Chapter 12

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I'm standing in the kitchen, behind the island. I stay hidden, just long enough to hide my hard-on.
I need to calm down. Just watching Mars blush at Shell's words is driving me nuts. She looks sexy as hell, all flushed from coming around my fingers. Seriously, that was hot. Watching her fall apart because of me, I can only describe it as "Bellissima". I can't wait to get inside her now, just to feel her walls squeeze my dick.
Last night, I lay in my bed wanting her gone from my head. Yet things didn't work out that way, because once I watched her walk towards me, my dick sprung to life. The first thing my brain picks out was the fact she had no fucking bra on. Sorry, but her tits are amazing... Hey, I'm a guy, I notice this stuff, especially with her. She wore black boy shorts and a tight arse top. Her hair's down, I see a few waves in there but they're messy. I'm getting a semi again thinking about it. Okay, down boy!
I also saw the tattoo on her shoulder, one full of colour. I had noticed it yesterday, but couldn't see the design. I now know it's an amazing phoenix watercolour tattoo, it looks amazing.

Her head's down and I see she's rubbing her sleepy eyes. She still hadn't seen me, so as she carried on. I couldn't move. Then by the time I tried to move, it was too late. Yep, she'd walked smack bang into my chest. I'm chucking to myself, just remembering her stunned face. She looked so cute. So, I grabbed her shoulders, stopping her from falling back. Yet, for the life of me, I didn't want to let go and seeing her reaction made my body pull tight. I wanted her so badly. Her breathing was pretty hard, practically panting. I could feel her need for me too, but she began pulling away. It hurt, but there was no way I wasn't letting her know I wanted her. I knew she wanted me just as much. So, I placed my hand on her hip. I had pulled her back, pressing her body against mine. I kissed her. She froze, reluctant to let me in. So, I stopped kissing her and almost begged her. I'm silently begging her to give me a chance.
She's done nothing but hold back and I need her to stop. I need her to stop listening to that little voice. It's fucking with her head, making her doubt this. There was no way in hell we weren't doing this. So, when she caved and let me in, it was amazing. Oh, she's amazing. I swear, it was the best fucking kiss I've ever had. Oh, and not forgetting when she said the words "touch me." That was it, I lost it. I wanted her to never forget this moment.

Eventually, I stripped her naked. She's perfect, her body is perfection to me. Bollocks. My balls are gonna be blue. Not being able to see her for the rest of this week's gonna kill me. Just for a second, I thought she was about to stop me. I could see her trying to hide from me, so I had to assure her. I needed to assure her I'll look after her and I can make this good for her. Just knowing I was the first to touch her like that? Christ, it feels amazing. The moment she came around my fingers, I knew she was mine!
Her tattoos... let me tell you, they're sexy as hell. They glide over her body, looking perfect against her milky skin. Whoever designed them has some mad skills. I need to ask her what "MRL" stands for though. I mean, it was only little. About five centre meters long. But if it's an ex? I'm getting my gun. I'll go over it with my work. Now I'm wondering if she'll allow me to design something for her. Now that would be amazing.

We're in the kitchen still and I finally look at the clock on the wall. I realise I'm running late for my train now.
Bastard! Come on Kayne, get your shit together.
"Crap, sorry ladies, but I have to get going. I need to get ready. I'm off to London this morning and my train is due around nine."
I'm looking to Mars with a look that says "I don't want to leave you." Christ, I truly don't. Then Shell asked why I'm going there.
"I've got a shoot booked in. It's one with London Sin," I tell her with a proud smile on my face. At the mention of London Sin, Shell spits her Latté everywhere. Yep, she knows what it is. She seems to spit her drinks out a lot.

