Chapter 3

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Earlier that day...
While I sit in my cubical at Headley Ink Tattoo Studio, cleaning up from my last client, my best friend, Dean, stands by my workstation. His arms are folded while he looks lost for what to do with himself. I hope his current trollop isn't giving him hell again? As I think this, he pulled me out of my musings after he cleared his throat.

"So, have you found a place to live yet?"
I huff and tell him no.
"Seriously, trying to find a place in this town is crazy, especially one that's happy with my work schedule. Some were even too scared to look at me after they saw my tattoos. Fucking Morons!"

"Well, I..." He paused, still looking reluctant to carry on.
"What?" I ask and he shook his head.
"I might know of a place." He said and looked down at his feet.
"No way, are you serious?"
"Yeah, my friend's got a room to rent. She's looking for someone to snap it up quick. Something about needing the rent halved. She needs the cash as soon as possible. So, if you want her number-"
I cut in before he could finish.
"Hell yes, I do! Christ, you don't need to ask twice. Pass it over. I'll call now. I needed this like yesterday." I tell him with an exasperated grin, hoping that this is my lucky break.
"I hope to god this works out. Seriously, sleeping on my Nan's sofa is killing my back. Not to mention her nagging me to find a place."

I love her dearly and I'd love to stay and look after her. Only, she likes her own space, especially when her "man-friend" comes round. I shiver at the thought. Shit! Get out of my head, get the fuck out!
Eventually, Dean hands over her number. I notice he's looking all serious and shit. What is up with that?

"Don't fuck this up, shit-face! Otherwise, I will kick your arse."
"What the hell? I won't. You know I won't. I need it."
"Yeah, I know you're not the same arse-wipe you used to be." He huffs out a laugh and I end up rolling my eyes.
"Thanks, arse-face."

I'm shaking my head, seeing him, being all pussy whipped. Since being with his current girlfriend, Erin, he's acting so strange. I'm betting it's something to do with her, (and I'm not sorry for saying this) but she's a bitch. She'd fuck you over in a second. Sadly, Dean's blind to it. I hope one day soon she fucks up good just so he can kick her arse out.
Anyway, troll-face aside, I have her number in my hand. No, not Erin's, the one with the room. It's a mobile number, so I tap it into my phone and press call. She answers on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" she says in a timid voice.
"Yeah, um... Hi, my buddy Dean Headley told me you have a room to rent? I'm calling to ask if it's available. I kinda need the room, like now." I huff a laugh, she's gone silent for what seems like forever.
"Yeah, it's still available. Would you like to come to view it now? I have a spare hour before I have to get back to work if you're quick?"
Hell yes!
"Yeah, that would be awesome! Thanks," I tell her, a little too excitedly. Shit. Be cool dickhead!
"Great. I'll see you soon," she said, and then gave me her address.
I'm out of my seat so fast you'd think a hot poker was shoved up my arse. I stop in the doorway and turn back to see Dean looking like I've lost it.
"I'll be back tomorrow if this goes well. I need to get this secured. Please, tell my next appointment to come back then. I'll knock some money off his bill."

Thirty minutes later, I'm standing outside of a tall building. It looks like three floors. The street looks a little neglected, but it seems quiet enough. I also like the fact it's got a garage too, one with a big driveway. I reckon it's big enough to fit three cars at the least.
After knocking on the door, I wait a minute. There's no answer, so I try again. Crap! This must be a big house, especially if they can't hear me banging on the door. There's that or she's left already? I try again but bang louder this time. Moments later, I hear her call out, telling me she's coming.

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