Chapter 23

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"Like, actually in your bed?"
When I nod my head, he blows out an exasperated breath from his lungs. And just like me, he's looking pissed, "Wow, I'm sorry, that's rough. I'm sorry to see her go."
He's trying to look all serious when he says this, but I end up laughing at him. Just knowing he's full of crap, "I think we both know, we're not sorry to see Erin go. Fuck sake! I wish I'd listened to everyone about her. They're right. I'm too trusting for my own good. I just wish she didn't do it in my bed. It was a decent one. So, unfortunately, it looks like I'm on the sofa. At least until I can burn the germ-infested pit anyway. Bastards!"
"Well, at least you can visit me more now. You know, now that I'm done with modelling. Hell, with us partnering up, I'll be in the studio more now. Well, I've still to sort stuff out with my Papa, but I'm hoping to stay here for good. Which means boys' nights out are on the cards."
He's kidding, right? I huff a laugh while shaking my head. I'm reminding him he's with Mars now. Not only that, but there's no way in hell he'd leave her. Not for more than five minutes anyway. Of course, he lifts a brow with a smirk, "Na, Mars is cool. She'd probably tag along, but if she knew it was a boy's night, she'd have no problem with it. Granted, I'd probably leave you early to get back to her, though."
Now he's lifting his eyebrows up and down, looking like a dick in love. Blah! Love schmuck is what I say, "My god, you have it bad. But you've had it bad for years."
He cuts in, suddenly looking slightly mad about it, "Yeah, and I'm still pissed you kept me away from her. D, I could have stopped it. I could've saved her from all that pain. Sorry, I know you were just trying to protect her. I know you didn't know what was happening, but the things he'd done to her, I cannot even imagine what she'd gone through.
I'm still trying to help her. You know, to let go of her insecurities because of Ashton. She's pretty messed up when it comes to certain things, but if I find him, I swear, I'm gonna hurt him. He'll wish he'd never been born. The fucker should've been, drowned at birth."
Hearing his words, I feel a shitload of pain. It's stabbing at my chest. I still remember the day when Mars called me. She'd told me about the new flatmate and how she's ready to move forward. I knew she still had some stuff to sort through, but I knew my boy would take care of her.
I remember I was in my office, sat at my desk, running through a few bills. That's when Mars called. I hate paying bills, but it's got to be done.
I've been thinking about moving shop, but then again, it'll cost more than it's worth. That's when I had the idea of getting Kayne to partner up. It's been a long time coming. I mean, to have my buddy in business with me. It's only fitting. Hell, especially since he helped me, start-up.
The lad's been a part of this place for as long as I have. It's just his commitment to his modelling that's stopped him. It meant he would only be in the shop now and again. I guess it could be good to see his face more. Don't tell him I said that, though. Yeah, his head is big enough as it is. But seriously, he started all this with me. I think we were about fifteen/sixteen? As much as I don't like giving his head means to grow. Well, he's pretty good.
He was the one who'd inked my sleeve just a few years back. It's pretty decent and probably one of the best I've seen. It took bloody months to finish with him being away a lot, but it was worth the wait. Trust me, the result was amazing. For a few months now, he'd been looking for a place to stay. Yes, he asked if I had any room, but sadly, I've only got one bedroom. Well. It's two, but the small room is my office. It's full of my crap, but there's no place to put it. Besides, I kinda like my own space.
Does that make me a bad friend? He says he gets it, but still, I feel bad about it. I know he's desperate, only because the poor lads suffering from his back. It's from sleeping on his Nan's sofa. Naturally, he'd looked at a few places to rent, but they're all pretty expensive. I don't blame him for not taking them. They're asking him to pay stupid prices, and that's just for a room.
He's only gonna be in it for five minutes at a time, what with travelling and all. Hell. Some had even slammed the door in his face. Bastards!
He's a good lad, and he'll do anything for anyone, but it's the Ink. That's what puts them off him. It scares them off because he's covered in it. Granted, it was an old couple, but still, people should get to know the lad before judging him.
When we were kids, he was kind of a dick with the girls. I hated it when he was like that. I've had to put him in his place quite a few times about it. I mean, I'm not perfect, but I'd never treat a woman the way he did back then.
The crazy part is that he's never settled down either. For as long as I've known him, he's never even had a girlfriend. He's happy just to stroll through life, screwing women left, right, and centre. With the modelling, it means he's around women all the time. The little shit can't help himself.
Although I have to give him props, he's settled his arse down these past few years. At the time, it puzzled me. Yet after a while, I realised it all started the day she came here.
When my girl Mars came for a little ink-work done on her neck, I'm serious. He's never shut up about her. Hell, he'd been the same at school.
He wanted to meet her only I couldn't do that to her. I couldn't allow him to break her heart, not like he had with them. She was better than him. He was a slut, and compared to him, she was an angel.

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