Chapter 13

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While still chuckling, we make our way to the first viewing. The estate agent is already there, waiting. I see that she's an elderly lady, one with a beehive hairdo. She reminds me of Bet Lynch, from UK's TV soap Coronation Street. Of course, I cannot help chuckling when I think this. I can't help thinking, she looks very posh.

"Well nuw, halloo there, ladies. I'm assuming you're my next appointment to view this fabulous establishment?"
I hold out my hand to her and introduce myself.
"Um, yeah hi, I'm Mars, Mars Leigh. I'm the one who's looking to see it and this is my bestie, Michelle." I tell her this, in a polite voice.
Yeah, I can pull it off. Don't look so shocked... Freaking loving her accent. I kinda think she sounds like, Mrs Doubtfire. It's fabulous shit! Once again, I'm chuckling to myself. As expected, she's looking at me a little funny. Get used to it Bet. Trust me, everyone else has.

"Oh, well that's fantastic. Let me introduce myself, my name is Mrs."
Please, say Lynch. Please say lynch...
"Moffett... So, let's go and get this show on the road. Shall we?" Meh, Gutted.

Walking into the building now, and I'm not holding out for greatness. Hell, especially since it's set in an alleyway. It's there, where the takeaway shops keep all their stinky bins. Ewe, it's not very clean, especially for a tattoo studio. I didn't want to be rude to her since she's being overly nice. Plus, she's old. So, I carry on with following behind. I'm listening to her, trying to big it up, but as suspected, the inside's no better. I think they need to update their website because it looks nothing like this.
We get to the place where the magic happens, as they say. Then she informs me. It's fitted with sockets. All are in place for where I need my workbench set up along with cubicles.

"It used to be a hair salon. So, unfortunately, it still has all the sinks."
It's too much work. Pulling it all out would break my budget.
"It's a no, from me. I think we should hop it, Mrs Moffet."
Oh, I could make a rhyme up with that.
I guess Shell sees this too. It's when she joins in.
"Yeah, I think we should hop it poppet."

What the hell was that? I'm looking at her, with a grin on my face. I end up biting my lip, just trying my best not to laugh. I don't want to make the old dear feel uncomfortable. Mrs Moffet sighed but carried on and guided us to the next viewing. It's one just around the corner, on Front Street. Thankfully with no rubbish bins.

We look in and it's pretty much a no-go. I mean, up to now, we've looked in about four places. Some disgusting ones. They even had wonky floors, for Christ sake. Some were nice enough but, I'm just not feeling it. Surprisingly, she had one more to show us. This one, I didn't ask about. She tells me, she had this one hidden up her little sleeve. Apparently, they placed it aside as a last resort. She also tells me it's been empty for some time now, but she thinks I'd love it judging by the ones I've turned down. As expected, I'm slowly losing the will to live. I only hope it's not like the last one, a shit tip. We turn a corner, and I think she's going to carry on. Only, she suddenly stops dead in her tracks. This causes me to, almost bump into her. Luckily, I manage to stop myself just in time.

"Here we are, ladies."
I look over her shoulder to see a dark stone shop front. It's got grey, almost black fifties and sixties style windows. It's quite beautiful. I'm fascinated so much that I'm just standing there, staring at it. I tell you, it takes a lot to stun me, but my mouth's open and it's just about catching flies. Moments later, I'm pulled from my stunned stare. I hear Mrs Moffet chuckle. I'm guessing it's at my stunned face.

"Come on Miss Leigh. Let me show you inside."
She then unlocks the door and guides us in. As soon as I cross the threshold, I look up. Once again, my jaw hits the floor. Oh, my giddy aunt, the size is perfect. The floors carpeted but, I can change that. I've always wanted my floors to be black and white, like checkered flag tile. I want it like the fifties and also every inch of it to look rock style, but classy fifties. I'm talking fifty diner Rock café style but, with an ink/art twist.
Oh boy, it is so me.

