Chapter 47

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I've never seen my Papa like this. Tears filled my eyes while he walked around his desk and stood in front of me. He then rests his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes.
"I love you, my boy and I'm so proud to call you my son. Now you'll be a father yourself, and things will work out for the better. I know it will, but always remember, if you ever need me, I'll be here. I'm just sorry, so sorry, for not giving you the childhood you should've had."
I don't even realise I'm crying until he hugs me.
"I love you, too, Papa."
After our talk, he tells me they've found Ashton. He was hiding in London somewhere, and Papa's men found Butch first. It didn't take much in persuading him to tell all. Well, that is until he's received a bit of torture to help him along. All thanks to Bailey, of course. The prick spilt every bit of information on Ashton. Of course, that's including all the crap that's not down on police records. Papa tells me they're bringing them in, and they should be here soon. Oh, I can't wait for this!

About an hour later, they finally brought Ashton in and took him to the Vineyard barn. I'm standing in front of him, looking at him while he's out cold. Bailey, my Papa's righthand-man, hands me the information on him and almost spits out, telling me I need to read it.
After I've finished reading it, I'm raging! The dirty psychopathic scum needs to die before anyone else gets hurt! He's still knocked out cold and cuffed to a chair. Papa handed me his gun before coming here just in case I needed to use it, and I intend to use it. I didn't give that bit of info to my Papa, though. No, because he wanted Bailey to do it, as Papa said he didn't want blood on my hands, but I'm sorry, I can't let someone else do this.
I'm ready to end his life and believe me, it's for the greater good. Yet not before I beat the shit out of the scumbag first! Oh no, he's not getting out of it that easily. Ashton needs to pay for what he's done! I've left the lights on because I want him to see me. I don't want him to miss out on the show. Then, finally, he comes around.

