Chapter 26

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Finally, Shell's seated in the back while Mars sits in the front with me. We're making our way to Dean's place.
"Baby, where are we going?" Mars asked while looking out at her surroundings. Then after I send her a cocky wink, I tell her she'll see soon enough. It's when I pull the car to a stop. She sees him as he heads towards us. She then looks at me again with total shock and joy shining in her eyes.
"No fucking way. Are you shitting me?" She exclaimed before climbing out. I can't help it, and I'm laughing at her excitement.
"Hell yeah, lad. You're coming too?" He's looking a little shocked but laughs along with her.
"Well, you know. I couldn't very well leave you alone with arse-wipe here now, could I?"
She laughed at this, fucking laughing at me. Pfft!
"Christ, whatever happened to 'loyalty' to your boyfriend?"
She sticks out her bottom lip, once again making my insides dance. Yet, the smile that graced my lips soon disappeared. Hell, especially with what she says.
"Baby, don't listen to him. I love you, even with your arse in those sexy pants of yours."
While shaking my head, I eventually begin laughing. This came after she blows me a kiss.
Dean watches with a confused look on his face. Of course, I tell him, "Don't ask," before Mars returned to her seat. He finally opens the back passenger door and falters. It's obvious he's looking at Shell, who's sitting behind me.
What's he doing? He's just standing there, staring. Seeing this, I take a quick look in the mirror. Just to see what Shell's doing. She's doing the same, just looking at him. With a snap of her eyes, she looks at Mars and me. She was probably wondering what the hell was going on.
Oh yeah, I may have forgotten to mention he was coming. Oops, my bad. Hey, I know what you're thinking. But no, I'd asked Shell to ask J to come along. Only, she said he's busy. She looked pretty gutted about it. That's when I had an idea. I thought I'd save her from feeling like 'the third wheel.' So, I'd asked my boy to come with us. Let me tell you, he needed a day off. Since splitting with his ex, he'd focused on work.
His ex-girlfriend trashed his house a few weeks ago. I was shocked when he'd called early one morning, sounding pissed while asking for help. How could I say no? Hell, especially after his crazy-ex fucked him over! Crazy bitch! So, I've convinced him to join us. Buzzing, he dumped that bitch's arse, though. I still can't get over how nice he was about it. Trust me, I wouldn't have been so polite.
"Um, yeah, sorry Shell, This is our buddy, Dean."


I'm sitting in the backseat of Kayne's truck, watching Mars. She's all excited about our trip. It's pretty entertaining to watch because she has no clue of where she's going.
Kayne asked a few days ago about her other favourite places. He wanted to know if she had any others, aside from the beach, so I told him, Flamingo land. That woman's loved that place for years. It's all she'd ever talk about, especially about the penguins.
He's so sweet to her, and I'm so happy they've found one another. Yet, I kinda feel like the blooming gooseberry. The 'third-wheel.' I'm thinking about finding a new place to live. I don't want to go, but now they're together, like living together. I kinda feel like I'm in the way. I'll give it a few months, though. I couldn't afford to move right now anyway, but yeah, it's something I'd have to consider doing someday.
The past few weeks have been a bit of a drain. What with dramas going on at school. Oh, and Jack turning up out of the blue. Yes, I'd eventually sent a text. I wanted to see when the best time was for us to meet. Sadly, he's away on business for a few weeks. So, he'll get back in touch when he can. Apparently, he's seriously looking forward to seeing me again. I guess I am too, but as I say, I'm still a little freaked.
Then there's James. He's still not taking my calls. I'm positive he's cheating on me. Yet sadly again, I don't have any proof to question him yet.
I want to ask him, but it's hard, you know since I've not seen him. It feels like forever. Besides, I don't want to look like a crazy person, one who's probably overreacting. I guess we'll soon find out soon enough, what with Mars' crazy idea when she mentioned what we're doing. Well, as anybody would, I thought, is she nuts? But then I remember she is nuts. So this shouldn't surprise me at all.