"Holy shop-of-awesomeness batman, it's perfect," I say to no one, in particular.
Shell nods while she's standing by my side.
"It's you, all over Mars. Gosh, I can just see you working in here. It's beautiful."
I hear Mrs Moffet chuckle again before telling us, a little about the place.
"I knew you'd like it, sweetie. This place has a back room, one for storage, or you could even turn it into an office. It also has kitchen and bathroom facilities along with a bunch of fitted plug sockets for cubicles, just as you asked for in your specifications."
I'm standing in the middle of the room now, after looking through the back way. I can honestly say for the first time in a long time, I'm speechless. While I stand there, I finally find my voice.
"How much is it?"
While I wait for her answer, I'm nervously biting my lip. My leg's twitching too, just hoping it's in my price range.
"Well, you see..."
Oh no, that doesn't sound good. I just need the price, not the explanation. As you'll probably know, I'm not one for beating around the bush.
"Just tell me, please."
The answer is what I expected. It's so not what I was hoping for either.
"Ninety-five thousand..." She winced. It's because she knows I don't have that kind of money. Knowing this, my whole body deflates. I'm feeling pretty gutted that I can't have this place.
"Holy deflation batman, that's that then, eh?"

I'm feeling so devastated, my shoulders sag. You can hear how disappointed I am too, which is a bit of a difference. You know, from how excited I was when we walked in here.

"Gosh, Mrs Moffet, I wish you hadn't shown me this now."
I can't even look at her when I tell her this. I'm afraid to, only because I think I might cry.
"Oh, I'm so sorry dear. I just thought, maybe you'd be able to stretch to get the money? It's been on the market for a while and nobody's bothered with it. Maybe think about it, and get back to me. I'll see if I can get the owner to drop the price."
That would be amazing, but I'm not holding my breath. My luck doesn't work that way.
"Thanks, that's sweet of you, but I honestly don't think I could. I would need another few years, just working my current job, to get close to that kind of price."

Now I'm feeling like shit. I just want to go home, and crawl under my blanket.
As we make our way out, I take a big breath. Before I leave completely, I turn around. I take another look at the shop front, "Holy shit Shell, it's truly perfect." I swallow down a lump in my throat. My emotions are kicking in, while I watch Mrs Moffet lock the door. It's like she's locking the door forever on my dream place. That thought alone, allows a single tear to escape. As quickly as it came, I wipe it away just as quick. I don't like to cry, especially in front of people.

"I know, honey. I'm so sorry. We'll keep looking though and if we still can't find one? Well, we can just pimp you out. I'm sure we'll pull the money together, especially with your tits. Trust me, you'll have them lined up no worries."
She bit her lip, trying to keep her laughter in. I end up laughing too, but it's a sad one.
"Sounds like a plan. Come on, let's get back home eh? I'm kinda feeling tired now."

On the way home, we popped in at the florist. Shell needed to sort some flowers out, ready for tomorrow. Gosh, I have to tell you, I'm not a fan of graveyards. For obvious reasons, but I always make an exception for her. I go whenever she needs me to, only because it gets a little too much for her.
By the time we get home, I'm still feeling pretty drained. So, I run myself a hot bath. I add a bit of Radox bubble-bath in there. I'm hoping it'll help me, forget. While I'm lying here, allowing the bubbles to float over my body, I'm still thinking of that place. I'm thinking it would be perfect for what I want to do with it. I can just imagine what it would look like finished. Sadly, I guess it's not meant to be. Sometimes, I ask myself why I keep bothering. I should give up and carry on with my boring day job and my boring day in and day out coffee making, getting perved on life. Meh!
My Grandad's voice suddenly plays in my head. He's telling me off, telling me to keep going.