"Well-Well, it's so nice of you to join us, Mr Williams. I see you've been a very bad lad over the years. You've done some pretty shitty stuff, haven't you? But I'm sure we can find some sort of- what's the word you like to use again? Punishment... Yes, that's it, punishment. I'm sure we can find some good ones for you! What do you think, B?"
I look at Bailey and watch an evil grin spread across his face. He's agreeing while holding up a set of pliers in his hand. It's just one of his array of toys. The man's a nut.
Bailey is a nasty fucker, and he's not against a bit of torture either. When my Papa put me in training, Bailey taught me everything he knows. Most of what he'd shown me scared the crap out of me, stuff he's done to people already. The thought of actually doing things like that to someone just makes my skin crawl. It's that bad.
"We've been looking for you for a while now. I guess you've hidden pretty well, but that's okay because it's given me time to heal. You see..." I turn around so that he can see that I'm all healed and good to go now. "I'm all better and fighting fit. Which is a good thing for me, but you? Not so much because payback's a bitch, my friend!" I huff a laugh when I repeat two of the words he'd said to me on the day he knifed me.
He's squinting, trying to focus his eyes. Then when he realises who I am, his eyes go wide. It's as if a switch had flipped, and his face turns furious. He's trying to get out of his restraints, looking like a wild animal all crazed, spitting and snarling. Eventually, he chills the hell out. Then when he speaks, he realises he's not getting out of that chair-his voice grates on me. What Mars ever saw in this prick; I'll never know. He's just scum of the earth.
"If I'd known who you were, I probably wouldn't have done what I did," Ashton laughed, "But then again, you did take what was mine. I couldn't just let that go!" He says, spitting at my feet. It pisses me off. So, I throw a punch at his face!
"She is not YOURS! She NEVER will be yours ever AGAIN! You Hear Me, ASH-HOLE!" I huff a laugh when I see the look on his face. "You like that? It's a good one, isn't it? We got that little nickname from my woman, Mars." I laugh again when his eyes shoot open, "She's called you that for a long time now. She hates your fucking guts. She also tells me about your little problem, you know, the one downstairs. She says that you're pretty shitty in bed, is that right?"
It's funny as hell to watch his reaction. I smirk when I see him try to get out of his chair again. It's probably childish of me, you know, to bring that shit up. I know I shouldn't tell him this, but the fucker needs to know that she doesn't belong to him! Plus, I like to see it hurt him after all the hurt he's caused her. He needs to pay. He needs to suffer.
"She also tells me she never had an orgasm when you touched her!" I'm shaking my head when I say my following words to him, "Tut-Tut, Mr Williams, did you not know?" I pause for effect because I know he doesn't. Mars told me she never climaxed with him, not ever. The bastard never took the time to find out what she liked. No, because he was too busy getting off his face and not only that but fucking other women. All the while, Mars sat at home terrified, not knowing when the next time he'd beat her up. She sat at home, terrified of him. Prick!
"Oh, dear, let me tell you a little secret then, shall I?" I get up close to his face, so he hears me good, "You're meant to wait till the lady cums first."
I'm grinning when I hear Bailey laugh.
"Or at least in mine and Mar's case, come together. When she squeezes my dick as she comes, it feels fucking amazing. You know what I mean, right? Oh yeah, that's right! It never happened for you and her, did it? That's a shame because it's good, really good."
Ashton's going crazy now, trying his best to get out of his chair; it's pissing me off. So, I throw a few more punches in his face. After a few hits, he goes quiet. Only to laugh as he spits out blood, and it's spilling from his lips. He looks like a fucking maniac, a maniac on acid.
"Calm the fuck down, Ash-hole. You're making yourself look like a bit of pussy right now. I'm not even getting started on you just yet. Your friend, what's his name, Sid? Nah, I'm not too fond of that name. I'll stick to my original name for him, Butch. Yeah, it suits him. Well, let me tell you about your so-called friend.
Butch has been very forthcoming with all the information he has on you!" I'm grinning away, and then I turn serious when I tell him all the stuff he's told us.
"Oh, and he was the one who'd grassed you up. He told us where you were hiding out! Some friend he was, eh? What did you do to him? Did you fuck his woman? Oh no, it wasn't his boyfriend, was it? I'm guessing the latter. Oh, I know, you pissed in his bed?" I look over at Bailey when I speak to him.
"Hey, Bailey, listen to this's a goodie." Then, turning back to Ash, I tell him, "A little birdie told me he pissed his pants when he was inside, isn't that right, Ashy-boy? Something spooked you that day, huh?"
I'm chuckling away, remembering what Mars' Grandad had told me. He mustn't have liked what I just said because he's looking mighty pissed trying to get out of his restraints. You'd think he'd give up by now because he isn't getting out of them ever!
"Fucker! Who the fuck told...?" He suddenly stopped when he realised he's about to fess up.
This made me laugh my arse off.
"Wow, I guess that's a touchy subject, huh, Bailey?" He's laughing too, nodding his head when he agrees.
"Oh... and here I am thinking you're this big tough, scary guy when really, you're scared. You fear things that go bump in the night, huh? Pussy! No wonder Butch grassed you up. I guess you're just not man enough for him, eh?"
"Fuck you, dickhead! I beat his arse for not telling me who you were in the first place! Otherwise, I wouldn't be here, looking at you two ugly bitches! You both got hit with the ugly stick, didn't you, huh?"
He looks to Bailey and then says something that has me wincing, knowing what will happen to him.
"Bumble B, or whatever the fuck your name is."
Go on, lad, dig your own grave.
"I wouldn't go there if I were you, Ashy-boy," I tell him because he'll regret it. He spits at my feet, telling me to "go fuck myself." When I fake a sigh, I shook my head and folded my arms, knowing what will happen if he carries on.
"Well, don't say I didn't warn you!" With a grin, I shook my head again. Then he carried on with his little mean bitch-fest.
"You look like that fucking Sloth from the Goonies. You look like you've been stung a few hundred times! Oh, is that why they call you Bumble Bee? I'm sure you can get some cream for lumps like that on your face."
Bailey jumps up, charging over and throws an uppercut to his face, which causes Ashton's head to whip back. Blood splatters everywhere just from the aftershocks of the hit. When he sits forward, I watch him spit a few teeth out.
Ouch! I told you so.
"See now; that's what you get for being so mean. Now you're not looking so pretty yourself, huh? I'll take the "Bumble Bee" comment. I'll take it as a fucking compliment because I love Transformers. Bee is the shit!" Bailey says with a grin. I'm shaking my head as I'm walking towards Ash again. He has his head down, so I grab him by his hair and pull his head back with force. So, I can speak to him close enough so he won't miss it.
"Ash, I'm sorry, my friend. I'm afraid that's where you are wrong because I've been planning this. I've planned on getting you here since the day I found out what you did to my fiancée."
I let that sit for a bit while I grin, and it's a big toothy grin. It has the desired effect only because now Ashton's kicking off trying to get to me. So, I throw a punch to the side of his head.
"Fucker! She won't stay with you because my Rose has trust issues. I saw to that. I made sure that I was in her head for good." He says this while laughing like the fucking nut-job that he is.
"Every time she's with you, she'll be thinking of me because she knows I love her. I love her more than you or any fucker ever will."
I can't help it, and I laugh at how pathetic he sounds. And how fucking wrong he is. Oh, so fucking wide of the mark.
"Oh, really? So, come on then, tell me this," I grab a chair and sit close enough so that I'm almost in his face, "Did Mars ever cling to your body while she came around your dick screaming your name? Did she cry happy tears when she told you she loved you? Did she cry happy tears when she told you she was pregnant?"
His eyebrows hit the roof, and all the while, I'm watching his reaction, and I can't help feeling happy. I'm delighted that he's suffering, only because he deserves every bit of this.
"She was pregnant?" He asks, and I give him my best cocky grin.
"Oh, fuck no. Mars never loved you enough even to let you touch her, never mind have your kid."
I see his hurt and then rage building. Okay, go in and crush the fucker.
"Mars did do it all, though. I know all this because she'd done it all with me! I... No, I shouldn't tell you. Oh, what the hell. I might as well, eh? I guess I can give you the happy news now that it's all out in the open. She's having my baby, and she also agreed to be my wife. So, tell me now, tell me, who's in her head the most? Who does she love the most? And who will she stay with for the rest of her life? Me, the one she's in love with or the dirty-fucking-scumbag, the bastard who enjoys taking pleasure in hurting defenceless women!"
"You Mother Fucker, I'll fucking Gut You! When I get out of here, You Are Dead! No Fucker touches what's MINE!" He spits out his little rant, and I've had enough. I need to end him now! So, I beat him pretty badly while still in the chair. Every time it falls over, I'm kicking him and then pick him back up to lay into his face.
I grab a metal pole, ready to knock the fucker out, only I suddenly hear something, or should I say, someone behind me. When I turn, I freeze.


