Chapter 54

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The next day, we all went out shopping for our wedding outfits. We also popped into the registry office to book up for our special day, and luckily for us, they had a cancellation. So now we're all set to go in two weeks, which gives us a little time to get everything organised. I've told them I just want it small. I don't want a fuss, and I want it to be my close friends and family. As long as I'm married to Dean, that's all that matters.
So for the after celebrations, we'll just be going back to Mar's place for a few drinks. Carl asked me about our spa day, but to be honest, I don't know when we can do it with all this happening. So I said we'll just put it on hold until after the wedding.
Gosh, that still feels strange to say. Eek. My blue-eyed boy and I are getting married in two weeks. I'm so freaking excited. I'm mentally doing a happy dance. If you can imagine me jumping in the air, kicking my feet out to the side while clicking them together and shouting "WAHOO." Well, that's me right now. Aha!
So over the last week, we've got a lot sorted out. I left the boys to find their suits, and Mars came with me. We'd gone together to find my dress. I ended up with a simple white satin dress that clings to my body. The back is pretty low, showing off a lot of skin. I've ordered some pink and white roses too, ones for my bouquet.
Mars will be my maid of honour, so she's had to get a pastel pink silk dress. It ends just below her knees. The boys are going in grey suits and pastel pink ties. I find it hilarious how the boys are the worst for choosing outfits. Braden wasn't too pleased about wearing those colours, but Dean assured him and told him he'd make them look good. Oh, and we also got our beautiful wedding rings ordered. Dean's picking them up in a few days. They're just a simple gold band with the inscription forever inside them.
Speaking of forever, I felt like I needed a bit of a change. So, feeling brave, I made a big decision with the help of my bestie.
"Mars, I fancy a change with my hair. What do you think?"
She lifts her brows in shock at what I've just said to her. "Why, babes? Your hair is perfect the way it is. Please don't change it."
"Yeah, but I've had it like this for a long time now. So I like the idea of getting it cut short or even a new colour?"
She's looking at my hair, probably trying to visualise it.
"What colour? Oh, you could get some blonde highlights in. You'd look hot as hell with those. I mean, not that you're not hot or anything, but they would look fab."
I'm looking at my reflection in the shop window, trying to get a visual.

As we walk out of the salon, I feel pretty proud of myself with my new look. I feel like a new woman.
"What do you think Dean will say? Gosh, I hope he doesn't hate it."
"Are you shitting me? Shell, he'll be all over your sexy arse as soon as he sees you. Shit-the-fucking-bed woman, I'd do you," Mars said with a chuckle.
"I swear, sometimes you scare me, woman."
"Oh, shush you. You love it really. Imagine how boring life would be without me being here to brighten up your days."
I smiled, knowing she's right. Yup, she definitely makes life interesting.
"Mars, I need you to help me with something."
"Always babes. What is it?"
I take a deep breath, preparing myself for her to get all excited. "I need your skills. I want to get another tattoo." Mars practically jumps in the air with a squeal, clapping her hands.
"Oh, my fucking days, it's about time you let me ink you again. Hells yeah! Let's go." She says as she drags me to my car, making me laugh. "Our D-Man's definitely changed you. I bloody love it. My girls smiling and shining like a new penny."
I can't help the blush that appears on my face, knowing she's right. Dean is a massive influence on my change. I honestly feel like a new woman. I'm ready to start my new life with my world, and hopefully with a new family.
Speaking of my new family, we've got an appointment made with Mr Benjamin for tomorrow. Again, it's thanks to Mars for telling him all about what's happening. I'm hoping this will go quicker with his help, fingers crossed. We needed someone suitable for this, and he's the best that Mars knows, with him working in family law and all.
"Okay, are you ready for this, babe?" Mars is probably worried in case I back out, but she has no chance of that because I want this.
"Yes, let's do this," I tell her with a shaky voice, a shaky one because this will smart a bit. Oh, who am I kidding? This is going to freaking kill me.  
A few good hours later, I'm standing in Dean's kitchen, making myself something to eat. Braden's in bed fast asleep while Dean's in the shower. He hasn't seen me yet, so this new look will be a total surprise, and I can't wait for him to see my new ink. I hope he's not mad that I didn't ask him to do it, but then it wouldn't have been a surprise if he did.
I'm singing away to Christina Aguilera's 'Ain't no other man,' and I'm shaking my hips as I do it.
