Chapter 34

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The day she met Kayne...
The bells are about to ring for lunch, and while I sip on my freshly made latté, I'm left to go over my student's work. I'm marking it, making sure they've done as well as I'd hoped. As always, they do great except for my newest student. Lord, it's heart-breaking.
I'm almost finished when I received a call, one from Mr Kayne Vincente. Naturally, my nervousness made me jump when I heard his voice. Yet, once he mentioned where he got my number, I relax, but only a little. I'm not the greatest with strangers, but my therapist said it's good to interact. The more I do it, the more I'll feel comfortable.
The fact I got Mars to agree to a new housemate was a massive step for her too. We both have a few issues to resolve, but Lorraine said it could help. So, that's when I took it to Mars. I told her we need another to ease the rent pressure. Believe me, this place costs a fortune. The only downside to this idea was that Mars made sure I sorted it all out. She wanted no part in that process. Probably a mistake on her part. I could've brought any creepy human in here. But thankfully, she trusts my judgment. Only a little though.
"Hello," was my greeting before clearing my nervous throat.
"Yeah, um... Hi, my buddy Dean Headley told me you have a room to rent? I'm calling to ask, is it still available? I kinda need the room, like now."
As I've already said, when I hear him, my nerves kicked in, but eventually, I took a deep breath and acknowledged his words.
"Yeah, the room's still available. Would you like to come to view it now? I have a spare hour before I have to get back to work if you're quick?"
Without a pause, he responds. "Yeah, that would be awesome, thanks." I kinda want to chuckle at how excited he sounds, but my nerves wouldn't allow it. Once I gave the address, I check my watch when he said, "I'll see you soon." Within seconds, he ends the call. I sit stunned for a moment, thinking about what this could mean if he decides he wants the room. It's a big step, but this is a sure way to know if Mars and I can allow another in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she doesn't get mad.
After taking a deep breath, I gather my things and head out. I tell the receptionist "I won't be too long. I'm just popping home for lunch. I'll be back soon. If I'm needed, just call." She nods, and I make the ten-minute trip over the bridge and head home. I had made it upstairs when I heard a bang. I jump, but then I realise it's the front door. On the way down, they bang again.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming. Hold your horses, will you? Jesus, inpatient much?"
I wish Mars would get a bloody doorbell! This would be so much nicer than people banging on our door, and when I open the door, oh boy! All I can say is, damn, he's beautiful. It takes a moment to register what he's saying. Yet once I shake my wayward thoughts from my head, I realise he's telling me his name. He also reminds me he called about twenty minutes ago.
"Oh, yeah, hi. I'm sorry about that. I'm Shell. Sorry, I can't hear anything from up there." I went on to tell him we need a doorbell, but Mars can't stand the things. She says they make a god-awful sound. She also threw in a few f-bombs, but I don't say it out loud. With a chuckle, I shook his hand.
"Trust me; nothing would make me happier to get one fitted. I hate them too, but it would be better than breaking the door down to let you know somebody's there." With a nod, I agreed with his statement.
"Come on in, I'll show you around. Mind the step, and prepare for a lot of stairs." Again, I nervously chuckled, but I feel I can trust him. Don't ask how because I've no idea. I just feel it.
"So, we have four bedrooms, two on the first floor. The first room's mine and the other is Mars's office. That's out of bounds to us and to any 'visitors' you might have. We also have an attic. It could be a 'possible' room. But, of course, we stay out of it."
I can't help it when I shiver.
"Seriously, stay out of there."
"Why stay out of it?"
"Oh, because it's haunted. Nobody goes up there, not ever. Trust me when I tell you, creepy stuff goes on up there. So, we stay well away from it."
When I shiver again, I see he doesn't believe me. If he takes the room, he'll find out soon enough. That's if he's brave enough to go up there.
"Come on; I'll show you the living room and kitchen."
"Nice," was all he said before I show him the second floor. Technically, it's the third if you count where our front door is. "Down there is our garage. It's where we keep all of our junk."
Although, if that truck outside belongs to him, we might need to clear it out. Our neighbours won't be pleased about three cars being out there.
"Mars' room is next door to what would be your room. I mean, that's if you take it. But again, you need to stay out. Otherwise, there will be hell to pay. There's only one bathroom, and we all share. Rule number one: always lock the door while you're in there. Two: always clean up after yourself, and three: don't ever, EVER touch Mars' stuff, otherwise-"
"Hell on?" He cuts in, finishing my sentence for me. It's when he raised his brow, and I end up chuckling.
"You got it. See, you're fitting in already."
"I'm getting the feeling that Mars is a very territorial person."
Boy, just you wait.
"Oh, you have no idea, Kayne. You have no idea. Ha! Okay, so moving on. This here would be your room."
When I open the door, I allow him to go in first. I decorated this room. Mars refused to have anything to do with it. As I've said, this was my idea, so it's left to me to sort it all. Of course, she's set rules for our new housemate. Mainly just to make sure they stay away from her. Yet, I think once she meets this guy, you know if he stays. I have a feeling that will change. His smile is so good.
"I'll take it, and I can move in straight away. Is that okay? I need this like now. I can also pay a deposit today if it'll make it happen."
Wow, well, that was easy.
"Oh, okay, yeah, that's fantastic. Let's go back downstairs and sort everything out."
Once we sit down at the dining table, I grab the forms that our landlord sent over. It's just to show who's living here and who's paying for what. That way, everybody knows the deal. I also go over the rules again, making sure he stays out of Mars' rooms. When he left, I head back to work. What sealed it for me is when he mentions he cooks. Oh boy, it'll be a nice change, somebody else cooking.

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