"NO WAY, ARE YOU SHITTING ME?" Shell shouts, making me wince and then chuckle.
As for Mars, though? Well, she's looking a little confused. I don't think she knows what it is. Now I feel like such a dick. She's going to hate me. I've just had the most amazing moments of my life, and now I'm leaving. I only hope it's not too bad of a shoot though. I don't think she'll like what she sees. You know, when the shots come out. This is my job, and I've wanted this opportunity for a long time. It's why I don't do relationships. It's too messy with what I do. Mars finally looks at Shell and asks what it is. Of course, I end up rubbing the back of my neck. I'm feeling nervous as hell while Shell fills her in.

"Oh hell, Mars, how can you not know? It's only the biggest, hottest mag in the UK. All sorts of sexy stuff go in it! This is big."
Mars looks shocked, especially with her wide eyes, "What, like posing in sexy underwear, that kinda stuff?"
Here it comes...
"Um, yeah... It's for men and women and well, they sometimes pose naked." She ends that with a wink. "Some shots they do... Whoosh, they are hot. Like panty melt-"
As she's about to say "melting" she stops. This came after seeing Mar's face.
"Oh, Mars."

Shell attempts to apologise, but Mars cuts her off. She's holding her hand up, telling her she's got it. Then she looks at me, biting her lip. Oh crap, she's folding her arms around herself, looking vulnerable.

"Well, I guess that's great. Um..."
She's trying to smile, but I can see she's gutted.
"I hope it all goes well for you Kayne. I truly do." She says with a little nod of her head, but then she moves to leave the room. So of course, I stop her by holding onto her arm. I'm trying to look into her eyes but her head's down.
I seriously don't like seeing her like this. I end up placing my finger under her chin so I can lift her head. I need to see her eyes when I tell her that it's my dream.

"Mars, this is my job. I get photos taken. This is something I've done for a long time. Once you do this mag, you've hit the big time and they want me. For as long as I can remember, it's been my dream. Mars, I should be back on Thursday. I'll see you then, okay?"
I'm looking at her, pleading her to understand. Naturally, I wait for her to answer me. I have to know she'll carry this on with me when I return. This is rough. Why is this, so tough? I've never had this bother me before, so why now? She's looking at me with a mixture of sadness and happiness. Then she shakes her head. It's like she's clearing her thoughts.

"I'm truly happy for you Kayne. Please, don't mistake this for something it's not. I mean, I know what it's like to want your dreams to come true. So, go do what you need to do. Go fulfil your dream. I hope it makes you happy, I truly do. Don't let anyone stand in your way, okay? Good luck." Was her answer to my silent question. She then places a kiss against my lips. It's a light feather's touch and it's so soft, I hardly felt it. So, with a small smile, she whispers, "Goodbye Kayne," sending a shooting pain across my chest. She pulls back and walks away, leaving me here with Shell.
Why does that feel like a goodbye to what we did?

About an hour later, my bags packed and I'm washed and dressed ready to go. I'm wearing my black leather jacket with my black boots. I'm also wearing my blue faded jeans, ones which have rips in them. My shirt is an old AC/DC one. It's one I bought when I watched them a few years back... a fantastic band. I like to travel comfortably, especially when I know I'm going to spend a long time on the train.
Anyway, I've called a taxi to take me to the train station instead of taking my truck. I don't fancy leaving it there, only because the last time I did that, someone broke into it!

I'm walking out of the room, that's when Mars rushes out of hers.
"Kayne," she says while looking a little lost for what she wants to say.
Christ, she looks hot in her red dress.

While I'm busy checking her out, she walks over to stand in front of me. I notice the grin on her face, but she's looking shy and seeing that look made me grin.

