Chapter 65

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I woke to the sound of my alarm clock. It's telling me it's 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday. On a typical day, this would piss me off to where I'd like to throw my bastard phone out of the room. Well, maybe just put it in a draw. I mean, I wouldn't throw it out the window like some probably would. Oh no, now that would be silly, especially since I've just made a shitload of new friends on Facebook. They'd miss me and my potty mouth too much.
Waking up this time is not my idea of fun, but today is no ordinary day. Oh no, because today I become Mrs Mars Rose Vincente. It sounds like a movie star's name. Awesome shit.
Eventually, I turn off my alarm. I've left it playing for about a minute, only because it's playing The Dixie Cups Chapel of Love. That's when Shell comes storming into my room and then takes it upon herself to open my curtains. Unfortunately, this allowed the light to glare in, almost blinding me. She then jumps up onto my bed and jumps up and down, shouting.
"Whoop-whoop! Wakey-wakey, Eggs and Bakey, Bitches!"
"Shit, the bed, woman! There's no end to your ADD. I seriously need to see your doctor and get him to up your doses, woman." I tell her before laughing at her. She's standing on my bed with her hands on her hips. Aha, she's looking a lot like a pissed-off Tinkerbell trying to give me the stink eye. However, she's failing miserably at it because she's laughing now.
"Eek, Mars, today's the day. So up and at-am, bitch. We need to get your face on, and we only have five hours in which to do it."
Shell's creased laughing when she said this.
"Cheeky bitch," I say this as I throw my pillow at her, making her fall onto the bed. She's still laughing, and I cannot help loving her when she's like this. It's the Shell I know and love.
As her chuckles die down, she asks how I'm feeling.
"Are you ready to become Mrs Vincente?"
After taking in a deep breath and plastering a big cheesy grin on my face, I tell her I'm feeling good. I also tell her I've never been more ready for anything in my life. My stomach chooses that moment to flip, then I think the butterflies kick in. I have to hold on to my stomach, especially when my baby chooses that moment to move. It made me giggle.
"Shell, I've never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. It just feels right, and I feel happy for the first time in a long time. I feel free."
Her eyes are filling up with tears, which also sets me off.
"Oh crap, Mars, I'm just so glad to know I was right from the start. I'm not sorry for saying it, but I told you so!" she says while looking all smug and shit.
I tilt my head and ask what she's on about, but then I remember when she said, you'll get your King. As the memory of that day enters my head, I'm giggling.
"Ah, yes. Well, I guess you were right, Cilla."
We both chuckle when she nods her head.
"Thank you, babes,"
"What are you thanking me for?" Shell asked. I smiled through my tears when I told her, "For giving him the room and not allowing me to have a say in it."
"Oh, Psh, please... I only gave him the room because we needed some 'man-candy' to brighten up our days," Shell says, laughing now while I'm shaking my head with a smile of my own.
"Crazy woman."
She slapped my leg and then told me to move my arse. "Come on, bitch bride to be. Let's get some breakfast down you because we gotta keep you and Mini Vincente big and strong."
She then jumped off my bed after I nodded. I'm smiling when I tell her, "I'll be down soon."
Before she left, she hugged me and said, "Okay."

I walk over to my window, then pick up my childhood penguin and look at the sky with my dad and grandad in my thoughts.
"Well, today will truly be another good day. I hope that you'll both be there too, you know, to watch me start this whole new chapter in my life. Although I have a good feeling about this." I tell them with a bit of chuckle.
"I think it's time I had some happy times in my life. So, if you can hear me, please put a good word in with the big man in the sky for me. Otherwise, my F-bombs will be back in force." I end that with a nod and a smile. Of course, I imagine them laughing at me because they know I will.
"Mars, get your sexy arse down here and eat, woman."
I roll my eyes. Bloody hell, she's so bossy you can tell she's a teacher. Ha.
"I'm a bloody coming, woman." While laughing, I look back at the sky.
"Well, that's me. I gots-ta gets ma wedding on."
I'm grinning now, but I'm also feeling so many emotions rush over me. Then I sigh once I tell them I miss them.
"I love you both, and now I guess it's time for me to fly."

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