"Never thought I'd be all right, no-no, not till you came and changed my life. Yeah-yeah-yeah! What was cloudy now is clear! Yeah, yeah! You're the light that I needed. You got what I want, boy, and I want it! So keep on giving it up." I almost jump out of my skin when I feel Dean snake his hands around my waist.
"Christ, baby, you look sexy as hell."
Being mindful of my new ink, I turn in his arms, loving the feel of him. He's standing with just a towel around his waist, looking very much like my gift from God, making my mouth water.
"Y-you like it?" I asked as I bit my lip, feeling apprehensive about his answer.
"Like it? Angel, I love it. What made you want to change it?" Dean asks as he looks it over, and then he gets a hold of a curl, pulling it to his nose to smell.
"I just felt like a change, and Mars suggested I go with the blonde and caramel highlights."
Gosh, I love it. It looks incredible, with the ends looking like it's dipped. I've had the ends curled.
"Well, I love it. I loved it before, but I love it like this." He tells me as he places a soft kiss on my lips, making me melt into him.
"How did the shopping go? Did you find everything?" I ask him, worried he didn't find a suit. I know how fussy he is. So it wouldn't have been a simple "in and out" of the shop. He grins and nods his head.
"Oh, yes. Hey, did you know that kid can shop? He's got good taste in clothes. As soon as we got in there, he spotted an outstanding suit. Now, normally I'd have something to say about someone choosing shit out for me, but I couldn't fault it. He's kitted out with more clothes, too. Braden's got some pretty cool stuff. I was jealous of some outfits he picked out. I'd wear them if they had them in my size." Dean chuckled, making me smile.
"Aww, I'm glad to hear it, baby. I'll get him to go shopping with me someday." I tell him with a chuckle.
"Well, I found a beautiful dress and a few other things that I'm sure you'll love, too." I send him a cheeky wink, making him grin. It's a sexy grin, one that says, I want you now.
"Oh, nice. I can't wait to see them. So why are you so late getting back? I thought you would have been back hours ago," Dean asked, looking worried.
"Oh, we'd gone back to the flat. I needed Mars to do something for me." I tell him, and then I watch as his brows nip together, wondering what that was.
"What, what did she do?" I can't help grinning while my heart pounds in my chest. I'm readying myself, preparing myself to show him.
"Okay, well, don't be mad, okay? But I kinda got her to do some ink work on me."
"You what? Why didn't you ask me to do it, baby? But, you knew, I've wanted to ink you." He responded, looking sad. Oh no, now I feel bad, but hopefully, he'll understand why when I show him.
"Sorry, baby, but it wouldn't have been a surprise if I'd got you to do it. I promise, though, the next time I want some ink, you will be the first to know about it."
Dean sighed, but nodded.
"Okay, so come on then, show me what you've got done." He said with a grin, making me relax a little. As I pull my top over my head, I stop. I take him to our room to show him there instead, only because I don't want to chance Brade walking in on us. Once we're inside, I lock the door. Seconds later, I strip, which is a little tricky because it's pretty sore. So I have to ask him to help me. He happily complied in doing it, too. When I'm stripped naked, I pull my hair around from the back of my neck and turn for him to see my back. It's still not finished yet, so I'll go back to her to add the rest.
"Holy shit," was all he said. I'm biting my lip, anxiously waiting to hear him say more.
"What do you think, Blue?"
I turn my head a little so that I can see his face. He looks shocked but impressed.
"Angel, I love it. Fuck, I love this new you. Baby, you look amazing. You always look sexy as hell, but this is wow, you look... Christ, I need to be inside of you."
I see the tent forming under his towel, almost instantly making my body tingle. Then, he moves towards me, making me shiver as soon as his body connects with mine.
"Perfect wings for my perfect Angel... I'm going to have to get your name on me now." Dean says, making me shiver again with his breath caressing my back. He kisses my shoulder and then pushes his stiff shaft into my backside. I pushed back into him with a moan.
"Why are they blue, though?"
I grin when I tell him because he's my Blue.
"I was going to get a blue eye, but I thought this would be more girly for me. So I got them in watercolour and blue to represent the first thing I noticed about you and the wings because you call me your Angel. I got your name too because you're mine, and I'm yours forever."
He moans and moves against me. I take hold of his hand and move it to where I want him to touch me the most.
"Baby, it's perfect."
"Blue, I need you now," I tell him with a moan. He then places his leg between mine and nudges them apart. He then quickly bends me over, running his hands down my back, all the while being careful of my tattoo. My body shakes with the anticipation of my Blue-eyed boy entering me.
