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VERONICA dumped their luggage in her trunk before letting the heavy metal clamp shut with a thud. "There, we're all set for a road trip," She smirked at her girlfriend, Jessica stood with her hands akimbo, she had on a black lacy bralette and had tied a flannel around her waist.

"Great! Let's do this!" Jessica chimed squeezing her hands together, it would take them about nine or ten hours or more to get to Kisumu which also heavily depended on their stops. Veronica swiftly pushed Jessica against her matte military green Volvo XC90 and sealed their lips in a gentle but needing kiss. Jessica instinctively wrapped her arms around Veronica's waist and pulled her closer, she smiled in their kiss causing Veronica to pull back with a smile of her own.

She leaned her forehead against Jessica's while catching her breath, "Now, now professor don't tell me you're getting too old for this." Jessica teased her, her breath came short as well, and she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, a shit grin displayed on her lips. Veronica burst into a fit of laughter, she gracefully threw her head back while her laughter roared in her garage. Her laughter sounded like angels singing—Jessica's thoughts as she stared lovingly at her girlfriend.

Veronica sighed and gave her a lop-sided smile, she unlocked the door behind Jessica, "Get in there you idiot." She rolled her eyes playfully while opening the door for her. As Jessica got in, Veronica slapped her butt causing her to yelp and glare over her shoulder

"Still got it," Veronica winked at her, an evil-playful smile on her face. She walked to the driver's side and got in, her girlfriend sat pouting with her arms folded across her chest.

"What? You don't like the spanking?" Veronica teased. She liked it. Loved it.

Being spanked sexually that is.

Jessica's pout stretched, she huffed in her seat and refused to talk to Veronica. "I can think of many ways to get rid of that pout baby." She licked her lips, and Jessica watched her in her peripheral view. She knew what Veronica meant, the sudden thudding of her heart became clear to her hearing causing her to gulp.

Veronica chuckled softly, she knew she had hit a spot, and gotten a reaction out of the girl. She then started the engine before driving out of her garage and it automatically shut behind them. "I'm selecting the music," Jessica stated, still holding her pout. She grabbed an audio chord and connected it to her phone, they had—during the previous night—prepared a playlist of their combined favourite hits for their trip.

And so their road trip began after Veronica fueled the car, they were both vibing to their selected songs. Calmly, until a song they both loved came on, Jermaine Stewart, a fucking legend—Jessica's exact words.

"You whisper in my ear, all the things you thought I'd like to hear. Yeah"

"Your approach was much too strong instead of love we're in the danger zone." Veronica sang along.

Jessica could tell it was going to be the best two weeks she'd experience with her lover, she couldn't wait to see all the places Veronica praised, especially Lake Victoria. She'd heard so much about how beautiful the sun looked as it sets on the lake. Glancing at the woman beside her, she still pinched herself at how lucky she was to find love when she wasn't looking for it.

Their meeting was accidental—for lack of another word. While Veronica had been a professor for seven years, she had never gotten close to any of her students, not intimately at least. But, when she saw Jessica for the first time sneaking into her lesson since she had arrived late—it was her first ear in her defense—she knew it would all change.

When she set her eyes on those piercing brown eyes, she knew she would cross professional boundaries and she did. She couldn't keep away, and neither could Jessica. It wasn't a student-professor fantasy for them, they were both grown women with genuine feelings for each other despite their circumstances.

From the moment they started their rendezvous, to their first kiss, they were both in deep badly and weren't coming out of it. It was more than physical attraction for them, their love for each other was passionate, wild, gentle, and scary among other emotions.

Veronica for days couldn't stop thinking about Jessica, she even had to do another roll call just so Jessica could introduce herself and so she could hear her, angelic, voice speak to her. It scared her at first, it was very unprofessional. And she had heard stories from her colleagues about professors from other departments who had coerced their students to bed be brought to book.

That didn't scare her as much as listening to the men discuss students—in the common room—they had slept with to give them better grades, it sickened her that they misused the power they had.

She even contemplated her relationship with Jessica, she didn't want them to think she manipulated her into being with her and she didn't want Jessica to be the talk of the office when classes were over. Jessica wouldn't let her go easily, she was in too deep, sinking past the deep-sea corals and the ridges and settling on the sea-bed. She fought for her and made Veronica see the bigger picture.

Three years later and they were still going on strong.

"Don't talk . . ." Jessica sang loudly.

"Dirty. . ." Veronica pointed at her with one hand while rolling her shoulders.

"Don't talk . . ."

"Dirty . . ." She responded and threw one hand in the air.

"Don't talk . . ." Jessica continued.

"Don't talk dirty to me." Veronica supplied hyping up her girlfriend. Jessica made a makeshift guitar and started shredding wildly causing Veronica to laugh heartily.

"Go, baby." She encouraged while tapping on the steering wheel.

Jessica laughed while shaking her head, she adjusted the volume as Veronica detoured to take a stop at the first petrol station they saw along Limuru Road.

"At this rate, we'll be arriving there at four in the morning," Jessica whined, exaggerating of course. Veronica chuckled and opened her door, she grumpily walked out and grabbed her hand. The two of them made their way inside the supermarket, Jessica grabbed a small trolley for their snacks. She giddily walked down the aisles picking up their favourite snacks and when they were done the trolley was completely full, Veronica swiped her card and they went to unload their goodies.

Jessica ripped open a bag of Barbecue flavoured Urban Bites, she bit into the crunchy tasty crisp and moaned softly causing Veronica to raise her eyebrows with a curious smile plastered across her lips. Jessica rolled her eyes to the back and grabbed another piece, this she fed to Veronica who playfully licked the tip of her finger.

Jessica chuckled softly, she felt flustered, from her racing heart to the flutter in her stomach, and the grin on her face. She shook her head and grabbed her phone to unlock it, she continued with their playlist.

"I lose my cool when she steps in the room." Veronica sang and briefly glanced at Jessica—Billy Ocean blasted from their speakers.

"And I get so excited just from her perfume." Jessica sang back, she pressed her hand on Veronica's lap causing the woman to take a sharp breath as she felt an electrifying thrill rush in her body. Veronica wanted to stop the car by the roadside and fuck the woman to oblivion, she could tell that Jessica dared her to.

She didn't.

She wanted to.

Either way, no one would have known, their car was tinted, and there was no one for miles on the road. Jessica chuckled to herself and then deeply sighed, Veronica let one hand free and grabbed Jessica's entwining them. Both their hearts fluttered at the surge of electricity that shot into their bodies.

"I love you baby." Veronica glanced at her briefly.

"I love you too." Jessica raised their entwined hands and kissed the back of Veronica's hand.

Author's Note

Tell me you liked the chapter because I loved writing it. And I was listening to Billie Ocean, Lionel Richie, DeBarge, Berlin, and the likes because I think some music genres nowadays have little to no meaning but old music? Argh, perfecto! Who else agrees?

Also, I thought them listening to classics and singing along was very cute! 

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