Chapter 16

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  It's Monday morning again, and I'm busy getting coffee for my boss. I was planning on having a little fun with it after getting my hands on a pack of laxatives. Only, there are a few co-workers in here with me. So, I skipped his daily intake of Mars secret ingredients. Next coffee, this fucker is going in.
While I stand here, I'm thinking about my recent visit to the cemetery. It was tough. My heart kinda broke when I watched her break in two, in the arms of her old childhood friend. She's still to tell me his deal but, I'm sure she will do soon enough. I'm just giving her a little space, just to sort it all out in her head. So, for now, I'll be here for when she's ready. As for Jack, I had almost shit a brick, when he stood by my side. This came while I'm sat on that bench, just the way he was looking at her. Well, I thought it a little weird. So naturally, I had to ask him "What the hell are you looking at? You know. It's rude to stare, don't you think?"
With a shocked expression, his brows shot up. I'm guessing it's because I've caught him staring at my bestie.

"Oh, sorry doll, I didn't mean to stare. No, it's just she's an old friend of mine. I've not seen her in a very long time." He grins but, he looks sad, "Can I sit?" he asked.
Should I allow a stranger to sit next to me? Only, I'm kinda intrigued to know how he knows my girl though. So, I nod my head while telling him to take a seat. To which he smiles and then thanks me. Only his smile still looks sad.

"So, how do you know my bestie? I swear if you're some kind of stalker or some creepy shit like that? I will take pleasure in beating your six-four arse up." I'm giving him my best stink eye, but he just smiles while chuckling.
"Close, six actually," he ends that with, a wink, "And no, I'm not an old stalker. I like your style though. You seem like a fiercely loyal friend to my old bestie over there. I'm Jack. Jack Landsman."
He then holds out his hand, waiting for me to reciprocate. I tilt my head at the mention of his "old bestie"
"Wait. Oh my god, it's you. Isn't it? The old school friend from the goofy school photo she has in her room?"
He chuckles before nodding again.
"Yeah, I guess that would be me, doll face. I'm glad to hear she still has her picture. I still have my copy. Sadly, it's been so long, so it's a little faded now."
He sighs again, only to ask who I am.
"I mean, what's your name? I can't be calling you Shell's bestie all the time." He asks with a smile.
"Or Doll-face," I ask, and he chuckles, making me smile, "The names Mars, Mars Rose Leigh,"

"Well, it's an honour to meet you, Mars. Mr Adams has told me, a little about you. Apparently, you're quite the character, huh?"
"Hmm... Mr Adams over-dramatizes his stories about me, but yeah, most of what he's probably told you is true."
When I see his eyes light up, I bite my lip.
"So, you're back, huh? How did you find her?"
I'm also wondering why he's back, but I'll wait for now. I won't pry, not just yet anyway.

"Yeah, I thought it was time to search her out. You know, to explain everything. Thankfully, one of our old friends gave me her Dad's address. Once I got in touch, he told me she'd be here."

"Hmm, I'm intrigued, yet again. I bet it'll be a juicy conversation, huh?" I ask with a grin, and he sends one in return. But again, he looks sad.
"I wish it was happy juicy, but no, it's not. Yet, it could be something to give her some closure on everything."
"Wow, well-"

When I see Shell stand, my own words get cut off. Not even seconds later, we both stand. That's when I quickly finish my warning.

"If this is something that will hurt her, I will keep my promise big lad. Trust me, old friend, or not, I will hunt you down and sever your balls. Okay?"
I look right in his face when I tell him this. I see tears in his eyes while watching Shell. Seeing him looking, I turn to see her. She's moving towards us.
"I've no doubt you will, but I promise you, I'll never intentionally hurt her. I don't intend to hurt her either."

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