Chapter 17

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   When I wake, it's to a bastard of a headache. What the hell did I do last night? I remember going out. It was the end of shoot party, with a few of the lads who were part of the shoot. I know I drank a bit, but not enough for this throbbing pain. I get a sharp pain shooting through the back of my eyes. This happens when I slowly open them.
"Fuck!" was all I said before trying again.
Slowly this time. I allow them to adjust to the light. Moments later, I realise I need a piss. Yet, when I try to move, something stops me. I look down and see there's an arm, but it's not mine!
Oh shit! Who the hell is that? I need answers, so I follow the arm up to her shoulder. I carry on and when I reach her face, I want to run. What the hell have I done? This cannot be real. I'm dreaming, right? I lift the covers and see I still have my boxers on. Then I check my dick for any evidence of fucking her, but nothing. I know for a fact, I'd never sleep with her on purpose. Suddenly I felt her stir, and I'm out the bed so fast, I almost fall on my face. I have to hold my head too, just to stop it from exploding. Christ, it hurts. She's sitting up now with a grin and says, "Mattina Bello."
"Never mind good-fucking-morning, Eloisa, what the hell's going on? Where the hell am I? And why the fuck have I just woken up in bed with you?" She's still looking at me, but the grin vanished. It's been replaced with a sad expression. I see it, but I don't fucking care it's there. I don't want to be here with her and she knows it.
"Non ricordare, Mio Bello?" She asks if I remember while looking all innocent.
"No, I don't remember! How the hell did I end up in bed with you?"
She replies in her broken English telling me we went to the club. "Remember? We danced and had a good time. I thought you liked me, wanted me again? We were getting along, then one thing led to another and here we are, Mio Caro."
She's about to say more, but I cut in and ask if we fucked. Then Mars suddenly pops into my head. Please say no, please say no,
Bastard fuck! She stands from the bed and then walked towards me. She's naked, and I still don't feel anything for her. So, I put my hand out. I'm trying to stop her from coming any closer. Then I step back, pushing her hand away when she tries to touch me.
"Don't!" I grit out, feeling pissed off. I cannot believe she's pulling this crap with me, and after everything she'd done. She's looking hurt again. She looks fake doing it.
"I don't believe for one fucking second, we slept together last night Eloisa. So, what the hell happened? Wait, did you roofie me?"
She's getting angry now. I know this because she stomps her foot like a little diva child. It makes me laugh. Doing so, only made her more pissed off.
"Screw you, Kayne! You can't treat me like this! You belong to me. I own you! I made you big news when I allowed you to fuck me that night. You'll regret treating me like this! Trust me, I'll make sure you never work in this industry ever again."
I'm looking at her with my head tilted. Then I huff an incredulous laugh. Un-fucking-believable!
"Well, good luck with that! Eloisa, this was my last shoot." I'm still laughing, just seeing her pissed face is hilarious, "Go ahead, be the bitch I've always known you to be."
After grabbing my clothes, I quickly dress. I need to get out of here. Before I left, I tell her something I know will piss her off even more.
"Oh, and I slept with your sister last year, at Ped's party while you were downstairs. Oops, sorry about that."
As those last words pass my lips, she runs for a vase. It sits in the centre of her dresser. Luckily, I just make it out the door. Just in time to hear her scream and throw it as I slam the door. All the while she's doing it, I'm laughing. I've never slept with her sister, that was Sebastian. Come on, I'm not that much of a dick, but as I say, she's a class A bitch. So, she deserved it.
"Now then, where the hell am I?" I say to myself while still feeling disoriented, I look around the place. I'm trying to see if a recognise anything.
I need to find something to help me find out what hotel I'm in. As I focus, I realise I'm still at my hotel. So, after huffing to myself, I make my way to my room. Only, as I round the corner, I bump into blondie. You know the receptionist.
"Oh, Mr Vincente, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there. Is there anything you need?" I cut her off when she touches my arm. She's looking at me with those dreamy eyes again. So naturally, I give a short and quick reply.
"No!" It might have had an edge to it, but I'm sick of this shit. What the hell is with women, just throwing themselves at me?
Jesus, I've turned into a pussy!
As I walk around her, I stop to ask her something which may shed a little light. You know, on what happened last night.
"Did you see me come back here, last night?"
Now she's looking strangely at me. Looking like, I've lost my mind, "Um, yes, you were with Miss Adriano." Naturally, I ask how I looked. "I mean, was I drunk? Did I look drunk?" She nods her head.
"Yeah, I guess, but it was weird, you were so bad, you were practically asleep. We had to get one of our male staff members just to help you up to your room." Huh, my room? I didn't make it to my room.
"What floor, are we on?"
She tilts her head with a confused look, "The tenth floor... Why do you ask? Are you okay, Mr Vincente? You seem a little disoriented."
I'm nodding my head, reminding myself that my rooms on the seventh floor, "No reason. I'm okay. I'm just feeling a little sick. Thanks for your help."
Moments later, I turn and walk around her heading to my room. So, I wasn't even awake enough to make it up there by myself. So, it's obvious the bitch told them to skip my room and take me to hers.
I feel like shit, so there's no way I could've done anything with her. Nut job that she is. I'm raging right now. Trust me, pissed isn't the word! What has Mars turned me into? With this thought, I huff a laugh to myself.
She's in my head, and now she's weaving into my heart. Any other time this wouldn't have bothered me so much, but now I've got Mars, I don't want to mess things up. I only hope to god, she never finds out about last night. Not that I have a clue, what the hell that was... Arse-hole!
Eventually, I check my watch for the time. Jesus, it's two-thirty in the bastard afternoon. Crap! I've missed my train. I hope there's another one? No way can I stay here another night! I need to get back to see Mars.
Finally, after I enter my room, I pack my bags up. Aside from that little fuck-up, I've had an amazing time with the shoot. It was my goal, and thankfully it's one I can tick off my bucket list. It was with that bitch, but it comes with the job description. You have no time for feelings, good or bad.
Now, all I have to do is tell my papa. I need to tell him, it's done and dusted. I can now move on with the next phase of my life. I can get my share in the family business. Knowing this causes me to huff a sigh while shaking my head.
Sadly, the next train wasn't due until ten p.m. So, as you can imagine, it took a while to get back. Of course, I filled that time before my train was due. Oh yes, I'd sorted out the pain in my head. It's amazing what hospitals can find out these days. Let me tell you, that Eloisa has a few serious issues.
Eventually, I leave the stuffy confines of my taxi. I'm feeling pretty drained after that long trip. Jesus, I need sleep.
Using my key, I let myself in before making my way up to my room. Once I'm stood outside of it, I look at Mar's room door. I can't help it, I end up sighing to myself. I want to go in there. I want to see her and to climb in next to her. I so badly want to hold her.
Every night since I left her here, you know, after that morning. Well, that's all I've wanted to do. Of course, I decide not to go in. I mean. It's pretty late and I don't want to disturb her. So, I carry on into my room where I drop my bag on the floor. That's something I must remember to do, wash my clothes. You know, since my Nan's not around to do it for me.
So, after stripping naked, I then climb into bed. I must be pretty tired because once my head hits my pillow. You guessed it, I'm out like a light. Jesus, it feels so good to be home.

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