Gosh, I love that woman. She's loyal to a fault, and there are no bounds to her loyalty. Hell, especially when it comes to those she loves.
As for James, I thought this one was going to be good for me, but it's not looking that way now. For a long time, I've been pretty much off men. My psychiatrists helped me a lot, just by trying to build on my trust issues. Yet, it's still hard to relax at times.
James and I have only slept together, but only a few times. It felt nice. Only, he doesn't make me tingle. Does that make sense? I mean, you know when you find 'the one,' they say you feel butterflies, sometimes sparks shooting through their hands - that kinda-thing. Well, I've not had that at all, not ever.
Mars told me about the sparks she'd felt when her hand touched Kayne's. You know, that first night they'd met. Gosh. I want that so badly. Yet, at the same time, I'm too bloody scared to let go. James is lovely when he's here, but I don't know. I just feel like there's just something, only I can't quite put my finger on it. Like I say, I'm hoping Mars' plan works. I hope to God we can find out once and for all if I should say goodbye. Trust me, I'm close.

As we turn into a street in Gateshead, my eyebrows pull together. I'm feeling slightly confused about why we're here. What the hell's going on?
Kayne mentioned nothing about a detour. I guess Mars didn't know either, especially since she's asking where we're going. Yet all he says is that it's a surprise.
Eventually, he pulled up outside a terraced house. From what I can see, it's pretty decent. I can't see anything out of the side windows with the windows been blacked out, and it's still pretty dark outside. I can't see why we're here. Yet, I jump out of my blooming skin when Mars called out, "No fucking way! Are you shitting me?"
Needing to see what's happening, I'm squinting my eyes, just to see. Moments later, Mars jumps out of the car, and I hear her again.
"Hell yeah, lad. You're coming too?"
Oh no, who is it? As I think this, I hear a deep voice. It's one I don't recognise either. Yet, I feel I know it somehow. Seconds later, I feel a shiver run down my spine. Just with the sound of it. What the hell?
"Well, you know. I couldn't very well leave you alone with arse-wipe here now, could I?" I hear the voice say, and then I listen to her laugh.
"Christ, whatever happened to 'loyalty' to your boyfriend?" Kayne asked, sounding slightly perplexed.
"Baby, don't listen to him. I love you, even with your arse in those sexy pants of yours."
I can't help it, and I end up chuckling when Mars says that last part.
While he's laughing now, I'm still chuckling. Yeah, Mars told me all about his "fancy pants."
"Don't ask," I hear Kayne say. I'm guessing to whoever's stood out there.
When Mars finally returned to her seat, I wait for her to say something. Only she doesn't. Naturally, I'm about to ask what's happening.
I don't have time to, only because seconds later, the door on the other side of me suddenly swings open. Almost instantly, my head snaps to the side. The light fills the space, and I get a good look at him. You know, to whom it is that's tagging along.
Oh hell. Never in my life have I ever seen a man look so beautiful with his messy dark blond hair and tanned skin. Sadly, I can't see the colour of his eyes yet, but I can see he's wearing blue wash jeans and a grey hoodie jacket. It's showing off his broad shoulders. I'm judging by the size of them, but I'm assuming he works out.
My body's stopped moving. My eyes lock in with his. Oh my, what's happening? Why can't I look away?
Of course, I drag my eyes away to look at Mars and Kayne. They're both looking back at us. I'm guessing to see why he's still just standing there. He's not moving either.
Holy crap, what's happening right now?
To the outside, we probably look ridiculous. Only, right now, I don't care. Yet, I still cannot explain it.
Eventually, I cast my doe-eyes gaze back to the guy standing in the doorway. I can't seem to keep my eyes off him.
Kayne finally breaks our connection when he says something. It's something that had my brows hitting the roof.
"Um, yeah, sorry, Shell. This is our buddy, Dean."
