Chapter 49

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When she finally looked up at me, I see she's shocked. I'm guessing she knows I've come back for her.
Oh, yes. I'm back, beautiful.
I almost moan, hearing my name leave her lips. It's been a long time since I've listened to her say it.
"Well now, don't I get a kiss? I mean, it's been four fucking years! I think I deserve a kiss, don't you?"
I'm still pissed at the fact she'd done that.
Breathe, Ash. Don't lose it, and compliment her.
"I must say, you're looking pretty sexy lately. The last time I was with you. Not so much."
I laugh because I'm honestly floored. Damn, Rose's changed. She's still sexy as fuck!
"I keep forgetting you were pretty inexperienced back then. I guess this time apart changed us, huh?"
"What do you want, Ash?"
I can't stop staring. I'm just taking my time, breathing her in. Does she not know she's mine? Does she not know I want her? I watch as she shivered, obviously, seeing how I'm looking at her.
Oh yes, beautiful. I know you still want me.
Knowing this, I feel my heart pound in my chest, but I can't help smiling too, knowing she still wants me. It feels incredible.
"See anything you like, my little Rose."
"That was you, wasn't it? The rose on my car,"
I huff a laugh, happy she figured it out. Clever girl. Though I was pretty pissed that she discarded it like it was nothing. I tell her this. Naturally, I'm still pissed, but I can let it go. It's obvious she didn't know it was me.
"Go away, Ash, leave me alone, please!"
Oh no, you're not going anywhere.
After grabbing her arm, I drag her towards the alleyway.
"Don't fucking touch me, Ash! Let go!"
I'm laughing because she's not going anywhere. Not until we sort this shit out. I need her to come home. She attempts to get away from me, so I pull her back. I then slam her back against the wall. Bollocks!
Too far, Ash!
Her head thuds against it, but she needs to understand. I honestly didn't want to do this, but she's so stubborn. It pisses me off so much she forces me to do this.
"Don't push me, Rose. You brought this shit on yourself when you tried to walk away from me. So, you fucking owe me!"
She's pissing me off, fighting me on this. Rose knows she has to pay for what she's done to me. Her face changed to fury. Damn, she's hot when she's mad, but then it changed again when she began laughing in my face. She's shouting out her next words in my face.
"That's a joke, isn't it, Ash? You broke me and not just with taking my fucking money either!"
Perfect, seeing her fight back made my dick spring to life. I love it when she's like this. I love it so much, and I have to kiss her. I want to fuck her up against the wall so badly. So, I move in and kiss her lips. They feel so good, but she's fighting me. I don't like it. Not one bit! She needs to learn.
"Don't do it, Rose. You belong to me! Not that fucker in there, with his hands all over you. You've allowed him to touch what's mine! He won't get another chance to have you again! I'll see to that, myself!"
She froze with hearing this. Then her eyes go wide. First, she's scared, but then I see it change to determination! It's almost comical to see just how much she cares about that prick. It's so funny, and I'm laughing at her for being so weak. Only, she goes and says something that messes with my head.
"Don't you dare go anywhere near him, Ash, or I'll kill you myself! I'm his, not yours! I'll never be yours again! The sooner you realise that, the better."
You shouldn't have said that, beautiful! I'll never allow him to have you!
"You are fucking, MINE!"
Rose needs to understand, so I kiss her again, but the bitch bit my fucking lip! Now I'm pissed. I'm so pissed that I feel my anger, and it's boiling. Finally, I'm losing control, and I snap. I raise my hand and slap her.
Why is she fighting this? I don't want to hurt her!
She attempts to run, but I pull her back by the hair. She's going nowhere!
"Where for the fuck do you think you're going? I told you, Rose, you belong to me! So, whether you like it, I'm taking you home!"
I'm pulling her back to take her to Sid's car, parked over the road. She's fighting me, trying to get away from me. Then I hear him, the prick she's been screwing behind my back while I've been doing time!
"Get your HANDS OFF HER before I rip your fucking head OFF."
He charges at me and throws a punch to my face. I taste copper in my mouth; the bastards got a good swing. I get back up and throw one back, and he blocks me! But then I see her run.
Oh, hell no!
I have to end him now! Seeing Sid move in behind him now, I distract him enough until Sid can grab him.
Here's my chance.
As Sid gets him locked down, I'm pulling out my pride and joy, the knife I killed my bastard of a father with. Just as I'm about to go for him, he gets out of Sid's hold. How did he do that?
Seriously, nobody gets out of Sid's grip. The man's a tank. I'm the only fucker he fears because he knows I'd have no problem gutting him and his family. He's only ever challenged me once in all the years I've known him. He never did it again because I almost killed the fucker when he did. Granted, I shouldn't have been doing what I was doing. Hell, I don't even remember most of it.
As they struggle, he has his back to me. So, I take the opening and push my baby into his back, feeling it go through his flesh and bone. I'm smiling at him when he turns.
Die, you fucking prick! This is what you get for touching what's mine. Fucker!
"She'll always be mine! So now I'll get you out the way, and I can have her anytime I want. She'll need punishing for disobeying me, of course. I'll make sure every trace of you gets fucked out of her."
I laugh at the look on his face. It's like he cares about my Rose!
No, you prick! I love her. She belongs to me!
He tried to grab me, but Sid grabs him again.
"I'll find you. I promise, and I'll end you. Whether I die tonight, you will pay for this. Obviously, you don't know who the fuck you're messing with."
Oh, I'm scared. Ha, what a fool.
"Oh no, I'm scared. The big bad tattoo guy will get me! Ha! Sorry, mate. I'm afraid you won't because, by the time I'm gone, you'll be dead, my friend." I say as I'm laughing at him.
Looking at Sid, I nod to move out before the coppers get here. So, I run, and when I look back, I see Sid say something to him, but I don't hear what he says.
Christ, that felt good killing the prick who dared to lay his hands on my Rose! As soon as things settled down, I'll come back for her. Trust me; I refuse to give up. She will always be mine; even if I have to kill us both so that she's with me forever, I will.

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