"You googled it, didn't you?"
I'm still grinning, but then I end up chuckling when she blushes again.
"Um... "
Down boy!
"Ugh, yeah, I may have had a peek." She says with a little giggle.
"What did you think?" I ask, feeling slightly nervous. Only, I needn't have worried because she shocks the hell outta me with her response.
"Bloody hell Kayne, it's hot, classy even."
Well damn. Once she tells me this, I take a deep breath. Now I know this chick truly is amazing.
"Really?" I ask, with wide eyes.
"Yeah, of course, I mean, I'm not blind Kayne." She huffs out a laugh before telling me she knows a good picture when she sees one, ending that with a cheeky wink.
"Baby, did you think I was doing porn shots or some shit?"
"Ugh, yeah... kinda." She blushed again, obviously embarrassed. It's when she grins, I burst out laughing. So, while I'm shaking my head, I slink my hands around her waist. I pull her against me.
"Fuck no, Principessa." I rasp and kiss the top of her head. "I have a bit more class than that."
She pokes me in the ribs, making me laugh again. All the while I'm doing it, she's looking up at me. Crap, it's with a pissed-off expression.
"That's a hot look on you, Principessa. You should get angry more often."
Once again, I end up laughing again, but then I see her smiling. Oh, boy.
She looks at me funny when she asks why I keep saying this, "Why do you keep calling me, prin, prin-" She's trying her best to say it, but she struggles. So, I say it for her.
"You mean, Principessa?"
"Yeah, that's it. What does it mean exactly?"
Now then, here's where I tell her I'm half Italian. Then I watch her eyebrows lift.
"Wow, well that explains that but what the hell does 'Principessa' bloody mean?"

Gently, I kiss her lips and then tell her, "Princess," making her gasp in shock. She rears back, snapping her eyes up to look at me. They're wide and I can't help it, I laugh at her reaction. Sadly, I look down at my watch. That's when I realise, I need to go now, but not before kissing the hell out of her first. We eventually pull back, both of us a little breathless.

"I'll see you on Thursday baby." I finish, and reluctantly pull away. Shit, I don't want to leave her standing there, but I know I have to, especially since my taxi's waiting.

Eventually, I'm out the front door. After taking a deep breath, I walk towards my taxi. While I'm doing this, it's with a shit-eating grin on my face. Bollocks, I don't want to go. Now I know I'm screwed because this job is what I've wanted for a long time. I'm ready to say "To hell with it all" and stay with her.
I end up giving my head a wobble. I don't like where my thoughts are going.

"Get a grip, Kayne!" I whisper the words to myself before jumping in my taxi. Once inside, I tell the driver where to go.
"Central Station, please."



"Shell, Shell!" I almost scream out, while running towards her room. Once down there, I'm banging on her door. I also jump back a little when she opens it, looking slightly panicked.

"What, what's wrong?"
"He... Oh, bollocks. Shell, he called me Princess!"
She winced after I almost scream out again. Then she grins, looking slightly smug.
"Ha. I told you so and can you turn the volume down please, a woman with a bad head right here." I'm about to laugh at her, but then her first words make me startle a little.
"Huh? What do you mean, I told you so?"
"Well, he's your King and he'll make you his Queen. You'll eventually get married and have babies and shit."

"What the hell? What are you on woman? Seriously, you've been reading far too many of my fucking books." I tell her with a huff, "One, I'm not getting married.
Two, I'm not having any kids. Three, I'm not his Princess and Four? Well, he's not my fucking King! We messed about, that's it. Bloody hell I feel kinda like, a freaking slut. I mean, I've known him for all five minutes! I don't even know his last name, for Christ's sake!"
Shell, finally interrupts my rant.
"Vincente," She said.
"Huh, what?" I ask.
"Vincente... His name is Kayne Vincente."
"Oh," was all I say before biting my nail. Why the hell didn't I ask about his surname when he moved in? I guess I was just, too consumed with thoughts of him. What with trying to hide away from him, it slipped my mind. God, I'm so blonde. If you haven't learned already, the thing to know about me... Well, it's that, I'm an 'act first, ask questions later' kinda gal. Naturally, sometimes I can get myself in more trouble than I'd like.