Dean? Mars's friend? Dean, the tattoo guy? Oh gosh, he's hot as hell. Okay, Shell, just stop. You're with James, remember! I know I am, but I cannot help thinking. Where the hell is he, though? Okay, look away, woman! Just look away.
Eventually, he climbs in. Oh, lord. I'm hit with his warmth as he climbs into the car. Not only that, but his scent wraps around me. It's like a blanket of delicious heat wrapping itself around me. Jesus, he smells good. I can't control it, and I end up shivering because of it.
Moments later, after starting the car up, Kayne pulls away. Then once Dean clunk-clicked, he casts his beautiful gaze back to me. Once again, setting my body into a shivering mess.
"Well now, hello darling, and who might you be?"
I'm guessing by his 'greeting' he's a bit of a sweet talker with the ladies, but that voice, Lord, it floats over my body. It's like it's calling to me. He's pulling me in, making my whole body buzz with life. I'm so enchanted, I don't even notice his hand's outstretched. Not until he looks at mine, silently asking me to take his. Oh no, my hands, they're all sweaty. I have to rub my hand on my leg discreetly. I'm trying to make it look like I'm getting comfortable. Once satisfied, I take Dean's hand. Holy crap, my eyes go wide. I feel sparks shoot through my hands. It's hitting every part of my body, making me tingle with butterflies dancing in my tummy. Wait, did he ask my name? Bloody hell, answer him before he thinks you're nuts.
Crap! Now I'm stuttering? I don't freaking stutter! What the hell? With that thought, I'm shaking my head, just trying to sort myself out. Seriously, it's like I've lost the plot. I have to cough, just to clear my throat, and try again.
"Shell, my name is Shell." He grins, and it's showing off a little of his dimple in the left cheek. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Michelle, finally." Again, my eyes hit the roof of Kayne's truck. What the hell? No one calls me Michelle. Yet, I have to admit, it sounds nice coming from his lips. He'll probably break your heart. No, don't go there. He's breaking my heart now, just with seeing those eyes of his. It's like I know them, but how could I?
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Dean. Finally."
When I say this, I watch on as his face lights up. He's smiling, making my tummy flutter.
Did he just check me out? Oh my god, I'm squeezing my legs together. What the hell is going on?
We're still holding hands, and I'm finding I don't want to let go. I don't think Dean does either.
Shell let go. Remember, your boyfriend, James? Oh, bugger!
He grins again before turning his beautiful head, just to look at Mars. Hearing his following words make my eyes bug.
"Mars, you have the cheek to say, I hid him from you. All this time, you've been hiding this beauty, right here."
Again, he finds my shocked eyes. Then after sending a cheeky wink, he followed it up with a megawatt panty-melting smile.
"I have to tell you, I wasn't looking forward to today, but now, I've changed my mind. I can see this being a pretty good day."
I'm not kidding when he says this. My whole body sighs. I don't know why, but I can't explain it. Seriously, it's like I can breathe. For the first time in a long time, I'm feeling stuff. Hell. It's like my whole body's shifted. Like, I'm home.
Feeling this, I take in a deep breath. I'm stealing as much air as possible into my lungs, readying myself to speak again.
"You're a bit of a cocky shit, aren't you?" I ask, and then I end up giggling. It's when I see his brows shoot up. He smiles again, saying, "I may be a cocky shit, but by the end of the day. Darling, you'll be begging me to take you home." Oh yes, he's truly a cocky one. I can see why he and Kayne are friends.
"Yeah, that's not happening, Mister. I'm spoken for, sorry."
His face changes when I say this. Is he sad? What the hell? But then it changes back to too cocky, especially with his response, "Now that is a shame. I guess I'll stay with you all day then, won't I? Trust me, darling, by the end. I promise you, you won't even remember his name." He finishes with a cheeky grin. Even though he's cocky, I still find my insides dance with those butterflies again.
Oh hell. Now I know I'm done for because he's still holding my freaking hand too! Oh, I'm seriously done for.

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