"I'm trying, I truly am." Tears fill my eyes as I imagine him telling me, to get up and kick arse.
After thinking about my grandad's words, I notice my fingers are pruning. Yeah, me-thinks it's time to get out. With a sigh, I reluctantly do just that. Once I wrap my pink towel around me, I make my way to my room. Then after drying myself, I put on my favourite Rocky T-shirt. It hangs off my shoulder because it's two sizes too big. Don't worry, it doesn't belong to a man. I bought it that way, just for this purpose. Before pulling on my pink bunny slippers, I pick up my reading glasses and head downstairs, very carefully I might add. Yeah, I don't want to be falling again. Aha.
After making a detour to my office I grab my laptop. I need to check for any emails. Once I have it, I sit down on our sofa. That's when Shell walks in from the kitchen. Oh boy, I need this. She's holding two glasses of wine in her hands, so when she passes mine over, I thank her.

"You're an All-star. It's just what I need."
She grins and says, "No probs big tits," making me huff a laugh while she switches the TV on. Once she's comfortable, she asks what's with men, and their big bastard plasma's. I cannot help laughing at her choice of words. As you can probably tell, she doesn't swear as much as me. Well, except for her "road rage" moments, but it's funny as hell when she does.

"I guess it makes them feel all, manly? It looks good though. This room is a pretty decent size so, it doesn't overpower it."
She nods and after sipping her wine, she smirks.
"You know what would look good on it, don't you?"
I know what she's thinking. Oh yes. This has to be done. Then we both say it, at the same time...


Fuck yeah.

About an hour into our movie night, my laptop lights up. I'm getting a Skype call from an unknown.
Who the hell is that?


A few hours later, after leaving Mars...

Once I made it to London, I grabbed a taxi from the station. Unfortunately, it felt like forever. You know, to get to the hotel. The traffic in central London is crazy, especially at this time of day. Normally I'm okay with travelling, but since this morning all I've thought about is Mars. It's making the minutes drag on, only because I can't wait to get back.
After eventually arriving at the hotel, I make my way, to the reception desk. A young blonde woman's sitting there, eye-fucking me. Seeing her do it made me inwardly grin. I mean, she's all right looking, and she's the type I'd go for but I have no interest. Once again, Mars pops into my head. I never get this fucked up, especially over a woman. I've always made sure, not to get too close.
Trust me, I don't settle down. Yet, there's only ever been, a few times I've felt this fucked-up in the head. Wait, could she be? Nah, she couldn't be. I'm not that lucky.
After telling the receptionist my name, she hands over my key card, "I hope you enjoy your stay. If you need anything at all, just call me, and I'll be sure to help you out with whatever it is." She emphasises the word "need." Well, shit, she's definitely up for it. Me, however, not so much. 'Pussy! ' Jesus, I'll truly have blue balls. Being away from her for a week. Hell, and this morning, they're gonna look scary by the time I get back home. She's all I'll be thinking about. I mean, since the day I watched her arse along with those fuck-me-heels. Trust me, she's all I've thought about.

On opening the door to my room, on the seventh floor, I take a deep breath. It's a decent size, pretty fancy. Syl knows I like the good rooms, she's a gem. To tell you the truth, I'm pretty lost without her.
Anyway, when I'm finished unpacking my bag, I grabbed my phone. I needed to check my emails. There's one from the London Sins photographer. She's telling me, how she's looking forward to getting this shoot started. She's filled me in on a few details. You know, of what I'll be doing. There's still to mention who I'm working with though. As expected, I'm not happy about it, but of course, I let it go for now.
My next email was from my Papa.

[Kayne, Mio Ragazzo.
I hope you are well. I'm emailing you to plan for Christmas. I know it's a little early, but you know what your mama's like. She likes things in order.
As you know, your mama's big on Christmas. So, you must bring your grandmother as well.
I will send the private plane to you both, and if you have a girlfriend yet... Probably not, knowing you, but I'm always hoping. If you have settled your backside down, then bring her with you. I'm not getting any younger, I want grandchildren]

Ugh, I get this every time he talks to me... kids!

[I know you're focused on your work but, you can't live alone forever boy.
Get in touch soon.
Ti Amo Mio Figlio,
P.S. We have things to discuss]
Yeah, that won't happen anytime soon either. At the thought of kids, Mars pops into my head again.