When I open my eyes, I see it's still dark. Then I turn over to hold Kayne, but all I get is space. Where the hell is he? Did he even come back to bed? Reaching over for my phone, I checked the time. It's almost three in the bloody morning. Oh, I hope he's okay? Deciding to find out where he is, I slip on my bunny slippers and search for my dirty stop out. Chuckling to myself as I open our room door, I make my way through the house.
I notice all the lights are off, so everyone must be in bed, but there's still no sign of Kayne. What the hell's going on? I look out of the patio window to see if he's outside, but nothing. So, I carry on walking around the house to see if I can find him or even hear him, anything to give me a clue on where he is.
I'm getting worried now because I'm having no luck finding his arse. I look out the main room window, nothing, and I move to leave, but something catches my eye. I look again and see there's a light. It's at the Vineyard barn. Strange, why would the light be on in there? I've not been in that part before. I wonder if Kayne's there.
Making my way out the front door, I start my trek along the grassy path. It's a good five-minute walk to the barn. It's a nice night, so I'm enjoying the stroll. As I get closer to the barn, I notice it's freaking creepy as hell, especially in the dark. It's just at the base of the vineyard, hidden between lots of trees, so it gives a very eerie feel to it. When I eventually make it outside of the barn door, I hear a lot of noises. It sounds like panting. Oh, fuck! What is he doing? Is he? No, he wouldn't, would he? My heart is pounding, trying to breathe and listen to see if he speaks to anyone. If it's a woman, I swear to fucking God I will lose my shit and cut his balls off. My crazy thoughts come to a halt when I hear something which makes my whole body freeze.
"You, mother FUCKER! I'll fucking Gut You! When I get out of here, you are DEAD! No Fucker touches what's MINE!"
Almost instantly, I recognise that voice. I take a deep, shuddering breath and make my way in through the front door. There's a bit of a pathway that leads towards a lit-up room. As I get closer, I hear grunts and banging like someone's getting hit repeatedly. When I enter the room, I'm not prepared for the scene set in front of me. Someone is sitting tied to a chair with Kayne punching the hell out of them.
What the hell!
I'm stunned, and then I see Kayne pick up a metal bar. I walk a little closer, but I stumble into an old wine barrel, and I make a squeaking sound, then it all goes quiet. Shit! Busted!
Kayne turned to look at me with an angry look on his face. I've not seen him look like that before, and it's pretty scary, but then he softens his features with what? Is that a sad face? Maybe he feels gutted that I've witnessed him doing this to someone. Finally, finding my voice to speak, it's almost a whisper.

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