Sixty One

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TWO MONTHS LATER and Zedina couldn't tell if her nursing heart was ready, she was unexpectedly so affected by her separation from Jane. But, she felt she was finally okay, alone but okay. She was afraid she would plummet into depression again but that wasn't the case and she didn't lose Jane altogether. Surprisingly, they were close friends, and even hang out with Samantha occasionally—which wasn't awkward at all—they felt like things were . . . normal.

Jane still encouraged Zedina to try things with Samantha again, she even made it her mission to flirt on Zedina's behalf. Samantha was not oblivious; she knew what was going on but she still waited for Zedina to make the move. She was content with how things were between them, but the subtle touches and flirty were almost breaking the string holding her back.

"I want you Sam, but I want us to start slow, get to know each other again."

"Okay, hi there beautiful my name is Samantha Roberts. What is yours?" Samantha asked with a teasing smile across her lips as she stretched out her hand.

"Not that back idiot," Zedina chuckled and slapped her hand away.

What was never expected was Jane's relationship with Lilian, it happened so fast that for a moment Zedina couldn't help but worry that she might have had feelings for Lilian when they were still dating. She realised that that was NOT the case at all.

"How did THIS happen? When? Gosh!" Zedina exclaimed staring at Lilian who had her arms wrapped around Jane's waist.

Lilian chuckled and shrugged, "I'm not saying." She smirked.

Zedina pouted, "I want to know, Jenny tell me."

Jane laughed and kissed Lilian's temple, "Um, last month." Zedina gasped.

"It was shocking for us too, but um we just started hanging out more and one thing led to another and here we are." Jane raised their entwined hands and kissed Lilian's knuckled.

"Shut up!" Zedina exclaimed. "I'm so happy for you two," She pulled them into a tight hug and kissed both their cheeks.

"Thank you, Zee, you sure you're okay with this . . . us?" Lilian asked a bit skeptical.

"Of course I am babes; you don't need to worry." Zedina smiled and squeezed her shoulder.

"Thanks," Lilian chuckled.

"I'll be back babe," She kissed Jane's cheek and walked away leaving the two friends grinning at each other.

"So . . ."

"Don't!" Jane chuckled.

"You owe me more deets, Jenny." She narrowed her eyes at her but Jane dismissed her with a wave as she chuckled.

It was a bright warm day, the sun was burning just the right amount, Zedina stopped by a flower shop and grabbed a bouquet of orange marigolds. After a very long while she was now on her way to her mother's graveyard, she had been wanting someone to talk to for quite a while—a non-responsive person, not bizarre at all.

Flashes of good memories with her mother clouded her mind, and a faraway look and grin enveloped her features. She once again heard the soft laugh of her mother ringing in her ears causing her to sigh softly. She envisioned her wrinkly glinting eyes when Samantha told her something funny. She saw her mother in the kitchen baking a cake and then smearing icing on her face.

Zedina chuckled absentmindedly and was shaken up by the driver when they reached the cemetery. She thanked the man, grabbed the flowers, and then walked into the cemetery. There was an eerie silence that she could hear her footsteps, she made it to the furthest right-hand corner on the second row.

Tiffany Hadid was still engraved on the gravestone, she smiled at the somewhat dewy arrangement of white roses left on her mother's gravestone. She knew who left the flowers—one of the only other people who knew where her mother was laid to rest. She sat down on the cemented gravestone and replaced the flowers, with a soft sigh she greeted her mother. Zedina started telling her mother about her breakup with Samantha, her relationship with Jane, her kiss with Alicia, and her return to Samantha. When she was finished, she had one resolution as tears streamed down her cheeks. 

She booked an Uber and quickly rushed the driver to drive faster to her former lover's place. She rang Samantha's doorbell three times and when the girl didn't come quickly, she rapped on the door. She felt as though her heart had stuck in her throat making it difficult to swallow.

But, when Samantha opened the door, water dripping down her neck and back, a rouge pink towel wrapped around her hair and another around her body, she threw herself on her, wrapped her arms around her slightly wet neck, and instantly pressed her lips against hers. Samantha gasped at the contact but responded immediately, she felt a surge of an electrical shock running down her back causing her to pull Zedina closer to her. Zedina pushed her back and let go of her neck so she could lock the door behind them.

"I love you, Sam, I want you." She confessed, her breathing erratic, similar to Samantha's. Samantha couldn't believe it, she stared into her eyes, looking for any signs of trickery and uncertainty but found none. She grinned softly.

She pushed Zedina against the door and claimed her lips, she kissed her with so much fervor that Zedina felt physically weakened and had to clutch tightly onto her. "I love you so much," Samantha said as she pulled back.

"I'm never letting you go," Zedina breathed.

"I won't too baby," Samantha said and pulled her back for a kiss, her hands found rest inside Zedina's Barbie pink blouse and started caressing her back to her waist. Zedina moaned in her mouth and pulled her closer.

Zedina decided then and there that no matter what happened to them, she would never let the girl go. Because Samantha was fully hers and she was hers, she would always choose Samantha.

As Samantha's towel came undone, Zedina pulled back and took a good look at her, "Goddess!" She exclaimed and let her arms fall onto Samantha's waist so she could caress her. She was going to devour the girl like she was starving and she was her only quench.

Author's Note

Well, well, well. How are you feeling about this?

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