"Hot, right? He's twenty-eight years old, and freaking half Italian, Mars."
"Yeah, I know the 'Italian' part already. Bollocks, I seriously need a Lar-tay now."
I huff a laugh when I tell her about, how I'd searched Google. You know, for the Sin mag. This made her face light up.
"Shell, they're so hot."
"I know right? I can't wait to see his shots. I wonder how long we'll wait for the mags to go on sale."
She's blushing when she says this. I don't blame her. I did too, just at the thought of seeing them.
"Shit... Oh, my god! Did you know? Did you know, what he was saying to me all this time? You know, when he was calling me Principessa?"
She winces and then chuckles.
"Um, yeah, kind of. I'm sorry sweets. I mean it was fun. You know, just watching all this happen. I guess I just didn't want to spoil it for you."
She chuckles again, but it's a nervous chuckle. She's waiting for me to kick off, but I just shake my head while calling her, a Cow-bag. Eventually, I ask if she's ready to go.

"Yeah, James's left already, something about his sister's car breaking down. Come on then, let's go."
"Okay cool, but hold on. I need my shoes."

Today I'm dressed in my fifties style, red & white polka dot dress. I had paired that with my fifties style, black and white flat dance shoes. Shell's wearing her, blue & white knitted sweater dress and black knee-length boots. Anyone would think we stepped out of a movie.
While locking up the front door, I ask Shell if she's good to drive.

"Uh, yeah, I'm good now. You know, now the aspirin's kicked in."
We both chuckle as we open the car doors. Once seated, she takes a deep breath.
"Right, okay, where to first Mars?" I grin and then place my hand on my chin. I'm tapping it with my finger, while also pretending I'm in deep thought.
"No, I'm afraid we'll need a Rocket Ship, for that trip Shell."
"Ahaaa, Boom-Boom!" Shell high-fived me and then says in, a Forest Gump, voice. "You made a fun-nay."
I'm laughing so hard, I almost pee my pants.

"Okay, seriously though, where too?" She asked and while our chuckles settle down, I reply in a posh voice.
"Why to Starbucks, of course, carry on Jeeves." To which she replied, "Yes, Ma'am." Once again, making us laugh. She then switches the radio on, and almost instantly, my ears pick up. Five Stars, there's a Brand New World, playing. Oh, my days. I freaking love that song. I love it so much that, we sing it at the top of our lungs. Boy, I can tell this is going to be an interesting day. Oh yes, I can just feel it.

First, Shell had to make a stop at the petrol station. Holy crap that was entertaining. Some turd, cow-bag-trollop had only gone and entered the garage. Wait for it. With a lit cigarette in her hands! What the actual fuck? As you can imagine, I let her hear my thoughts. You know, on the fucked up situation. So naturally, I rolled down my window and then, took over with car horn. Yep, I was honking it and I kept on going too until I had the wazzick's attention.
When she finally looks up, she sees me, I let her have it. Oh, and I must tell you her freaking eyebrows were amazingly hideous.

"Are you shitting me right now!? Do you not fucking see where you are!? Put that fucking cancer stick out now before it burns your fucking eyebrows off! Along with every fucker in this petrol station! How fucking stupid, can one person be? Sort your shit out! Ya, useless vagina!"
Shell quickly pulled away before I could say any more. I guess she knows me all too well and she knows I would've gladly stood there all day until I was blue in the face. I'd do it until the trollop learned her lesson. Yeah, I know, I may have gone a little overboard. I mean, come on, I like my life too much to die in a freaking petrol station. Hell, especially with the Sasquatch-brows back there.
So anyway, we're driving along making our way into town. Shell's normal calm, demure, slowly changed. Yeah, her road rage is slowly kicking in. This happened when some turd cut her off. She only follows them, just to give them, the finger. Oh, and she very, not-so-politely said, "Wanka! Get off the freaking road! You cannot drive for shit!" Yeah, her road rage isn't pretty.
I love our road trip days. Trust me, they're hilarious, especially when Shell's driving. She ends up getting lost. This time, we're on a roundabout and we can't figure out which turnoff to take.

"Is it the first or the second turn off? Crap! Mars, which one is it?"
So, because we've no clue, we end up going around it. Yep, three times. Three bloody times! Ha.
Eventually, we end up taking the first turnoff. Luckily, it's the right one.