"So, fucking sexy baby, do you want soft or hard? Because of the way I'm feeling right now. Oh, fuck it. Hold on to the bed, Angel."
I do as he asked while feeling a tingle run through my body in anticipation. Then I feel him position his shaft at my entrance. I can feel him move over my juices, preparing me. Then, just as I'm about to tell him to stop teasing me, he slams into me. Holy mother, I called his name and fucked me hard from behind. While doing this, he tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. I'm feeling the bite of his fingers digging into my hips as he moves. This is raw sex, and this kind of passion is like something you'd find in a porn movie, only a hundred times better. I love it. My man knows what I want and need.

The following day, I woke up in pain with my back. Gosh, I have some silly ideas, but it was so worth it because I love it, and Dean loves it too. I got his name to go down in the centre of my spine. So you can imagine the pain I went through to get it. I also got forever written under it. Though, I still want more blue ink on it. I want it in different shades to look like a rainbow of blue with white highlights.
"Morning Angel," Dean says as he pulls me close. I moan a good morning in return. "How's the back feeling?"
"Sore, very sore. I may need your help in the shower."
I push my body towards him, so he knows I need him to touch me again. It's outweighing the pain.
"Shell. Dean. Can I make some breakfast, please? I'm staaarrvin."
Braden shouts from outside of our room, making us sigh and giggle.
"I'll be right there, honey. Go put your cartoons on for now. I won't be too long."
"Okay." He calls out and then makes his way downstairs.
"Duty calls, big fella. Sexy time will have to wait till later. Plus, we have a meeting with Mr Benjamin today, so we all need to get ready for that. So come on, let's go."
"Baby, I have a raging hard-on. What the hell am I meant to do with this?"
I chuckle, looking at his sad face. "Sorry, baby. Maybe a cold shower?"
Dean groans and then turns over, so his face's squished into my pillow. Finally, I hear him muffle out, telling me he'll be taking a lot of cold showers, making me chuckle more, but I'm feeling quite bad I've put us in this situation. I mean, I love Braden, don't get me wrong, but taking on an eight-year-old kid is a big thing for a couple. Who has only been together for a few months?
"I'm sorry, baby... if this is too hard, I'll understand."
I didn't even get to finish what I was going to say because Dean's head snapped up from my pillow. He's looking shocked and pissed all rolled into one. He climbs out of bed and pulls me to him, instantly feeling his heat. It's a delightful change from the cold bite of the room, and I can't help but move further into his embrace.
"Angel, never think that this will make me change my mind. I'm not a sex pest. Well, I am for you, but I can cope with this. I can cope with looking after a kid and taking care of my woman's needs when appropriate. So please, don't worry about me with this, okay? It's something we can work out together. We can work around everything. As much as I'd like to be inside of you every day, I'm adult enough to control my urges."
He chuckles with his last words, and then he gently places a kiss on my nose and lips.
"I'm sorry, Blue. I guess I'm just worried. All this is going rather quickly. I don't want it to mess this up if we find we can't do it. I don't want anybody getting hurt, especially you and Braden."
Dean sighs and then tells me we'll be fine, telling me not to worry about anything.
"We'll do this, Angel. I know we can because we love each other, and we both love that kid downstairs. Trust me, baby, everything will work out."
"Gosh, I'm sorry. I do this a lot, don't I? I worry a lot. I can't help it. My anxiety kicks in and makes me panic."
"I know, baby, but I'm here now, and everything will be fine. We'll keep going no matter what happens. I love you, Angel."
I smile when I tell him I love him, too. So with his hands on my cheeks, he pulls me in for a kiss, making me melt into him even more.
Tomorrow will be the first day back at school, after an interesting Christmas and New Year. Only I can't help feeling apprehensive along with feeling worried, not knowing what the hell will kick our arses next. I'm afraid, in case any of the kids find out about Braden and him staying here. I'm hoping they don't tease him about it. Oh gosh, please be okay. It's the last thing he'll need right now.
