Chapter 22

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Kayne smiled before lifting the screen, and while doing so, my heart raced. It's beating so fast, just with feeling the anticipation grow. Not knowing what I'm going to see in these photos is terrifying me. Once again, he asks if I'm ready. He's paused on the folder, waiting for me to prepare. You know, before clicking on the file his cousin sent.
Moments later, I inhale a massive gulp of air into my lungs. Then with after a long exhale, I tell Kayne I'm ready. I'm also clinging to his arm for dear life. When he opens the file, my heart stops. I'm shocked into silence.
Holy mother! There are hundreds of photos. They're all, of me mostly when I'm out shopping or in my car and with family and friends. Even at work... Christ, even my nieces. That's not creepy at all, is it? It's so much worse than I thought. I want to find the bastard, and I want to kill him. Not even seconds after thinking this, my heart stops. I see another file.
"Kayne, there's a video." I point it out with a shaky hand. My knuckles are white, just clinging onto his arm so tightly. I can see and feel him. He's struggling to keep his temper.
"Baby, you..." I stop him before he can finish that sentence.
"Kayne, just play it. Please."
With a sigh, he shook his head, not liking it, but he pressed play anyway. It takes a few seconds to get in focus, but once it did, I see it's me again. I'm at work, sitting at my desk. My boss is in his office, with his door open slightly. I'm guessing here, but it's so he could have a good view of me.
"Damn, Principessa, you look hot in those glasses," he said with a slight chuckle. I softly elbow him.
"Behave," I tell him. I hear rustling sounds.
"What is he doing?" I ask. Of course, I end up cringing when I hear him moan.
"Oh, Mars, you like that, don't you? You're a naughty girl. I should bend you over my desk and give you a spanking. You dirty girl. Mm..."
"WHAT THE FUCK?" Kayne shouts out, making me jump. I wasn't ready for what I saw next. I scream and quickly cover my eyes. This came after he'd moved his camera to his dick.
"Turn it OFF! Turn it off, please. I've seen enough! I've seen enough."
My stomach turns. Sadly, I know there's no way I'm going to make it to the bathroom. So, I run to the kitchen sink instead. Once there, it all comes out. It isn't much, but that's because I only had breakfast. You know, with all the drama. Well, I haven't had time to eat yet.
Kayne walks in after and hands me some kitchen paper towels. He then holds my hair back, and he's rubbing his other hand up and down my back in a comforting way.
When my dry heaves settle down, I slowly stand before turning around. Almost instantly, I cling to Kayne. He wraps me in his arms while shushing me. He's trying to calm me while I'm just sobbing into his chest.
"Don't worry, baby. I promise we'll end this now. I'll end this now before I do something..."
I'm not sure if he wanted me to hear it, but his next whispered words made me cling to him.
"...I won't regret doing."


It's Saturday morning, and we're stood outside her office building. We're also ready to see Mr Benjamin. This came after calling up yesterday to arrange a meeting with him and Mars. I've made sure to make copies of the evidence.
As taught, I also made sure Cross had it all too for safe measure. From what Mars has told me, Mr Delaney's got a few friends in this business. He will probably stop at nothing, just to protect himself. The fucker hasn't met me yet!
"How are you doing there, Principessa? Are you ready to do this?"
After she takes in a lung full of air, she exhales as she squares her shoulders, "Yeah, I'm good. I'm ready as I'll ever be, Kayne."
Damn, my tough cookie is ready to kick some arse. Feeling Mars's strength and courage, I give her a proud grin and take hold of her hand, then give it a gentle squeeze. I'm silently telling her I'm with her every step of the way.
"Come on then. Let's get this over with."
Ten minutes later, we're sitting in a waiting room. It's one just outside of Mr Benjamin's office. While we sit and wait, I notice Mar's legs are bouncing. I'm guessing with nerves.
"Don't worry, baby, we got this, okay. Everything will work out, I swear. I'll make sure to see it myself. If this fucker doesn't do something about the prick, I'll sort it out myself."
She sighs before nodding her head. She agrees with me, but I can see she's pretty worried.
Another five minutes pass before Mr Benjamin eventually opens his door. He greets Mars first.
"Miss Leigh. It's so nice to see you again."
Mars stands before shaking his hand.
"Hi, Mr Benjamin, it's nice to see you too."
This is new. Mars is trying to look all professional now. It's a bit of a change from her bouncing her legs. However, I can still hear the nervousness in her voice.
"Mr Benjamin, this is my..." She pauses in mid-sentence. I think she's unsure of what to say. So, I say it for her.
"Boyfriend," I tell him while looking a little too proud. I cannot help it, it feels good to say.
"Oh, I see," he says with a chuckle. Damn, she's blushing now. I love seeing that.
"Well, it's nice to meet you too, Mr..."
"Vincente, Kayne Vincente."
As I tell him this, I'm reaching out my hand to shake his. I notice he's looking a little shocked, and I'm wondering why. Well, I don't have to wait long to find out why.
"Vincente? Roberto Vincente?"
I huff a laugh when I tell him, "I'm his son."
I can't help wondering how he's connected to my Papa. When Cross mentioned they knew each other, I didn't think much of it, but I only hope it's a winery connection. Otherwise, this guy's into more than he's letting on. Although I'm not happy about it, I'm glad he's connected to my papa. I mean, in a way, it'll make this a lot easier for Mars.
"Oh, wow. What a small world this is. Your father's a good associate of mine."
He's grinning, making me want to grit my teeth. Naturally, I'm hiding my irritation at the same time.
"Really... Well, I guess it's a small world, Mr Benjamin." He's looking at me with a smirk on his face still.
"Indeed, it is. Your father sends me some of his finest wines. I'm quite a fan of them. Have been for quite some years."
Hearing this, I end up breathing a sigh of relief, "Yes, they are pretty good. Although I'm not the biggest wine drinker, I'm more of a Whiskey fan myself." Yeah, my Papas tried for years to get me to drink his wines. He'd even sent a few cases over to my Nan, which I passed them all on to her. She likes her wines, and well, I guess I'll give them to Mars now. She really loves her red.
"Okay, shall we take this in my office?"
Once he says this, I nod my head. Then, after placing my hand against the base of Mar's back, I guide her in. I cannot help staring at her. She's looking good in her grey silk blouse. It's showing off a little of her rocking cleavage, and her black pencil skirt's clinging to her backside. It clings to her like a second skin. Oh, don't get me started on those fuck-me heels. Honestly, she's so fucking sexy. All she needs now is her glasses, and it's Jizz-city baby.
I know I shouldn't, but I have to feel her arse. It's just too perfect not to. Only, now I can't help wondering what she's wearing under them. She surprised me when she'd shooed my hand away from her backside. Feeling her do it made me chuckle.
Before we enter, I pull her back to whisper in her ear. She'll kill me for doing it, but I can't help it. She looks good enough to eat.
"As soon as we're done here, and we get in that lift. I need to see what's under here."
As I speak, I'm feeling her arse again, running my hand over it. While I'm doing it, I'm telling her she looks good. Then I can feel her shiver and then, she's biting her lip while pushing me back slightly. Only to scold me by whisper-shouting, behave yourself.
Chuckling away to myself, I try to clear my head. There's no way I can sit there like that. You know, with a raging hard-on. Literally, I'm like a horny teenager, and I know I bring it on myself, but I cannot help it. Hell, especially when it comes to her.

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