Forty Eight

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SAMANTHA had the door to her bathroom locked from the inside, her head was over the toilet as she felt the contents in her stomach coming right back up. She had been sick for days, she suspected it was Malaria or something of the sort. It had been a week since she had seen Zedina, she had not stepped in class the whole week as she couldn't bear to see Jane dropping her and picking her up after class.

She didn't want to see the girl she thought loved her intensely laugh at someone else's jokes, she didn't want to see the happiness caused by someone who wasn't her. And every time she thought about it, she felt sick.

She cried until she couldn't cry anymore, she was grateful to have Nate around or she wouldn't have done the most regrettable thing ever. Were it not for Nate constantly checking in on her and dragging her out of her bed, she would have—

Well, goodness knows what depressing thoughts were swirling in her mind.

'Last time.'

She still couldn't believe that it was completely over between them and kept praying that she would wake up and realise that it was all a horrible prank. It wasn't.

'Last time.'

Maybe Zedina was playing a sick prank on her. She thought. She was testing her, to see if she would fight for her. If she really loved her. A sick test at that. But, she knew Zedina wasn't playing any pranks.

'Last time.'

She thought that what happened last time was all forgiven and in the past. If the girl truly loved her—as she had claimed—then why didn't she fight back for her? Samantha couldn't control her thoughts, they raced and pushed her to the edge. If Zedina ended things between them because of what happened last time, then did she forgive her at all?

'Last time.'

She flushed the toilet and weakly stood up, she looked like she hadn't eaten for days—she hadn't as she couldn't stomach food. She would be reminded of Zedina and her stomach would start churning, everything reminded her of the love of her life, the one she lost because she couldn't fight harder to have her.

'Last time.'

She couldn't bear to listen to her playlist, not when Zedina picked all the songs and created them for her. Every music she heard reminded her of her ex-lover.

She blamed herself. For losing her last time and even now. It was all her fault, she broke her trust, the one thing she knew Zedina wouldn't forgive her for.

'Last time.'

It kept ringing in her thoughts, what was it about last time that made them separate? She wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her shirt and walked out of the bathroom.

"Aww, poor baby. Daddy's here." David cooed as he gently took Samantha into a tight embrace. Samantha sighed into the hug and pulled him closer. She sighed heavily and pulled back, she didn't need any more crying.

Nate side-hugged her and then offered a large slice of Hawaiian pizza, Samantha groaned as she took a bite. It felt good to finally eat something, she quickly finished her slice and grabbed another one causing Rosetta to chuckle softly.

"How are you feeling babe?"

She swallowed what she had in her mouth, "I'm hanging in there." She smiled sadly.

"You know what? She's a fool for letting you go." David threw his slice back in the box and waved his hands around. "Like, look at you, babe. A fine piece of art, even I would go straight for you." He teased winking at her causing Samantha to roll her eyes at him.

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