After eating breakfast, we're washed and dressed to see Mr Benjamin. When we eventually got to see him, he told us what needed to happen and where we go from there. He also said to us that moving in together was good for him. It will be a stable environment for Braden and have two guardians to look after his needs. He also said it's unnecessary to get married right away because we had a date set, anyway. They will just go with that as it proves commitment. By the time all this is over, we'll be married, regardless. Apparently, plenty of unmarried families have adopted kids. Even though the lawyer said we didn't need to rush it, I was feeling pretty excited about becoming Dean's wife sooner than planned, and I didn't want to wait a year to do it. I don't care how or where we get married as long as a few of our close friends and family are with us. I'd be more than happy with that. So we went through with it still
Mr Benjamin also informed us that Brade's foster parents were eventually found. They tried denying any wrongdoing on their part. They tried to say that they were only out for about an hour. Lying bastards! The fire started in the living room. They had a faulty gas fire, which they'd left on while Braden was upstairs. The banging he'd heard was the thing blowing up. I'm just so glad I'd given him my phone number when I did. Lord, it doesn't bear thinking about what could have happened to him if we didn't get to him. So both Lana and Jim have lost all rights to looking after kids anymore, thank god. I've no idea how they could look after kids, to begin with. I'd seen right through them from the beginning.
Braden eventually told me they left him alone quite a few times. They'd be drinking a lot, too, I'm guessing, with the money they received for taking him in. Bastards! Oh, I was furious. I'd never been so mad in my life, and I've been angry before, but this sent me over the edge. How dare they do that to him? It's bad enough he had to go through watching his parents mistreat him. Then make him go through even more pain. When I found out what his parents had done to him, I was physically sick. I mean, no child should ever have to go through watching their parents take drugs. They shouldn't have to see them so off their faces that they beat their only child up. If he was naughty, they'd lock him in a cage, one in a cupboard. He'd get left in darkness for lord knows how long. I was heartbroken for him. I'd been told they'd leave Braden to starve for days on end. He'd be so hungry to where he'd search bins, looking for scraps of food. He didn't even have a bed to rest his poor, deprived body on. They made him sleep on the floor while they slept on a bed of their own. It wasn't until one of his old school teachers became worried about him after he'd broken into the staff room. Somehow he got in after he told his teacher he needed the loo.
When he eventually got interrupted in his search, it all came out that he was starving. So they took him to the nurse, and she noticed how thin he was, and that's when they discovered bruises on his body. They called social services, and they took him into care. Yet since then, his life has been pretty unsettled. It's heartbreaking to see a child go through this. It's just awful. His biological father is in prison. He's there for child abuse, for which he got a few years. All for the seriousness of how badly they treated him. It's a good thing I can't get to them. I mean, if I was ever to run into them. Oh, believe me, I would do some damage. As for his mother, she's in a mental hospital. After living with that bastard for as long as she did, it sent her crazy.


The next day...
After the first day back at school, well, let's say it was an interesting one.
"Hey, honey, how'd it go?" I ask Braden as he jumps into my car. I deflate when all I get for an answer is a grunt. Oh no, I can only imagine what that "grunt" means. It means they probably know. Boy, news travels fast in this shitty town.
"That bad, huh? Gosh. Brade I-"
"I don't want to talk about it!" He angrily says, making my eyebrows hit the roof with his frosty change towards me.
"Oh, okay. Well, when you're ready to talk, I'm here, okay?"
He sighs, and with a nod, he then turns to face the passenger side window. He also pulls his legs up, wrapping his arms around his knees.
When we eventually made it back home, he ran up to his room, slamming his door behind him. So I'm just standing at the bottom wondering what the hell happened today.
Braden's a good kid, and he's dealt with a shitload of crap! "Crap" no child should ever experience. Never in such a brief life, anyway. Of course, it's those little shits at school. They're making it harder for him to adjust to another change. Jesus Christ. Why are some kids and adults so cruel? I just don't get it.
"Hey, baby. Bloody hell, I do like this new you," Dean said, making me chuckle while I prepare dinner.
"I'm glad you love it, baby. How was your day?"
"Quiet... Kayne didn't show up today, so it's just been me at the studio. Lisa isn't there because it's pointless. What with it being January, no one wants to be inked."
"He isn't doing too well, is he? I've never seen him look so lost. Mars is pretty worried about him."
Dean nods in agreement. "Yeah, I'm sure that whatever it is, I'm sure he'll come around soon enough. I mean, Kayne's a tough lad. I know he'll sort his shit out soon. But if he doesn't, I'm going to have to kick his arse for hurting our girl so much, especially since she's pregnant."
"Gosh, I hope so."
"Where's the kid?" Dean asks as he looks behind, searching for Braden.
I sighed when I tell him, "He's in his room. He bolted up there as soon as we walked through the front door. I think the school knows about him and how he's living with his teacher." Then tears gather in my eyes. I'm feeling pretty shitty that they're making him feel this way.
"I'll go see how he's doing. But, baby, don't worry, okay?" He said, and after placing a gentle kiss on my lips, I'm left to gather my thoughts. I carry on making their favourite lasagne.

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