"Shell, why is it when we go on road trips, we always end up lost? Not forgetting, always end up going round the bend on a bloody roundabout. You do know. It's not good for my vertigo, right?"
Once I tell her this, I end up laughing my arse off.
"Well, it's not a road trip until we get lost and go round a bloody roundabout. I mean, we have to do it, at least a few times. You know it's our tradition, Chip-stick."
Of course, I agree with her and now we're laughing again. We're both laughing so hard, I've got tears streaming down my face.
"Fucking hell, woman, I love you," I tell her, with a little grin.
"Everybody does chick, everybody does." She ends that with, a gloating wink.
When we eventually make it to Starbucks, bad times hit. There's a queue, and I'm not a fan of waiting in them, but of course, I always stand and wait my turn unlike some.

We're chatting away, minding our business when once again, I become a little annoyed. A girl about eighteen years old, give or take. I mean, I cannot tell these days, they're all dolled up, always wearing skimpy belts in winter. For me, when winter comes. Well, I've got about twenty jumpers and socks on. Not forgetting my thermals, you know, just for good measure.
When I get a better look at her, I realise it's only the Trollop! It's the one who'd pissed me off at the petrol station. Jesus, my life! What are the chances? And now she's pissed me off again. I'm assuming she thinks we're not looking only because she pushes her way in front of us. Oh, to hell with that. I'm trying to stay calmer this time, but still, I let her have it.

"Um, excuse me. You may think those eyebrows make you look big and tough! But I will smack them off your face if you don't move your arse back."
I'm also giving her, the stink eye now.
"Did you just choose to skip waiting in line on purpose? Or was it the painted-on mono-brow, preventing you from seeing it?"

I would have said, pencilled mono-brow, but seriously, it looks like a five-year-old's done it for her.
When she looks at me, she huffs out whilst flinging her hair back. And as she's walking back, she calls me a stupid bitch. Oh no, I move to drag her back but Shell stops me. Yet, she knows me too well. I won't let it go.

"Go wash that crap off your face! There should be two fucking brows! You trollop!"

"Holy mother, Mars, you're nuts," Shell says with a slightly embarrassed chuckle. I end up grinning when I tell her, I hate that shit.
"Besides, she deserved every bit of it."
I'm still feeling a little pissed off it too, but I take a deep breath and ignore her.

By the time the drama's over, we're at the counter. I'm kinda annoyed to see the young lad behind the counter, staring at my chest. He's cute and also looks to be about seventeen years old. With his short dark hair and a cheeky smile, he reminds me of a young David Boreanaz. But still, not nearly as hot as a certain sexy-arse-tattooed-hot-towel-guy.
Oh, my god. My body quivers with remembering this morning and Kayne doing stuff for me. Yep, I'm still feeling it. Oh, just stop it woman!

I have to give my head a little shake. I need to get the vision of Kayne's lust-filled eyes, out of it. Yep, this is going to be a long day. Hell, maybe even a week? You know, with the way I'm feeling. Bollocks. I look at the server who's still staring at my cleavage. Hmm, let's have a little fun. Shall we? After inwardly grinning, I lean in and rest my arms on the counter. I'm also making sure I push my tits between my arms, so he gets a better look at my cleavage. That's when I speak to him, in a sexy voice.

"Hi sweetie, I'll have a Caramel Lar-tay, please. And for my girlfriend, she'll have a Vanilla Latté. Thanks. Oh, and two Rocky Roads, please..." I end that, with a flirty wink, only to bite my lip, just trying to hold my laughter.
He's still looking at my chest and his tongue's practically hanging out. Shell's chuckling away and he hears her and finally lifts his head. Of course, his eyes open a little wide, especially when she speaks.

"Eyes up love..."
While she chuckled again, I just shrug my shoulders. Moments later, I straighten up. He nods his head, with an almost embarrassed chuckle. I notice he's looking, slightly flustered. Bless him.

We're making our way out with our free drinks in hand. Yeah, they're just that good. I'm not ashamed to use my girls to get free Lar-tay's, baby!

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