After reading it over again, I quickly type in a reply. I'm telling him, I'll be there and I love him. I don't however tell him about how I don't want to have that fucking discussion either. I wonder if Mars would come with me. You know, if I asked her. Still thinking of her, I decided to Skype her. Her face finally appears on the screen, making my eyes go wide slightly. Holy shit, she wears glasses? How did I miss that? She looks fucking hot like classy porn secretary hot. 'Get your head out of the gutter!' She looks shocked to see me. I can't help it, I end up chuckling.

"Well, hello there, Bellissima."
She giggles when I say this. Just hearing her, is making my dick twitching again.
"Well hello yourself, Mr Vincente,"
Hearing my name on her lips, I bite my lip. I can't stop looking at her, just taking in her beautiful face. Eventually, I have to clear my throat when I tell her, she's got me hard.

"Christ, you look hot as fuck in those sexy secretary glasses."
Her eyes suddenly go wide, and when she responds, my face flames.
I notice she's blushing, looking slightly embarrassed, "Um, Kayne, we're kinda not alone here."

Shells face pops into view. Oh, bollocks! I end up, huffing out, an embarrassed laugh. I rub the back of my neck. It's something I do when I'm embarrassed, or nervous. Hell, especially when I say hi to her,

"Um, eh... Sorry about that."
I can feel my face. It's seriously heating up now.
"So-kay Mr hot-towel-guy-"
Mars elbows her, only it just made her laugh. Only, Shell's not finished.
"I mean, I understand. I know you can't get enough of my girl here. I mean come on, look at those tits. And-"
Mars quickly cuts in, cutting her off before she could continue.
"So, you made it to London safely I see. How did you get my Skype?"
Naturally, I'm laughing my arse off. Jesus, she's too funny. Of course, I have to agree with her though. You know, about her chest. They're amazing.

While Mars waits for my response, she's looking at Shell. She's shaking her head with a grin on her beautiful lips. Jesus, I want to kiss her so badly. So bad, I'm tempted to get back on that train.

"Yeah, the train ride sucked arse. Sitting alone is no fun at all. Now if you were here, it wouldn't have been so, Sucky."
Mars grins again when I tell her this, and still, she's making my dick twitch.
"As for your number... Shell gave it to me before I left this morning."
I send her a cheeky wink and in return, I get a shy smile.

"Oh, okay. Well, I would've loved to have gone on that trip with you. Only, my girl and I had a little trip today. It was funny as hell."
They both end up giggling. So naturally, I ask what they got up to. Shell cuts in making Mars roll her eyes.
"So, we were in Starbucks and there was a very stupid girl in there. Of course, she'd already peed off Mars. She cut in line, and as you can imagine what happened next was hilarious. Your woman here had only..."
Mars again nudged her head, silently telling her not to say anything. But damn, I like the sound of her being my woman.
Before I get lost in thoughts of her again, I have to shake my head.

"What did you do Mars?" I ask, and again, she looks away while biting her lip. She's smirking.
"It was nothing. I just nicely asked her to step back in line."

I notice she's looking, a little guilty, and I feel there's more to it. Shell confirms my suspicions too when she shouts out, "Oh no, you did not," then proceeded to tell me, all without even taking a breath.
"She'd only gone and crushed the girl. Bless her. Mars kinda schooled her on her amazing eyebrows. She said and I quote, 'You may think those eyebrows, make you look big and tough! But I will smack them off your face if you don't move your arse back.' Then, she said, 'Did you just, choose to skip waiting in line on purpose? Or was it your painted mono-brow, preventing you from seeing it?' Then the silly girl only goes and calls her, a stupid bitch. So, Mars goes for her. I stop her of course. You know, before she got us both arrested. Then Mars said 'Go wash that crap off your face! There should be two fucking brows! Ya trollop!' Honestly, Kayne, you should have been there."

She's still laughing. I cannot help it, I'm laughing my arse off. How the hell she didn't pass out from saying all that? How she said it in one go, I'll never know. I'm still chuckling while Mars still looks, a little guilty, but she's grinning at the same time.

