Chapter 60

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Dean carried on again when he got to the bottom, moving over my behind. I'm shocked when he bit my backside, making me jump and squeak out a yelp. Then, just as I'm about to lose my balance, he grabs my hips.
"Easy, baby, let me worship you. Let me worship what belongs to me."
I shiver again as he carries on in his quest.
"Spread your legs, Angel. Let me see you."
He's still behind me when he asks this. Then I feel his hand move up my legs. He's still placing kisses and soft caresses with his tongue. It's like he's savouring me, almost like I'm his favourite dessert. But then, when he stops in his movements, I wonder why? So, I turn slightly and see he's sitting back. He's staring at me, looking me up and down, making me shiver with the intensity of his stare.
"Bend forward for me and hold on to the bed. Don't turn around until I say so."
Again, I do as he orders, just loving every bit. I hear him strip from his clothes, and then I feel his hands touching me again. Moving up my legs, he's teasing the ends of my white stockings, moving in now. He takes off my garter with his teeth, and then my stockings follow. Once they're gone, I'm completely naked, entirely bare for him.
I'm ready for whatever he'll do next. Now, moving his hands over my backside, he's giving it a good squeeze with both of his hands. Feeling it made me push back against him. The intense need that's building inside me is so penetrating I'm about to explode. Then he lets go, slapping it, making me cry out, loving it as the sensation shoots straight to my need.
"Dean, please."
"Please, what, baby?" Dean says as he runs his fingers through my folds, which results in me moving against him, wanting more. He pinches my bundle of nerves, making me moan.
"I need you. Dean, I need you inside of me right now. I can't wait. This is too intense, and I need more. I need you to take me now."
He growls and then spanks the other arse cheek, spinning me around and pushing me onto the bed. As soon as I'm laid out, he spreads my legs; moving forward, he enters me, hard and fast.
Tears instantly filled my eyes as I took in the glorious sight before me. He sees this and grins. His sexy grin played on his lips again, moving inside of me and making me smile with him. Then he bends forward, placing a kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his shoulders when he rolls me over, so I'm on top of him now.
"Keep moving, baby. Keep moving that hot little pussy on my dick. Let me feel all of you."
My insides constrict just with his words, which makes Dean growl again as he pulls me to him. He's digging his fingers into my hips. When I bend forward, I gently kiss his new ink. Since it's still looking sore, I'm careful with it.
"I fucking love you so much, Blue. I fucking love this so much."
I move, making love to the love of my life. My Blue, my husband...
"Mm, well hello there, darling... What are you thinking about? It must be something delicious to have you grinning and blushing like that," Dean whispers into my ear.
Then I turn in his arms and pull close. "You, always you," I tell him and then kiss him, making him moan.

Later that evening, after we'd been to see Jane and thankfully, the meeting went well. They're pushing the paperwork with the Braden situation with what he's suffered through. Well, they realise being with Dean and me is perfect for him. So, we should see some movement soon. Fingers crossed, he'll be officially part of the Headley family, and Braden will be our son. So, we stayed at Mars' place again tonight. I'm concerned about her because she and Kayne seem to be struggling to keep it together.
Mars said he's been drinking a lot, and most nights, she's on her own while he's out getting pissed. I don't tell her I'm staying for that reason. She'd say she's okay, then tell me to go home. She thinks I miss the place. I mean, I miss it here; it's been my home for four years. Mars also tells me they will need to move one day soon, with the baby coming and all.
She doesn't want to worry; you know what with the stairs. I'd suggested baby-proofing with gates and stuff like that, which seemed to sway her slightly. But, she loves this place, and it would be a shame to leave it.


I feel so drained. I mean, something's got to give in my life, right? I'm only one person, for god's sake, and people keep saying you're strong, you can get through anything. But, honestly, I'm not so sure because I feel like running away from it all right now. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking around with a big fat sign that says.
"Come Kick My Arse. Get Your Free-Kicks Here" with an arrow pointing to my arse. I'm chuckling to myself. If I don't, I think I'll crack up. What else do I need to go through? Secrets kill everything. We shouldn't have secrets. Why can't we all just be honest with each other? Saying that telling "little white lies," I'm okay with. I guess, but only if it's saving someone from embarrassment. But big secrets like this will affect your life.
It's all pretty messed up, and it's me who's suffering for it. Yet at the same time, didn't my parents suffer too? Even my biological father suffered, but we could've avoided this mess. I mean, if they'd only just talked to each other. They could've sorted it all out like fucking adults. I may have had my dad with me for a long time, and I loved him dearly, but why couldn't I have my real dad, too? Fuck! All this is hurting my head. I look at my watch, checking the time. I see it's after ten at night. How long have I've been sitting here?
I'm sitting in my car in a car park watching the sea. At first, I was sitting on the beach, but it was bitterly cold, so I moved back to my car instead. So, I sat there just watching the waves from here instead. I think I best give Shell a call. She'll only worry.
Turning my phone back on, I check for messages. I get a couple through from Shell.
*Hey, sweet, we're staying over tonight. Do you want supper brought in? XX*
*Where are you? XX*
*I'm getting worried now. I've tried to call, but your phone is off. Please text me to let me know you're okay? Xx*
*I've texted Kayne to see if he's seen you, but he's not answering either*
*Please text. Otherwise, I'm calling Carl. Love you, honey. XX*
Bless her. I called and assured her I was okay.
"Mars... Honey, are you okay?"
Sighing down the line, I tell her I'm okay, and I was just thinking.
"Why, what's going on? Where are you?"
"I'm at the beach. Shell, today's been one fucked-up day. You won't believe it."
"You're at the beach? Mars, you'll bloody freeze, woman."
"Don't worry, and I'm in my car with the heater switched on. You've got no chance of me sitting out there. It's a proper nipple dropper-offerer night." I tell her, ending it with a chuckle.
"Oh, okay. Well, are you coming home?"
"Yeah, I'll be home soon, sweets. Has Kayne been home at all?" I hear her sigh again, and it makes me deflate because I know exactly what she'll say.
"No, sweets, I can't even get a hold of him."
"I need to go sort this out now before it gets worse. I'll be home as soon as I see Kayne first, okay?"
"Okay, but Mars... Honey, what happened today? Your mothers, been around. She says that she needs to talk to you. She said to tell you to go see her as soon as you can."
I huff a laugh and tell her I'll do it tomorrow, but first, I need to see Kayne and sort this fucked-up mess out, whatever the hell it is.
"Okay, sweets, text me when you're on your way back. Okay?"
"I will. I promise. Love you."
"Love you too."
Turning on the ignition, I make my way to Kayne. Hopefully, he'll be at work still. Shit, who am I kidding? Of course, he'll be there.

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