hardened as she clenched it, "She doesn't want to see me, I texted her and she left me on read. Do you have any idea how that feels? Of course you don't!" She scoffed, her heartbeat increased so rapidly she could feel it strangling her throat.

Nate sighed dejectedly. "You're right I don't know how that feels, but have you any idea how it feels to watch my best friend ruining her life all over again?"

"There's nothing being ruined here, you're just overthinking things." She clicked her tongue and looked away.

"Tell me, how many girls in just two weeks have you taken home? How many cuts have you made on your thighs?" Samantha glared, upset that he was confronting her.

"You think I don't know? You think I haven't heard you cry in your bathroom when all the party high is over? You—you have no idea how it feels to watch your best friend hurt herself and there's nothing you can do when she doesn't want your help." He inhaled deeply and pinched between his eyes.

Samantha gulped but said nothing, she couldn't look him in the eyes. As much as she knew he was right, she couldn't bring herself to move forward like he wanted her to. Not this time. With a heavy heart, Nate walked out of the room and left the girl to her own thoughts, but not for long Samantha shrugged—pretending that she wasn't hurting, that she didn't need any help—and went to find Rosetta.

She found the girl grinding against Tim, Samantha made hyping noises while clapping animatedly. Rosetta laughed robustly and stood up, she turned and gave her boyfriend a wet kiss and rushed to get a drink for Samantha.

They drank, and drank, and drank until she felt like she could pass out. She felt out of her body, like nothing was missing, like her life wasn't messy anymore. She was numb—she thought she was. Nothing could hurt her when all she felt was pure bliss.

She jumped on the makeshift dancefloor and started grinding against strangers, she chuckled when she felt a girl whining against her arse. "Hey there," The girl shouted over the music. A drank Samantha chuckled and pulled the hot girl in for a kiss.

She pulled back and the girl wiped her lipstick smudge from Samantha's lips, "Come find me later," She winked and walked back to her friends. Samantha stood there dazed, her happy gaze and grin faltered, she felt a kick in her heart, it all didn't seem right. Her heart rate was alarmingly fast, she felt the slight pounding of her head, the contents in her stomach didn't settle well and she thought she was about to regurgitate.

"Hey, I have something for us to try." Rosetta excitedly grabbed Samantha's hand, pulling her out of her trance.

"This shit is fucking strong," Rosetta grimaced and rubbed her nose, she passed a piece of paper filled with 'dust' to Samantha. The latter pressed her index finger on one side of her nose and snorted the dust. She threw her head back and groaned while she rubbed her nose.

"You're bleeding," Rosetta pointed to Samantha's nose, the latter tapped her nose with her fingers and sure enough she was bleeding.

"It's nothing," She chuckled waving Rosetta off, she wiped her nose with a tissue and discarded it on the floor.

Author's Note

Hey y'all, how's everyone doing? I'm going back to work tomorrow after a long, deserved leave hehe. I hope you had a great day. 

Also, I don't like how Sam is drowning :(

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