"Yeah, well I hate that shit. The troll had to learn a lesson in manners and eyebrow control."
Again, we're all laughing.
"Bloody hell, I can only imagine the fun and games you two get up to."
While Mars bit her lip, Shell mentions something about an estate agent.
"The best part, we viewed a shop for Mar-"
She's about to carry on, but again, Mars elbows her. She's trying to change the subject, but I wasn't having it. Hell, especially if she's moving out.
Why does this thought bother me?

"Mars, why were you meeting with the estate agent? Are you planning on moving out? Wait, you said shop, why would you be looking at shops?"

Mars sighed while looking down at her hands when she says it doesn't matter anyway.
"It's never going to happen."

Now she's looking away, only to make me jump slightly when she stands, leaving me with Shell. I notice she's looking sad now. Why are they so sad? What the hell's going on? Wait. Did she have a man's Rocky T-shirt on? Oh no, that's getting replaced with one of mine!
'Shell, what's going on?" I ask, and she tells me it's her dream place.
"It's one to start her business in. I won't tell you what though. No, that's Mar's story to tell. Sadly, she hasn't got the money to buy it. She says she needs to work another few years at the firm to afford it."
I ask how much and she winces telling me, nighty-five-grand.
"And that's not including, equipment and work she'll need doing to it."
"Wow, that's a lot of money for a shop."
Shell nods in agreement.
"Could she not just rent a place?" I ask and she tells me no, she wants to own her a place outright.
"Says, she'd rather do it this way, you know, so she doesn't have to pay out to anyone. She didn't want to take a chance of them kicking her out."

"I guess I can understand that. I mean, renting can be a bastard if the owner is a dick."
After taking a deep breath, I ask where the shop is.
"Oh. It's around the corner from the Central station." She also tells me, what it's like. It's Mars all over.
"Kayne, it's her to a T."
We kinda fall in silence, and eventually, I say her name, with a sad tone.
"Why doesn't she want me to know what her dream is?"
She looks sad again, and I can see she doesn't want to say it, but when I ask her to tell me, she sighs,

"It's because the last time she let someone in on her dreams. Well, they'd pretty much destroyed them. Mars has a lot of trust issues, and she won't allow people to her heart. She'll only allow in, the ones she loves, and the ones who love her back."
She ends that, with another sigh. What she says next cuts into my soul.
"Don't hurt her Kayne, whatever you do. She's been through a lot and it's going to take work to bring her walls down. I just, well, I only hope. I mean, I don't know what it is but she's different when she's around you, she seems different somehow. I can't quite put my finger on it yet. I know it's only been a week but, if this is only a bit of fun to you, then please, tell her now. Kayne, she needs to know where she stands. The last thing I want to see is her in a bad place again. Not ever."

All I could do was nod. I'm speechless. Yet, after a few moments, I tell her I feel different.
"When I'm around her, I feel different. It's kind of messed up. I mean, as you say it's only been a week, but she's in my head. If I'm honest, I don't think I want her to leave it either."
She smiled, and I end up rubbing my neck again.
"Kayne, I only hope I'm not wrong here, but I have a good feeling about you." She ends that with, a wink. Wow, that's what Mr Shaheed said, "But remember if you hurt her? I will cut your balls off and feed them to the fishes."
With a grin on my lips, I tell her, I have no doubt she will.
"I promise you Shell, I won't ever intentionally hurt her. Not ever."
She smiled again, and with a little nod, she tells me, she placing her trust in me.
"Kayne, my girl needs some good, in her life. And you, my tall tattooed friend, you may just be the happiness she needs."

"No pressure or anything," I tell her with a grin, to which she sends another cheeky wink.
Eventually, I look at the time and notice it's getting a little late. So, I tell her I best get some sleep.

"I've gotta be up early in the morning, so you know. Night Shell, please tell Mars I said goodnight."

"Of course. Night, Kayne."
Fuck! Somebody hurt her? If I ever find out, who did it? I swear, I'll hurt the fucker. Seeing that look on her face gutted me.

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