Chapter 21

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Once the words pass her lips, I pull back from her neck. My eyes are wide, feeling shocked. Yet, I'm also feeling like the King of the castle. My baby said it. Holy crap, she said the words. Trust me, I wasn't sure she'd ever say it, but she did, and it was music to my fucking ears.
"I knew you wanted me, baby," I end that with a wink and a cocky grin. We're both laughing when Mars shoves my shoulders, trying to move away. I pull her back and kiss her neck and along her jaw.
She's still giggling when she tells me I'm a cocky shit.
"But you love it, though. Don't you?" I ask, making her laugh more. She shook her head and kissed me. Holy crap, I fucking love this woman. I still can't get over this. It's her, my Queen. The Queen I was looking for all this time. Damn, this is unreal.
I still remember it. You know, the day I got it inked on my neck. I knew even then that this girl was for me. I just fucking knew it.
It was on a Saturday, about a month after I watched her get her Crown inked. I remember thinking, why can't I get this chick out of my head? I'd never been so unfocused ever, especially over a woman. I never lose my head over women.
I blame this bollocks on Dean. If he'd just passed over her fucking number? Well, all this time messing around could've been saved.
That day in the studio, when I tried to catch her before she left. By the time I'd finished inking this big fella, I was too late. I'd missed her. I felt gutted, even pissed.
Dean refused to give me her number. All I wanted was a chance to see her face, along with an opportunity to see if she was as hot as her backside.
It's been four weeks, and I still can't get her out of my head. Dean knows I'm not the same lad I was growing up. I wouldn't dick around with her. Not like, some pricks would. She's in my head, and I don't even know her.
Eventually, the need to find her becomes too much and while I'm in the studio. Well, I end up having a snoop around Dean's bench space. I'm trying to find anything that can help me, but I'm having no luck. Meh!
I do, however, find a bag of Gum, which I've now claimed. Well, you snooze, you lose. He shouldn't leave them unattended.
I'm looking in his office now. It took a while, but as I look around. That's when I notice a picture. It's on his notice board, one that's on the wall by the door. Bingo! It's the Crown picture, with the letter M on it. I'm guessing it's her initial or someone else? I'm hoping it's the former.
While looking at it, I cannot help thinking it's a pretty decent one. I also think it'd look pretty decent on my neck. That's when I have an idea. I'll get it inked on my neck. That way, it'll be a reminder to look for her and keep a lookout for the Crown on her neck. I know that sounds nuts, but I know she's meant for me. I just know it.
"Mate, I need a favour."
Dean looks up from his office laptop, tilting his head, "What's that, then?" I huff, knowing it'll get pretty serious. Christ, I should've gone to Fever Ink to get this done, but I'm not a fan of others inking me.
"Eh, I need some new ink." He laughed when I told him this, "Don't you think you have enough by now? I'm surprised there's any space left."
Before I answer him, I pause and think of what spaces I have left, "Um, I have plenty of space left on my thighs and my hips. I still need my feet done, and I still want my head done. Oh, and I have space on my arse." I let that sit, just for a bit. Then I watch Dean scrunch up his face, and I end up laughing.
"Kay, I'm not touching your fucking arse, no way. You can get that idea out of your head if that's what you want to do? Then you've no chance," he's looking a little freaked when he says this. Seeing his reaction made me inwardly laugh my arse off.
"Ha! My arse is way too hot for you to handle," I end that with a cocky wink. You know, just to wind him up a little more. No way in hell would I allow him to ink my arse, "But no, you can relax. That's not what I want to do. Well, not yet anyway."
He's flipping me the bird while I laugh my arse off.
"Okay then, what do you want this time?"
I take a deep breath, readying myself for the blowout. Dean's already warned me to let her go, but I can't leave this. No, this is something I need to do.
So, I take the drawing out of my pocket. He tilts his head, wondering what it is. Not even seconds later, his face changes. Now he looks pissed. Now he's shaking his head, telling me No,
"No way, are you for real with this? Why can't you just let it go?"
"D, You know I can't. I respect you want me to stay away, and I've done that, but this I want you to do for me, okay? No questions. Just do it, but I want one small change. I want a 'K' in place of the 'M,' and since you won't tell me who she is or where she's from, I'll wait. I'll find her one day. You know I will. You can't keep her a secret forever, but until that day comes, I want this on my neck."
He sighs, giving in because he knows I won't quit this. He knows I'll keep on until he gives in.
For four weeks straight, all I've done is badger him about her. So, he knows I'll keep going. If he does this, I'll chill out but won't give up looking. Oh no, believe me, when I tell you, I will find my Queen.
"You're off your head! You do realise that, don't you?"
He shook his head while muttering something about Kings and Queens shit. Hearing this, I end up laughing again. Dean huffs out, giving in. He's agreeing to do it, making me smile.
"Thanks, mate. I'll owe you one."
"Oh, believe me, you will owe me one. If you ever find her, you will definitely owe me one."
I try to cut in and get him to help me find her, but he cuts me off before I can even say, "Will you..."
"And that doesn't mean I'm going to help you out with that either. So, you can get that idea out of your head. She's been through hell and back, and she's not ready for your crap as well. Okay?"
I wanna get pissed at him just for even thinking I'd hurt her, but I honestly don't blame him with my track record. This time is different because I've never had a woman stuck in my head, not ever. Well, apart from when I was a kid.
"Hey, it's not the chick you hid from me, is it? You know the girl you pretended to be mad about?" His eyes hit the roof, and then he shakes his head, "No, come on. Let's get this done before I change my fucking mind." I guess that's all the answers I'm gonna get. Meh! Shrugging my shoulders, we make our way to his cubical. There, he'll work his magic with this awesome Crown.

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